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ePiframe Documentation

Table of Contents



Use script:

wget -O
chmod +x

Move to next steps


Click to expand
  • Install APTs:
sudo apt-get install imagemagick webp rrdtool dcraw libatlas-base-dev python3 python3-pip RPi.GPIO fbi
  • Install PIPs:
sudo -H pip3 install -I requests python-dateutil smbus2 'configparser>=5.0.0' pandas==1.2.0 numpy==1.20 spidev==3.5 pillow==9.3.0 pyTelegramBotAPI==4.1.1 'flask<2.2.0' werkzeug==2.0.3 flask-wtf==1.0.0 flask-login==0.5.0 'wtforms>=3.0.0'
sudo -H pip3 install -I --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
  • Download ePiframe ZIP file (or use git) and extract it to path:
cd <path>
wget -q -O
unzip -q
cp -r ePiframe-master/* .
rm -r ePiframe-master/
chmod +x *.py
  • Download Waveshare ZIP file (or use git) and extract all RasPi Waveshare display libraries to lib inside path:
cd <path>
wget -q -O
unzip -q
cp -r e-Paper-master/RaspberryPi_JetsonNano/python/lib .
rm -r e-Paper-master/
sudo chown -R pi ..
  • Download Pimoroni ZIP file (or use git) and extract all RasPi Pimoroni display libraries to lib inside path:
cd <path>
wget -q -O
unzip -q
cp -r inky-master/library/inky/ lib/
rm -r inky-master/
sudo chown -R pi ..
  • Enable SPI support:
sudo raspi-config

Go to Advanced Options -> SPI and choose Yes for both questions then select Finish to exit raspi-config

Reboot ePiframe device to start enabled SPI support.

  • Install ePiframe service
    • replace paths
      sed 's/EPIEPIEPI/'$(pwd | sed 's_/_\\/_g')'\//g' misc/ > ePiframe.service
    • enable service
      sudo systemctl enable `pwd`/ePiframe.service

Move to next steps

Next steps

  • Connect display to Raspberry Pi
  • Activate ePiframe token and credentials for using Google Photos API and/or use local source option
  • Configure ePiframe with config.cfg file inside installation path
  • Check configuration with ./ --check-config
  • Do a test with ./ --test without sending photo to display
  • Do a test with ./ --test-display to test display
  • Reboot ePiframe device to automatically run frame
  • Enjoy your ePiframe!

Local Source

ePiframe can pull photos from a local folder (or subfolders recursively) specified in the configuration. This option is good for offline devices and when folder is synced with external sources.

NOTE - Local Source can be the only one or one of the photo sources enabled along with other possible options.

The script will check the configured location looking for images according to extensions (case-insensitive). It will also collect the modification time used for photo sorting and filtering.

Cloud sync

As proposed by @spn91 the Local Source folder can be used to synchronize with nearly every cloud storage using external software Rclone

Other sources

It is possible to download photos to a local storage (and use them by ePiframe) from several image hosting sites using 3rd party software:

  • gallery-dl - a command-line program to download image galleries and collections from DeviantArt, Flickr, Instagram, Pinterest and many more
  • iCloud Photos Downloader - a command-line tool to download all your iCloud photos

Google Photos

ePiframe needs to have credentials and access token to access Google Photos of Google account in an unsupervised way when Google Photos source is enabled in the configuration. For this You need to activate Google Photos API for the account used by ePiframe and configure application in Google Cloud Console.

NOTE - Google Photos can be the only one or one of the photo sources enabled along with other possible options.

Usually You will be asked to do that after automatic installation and there are two ways to do that: with the ePiframe Activation Tool website with visual guide or in the console but if not already done, here are the steps needed on Google Cloud Console:

Click to expand
  • Create new or use an existing Google account for ePiframe and log in.
  • Go to Google Cloud Console.
  • Click on Select a project.
  • Click on NEW PROJECT
  • Put ePiframe in the Project name field and click CREATE You have created ePiframe project!
  • Now select ePiframe project by clicking on it
  • Click APIs & Services in the panel on the left hand side and pick Library
  • Search for Photos and then click Photos Library API
  • Click on ENABLE. Now You have given Your ePiframe project support to Google Photos API
  • Go to Credentials in the panel on the left hand side under APIs & Services and click CONFIGURE CONSENT SCREEN
  • Choose External and click CREATE
  • Put ePiframe in the App name field, type Google email used for Your ePiframe where necessary, scroll down and click on SAVE AND CONTINUE three times until You get to Summary.
  • Click BACK TO DASHBOARD. Your application consent screen is ready!
  • Click on PUBLISH APP in Oauth consent screen section under APIs & Services to publish Your application
  • Click on +CREATE CREDENTIALS and choose OAuth client ID
  • Pick Desktop app as Application type and put ePiframe in the Name field. Click CREATE
  • You have created OAuth client for Your ePiframe! Click on DOWNLOAD JSON to download JSON formatted credentials file
  • You can always get it from the Credentials dashboard by clicking download icon in Actions column of Your desired Client ID

Now go to next steps for ePiframe activation.

Activate from ePiframe device

If not already done during automatic installation start the ePiframe Activation Tool with ./ --activate command in the main path and follow the instructions.

You can choose if You want to activate on website with visual guide or in the console.

Activate from other device

It is possible to activate the access to Google Photos API for ePiframe on any other device with Python 3.

You need to have these prerequisites installed:

sudo -H pip3 install -I --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib


  • wget && chmod +x && ./
  • Only console mode is possible as there are too many dependencies needed for website mode
  • Script will produce token.pickle and credentials.json files
  • Copy these files to ePiframe device inside installation path (using rsync or scp)

Weather Stamp

ePiframe can show weather stamp (icon + temperature) in defined frame corner, color and size. The weather information is taken from OpenWeather according to coordinates. You need to set up some values in the config.cfg file.

To get the needed values:

  • Create an account in Open Weather Map API
  • Sign in to OpenWeather account
  • Go to Profile->My API Keys, copy the generated API key and put it in the config.cfg configuration file under [Weather]->apikey value
  • Now go to
  • Find desired GPS coordinates for the weather information by location, ZIP code or simply click it on the map
  • Copy Longtitude and Lattitude values and put them in the config.cfg configuration file under [Weather]->lon and [Weather]->lat values
  • Enable [Weather]->show_weather=1 flag in the config.cfg configuration file and set other weather stamp parameters like size, position and color
  • Now the weather stamp will appear on the photo after next frame update

NOTE - To troubleshoot OpenWeather API key issues and connectivity check the tools/ tool.

Telegram Bot

ePiframe can optionally be controlled by a Telegram Bot and expose some basic commands to control the frame. Implementation uses pyTelegramBotAPI and is a persistent thread running when ePiframe is online. You need to set up some values in the config.cfg file.

To get the needed values:

  • Create a Telegram account on any device
  • Talk to Bot Father - father of all bots
  • Create a new bot with /newbot command, set name ePiframeBot and username ePiframeBot (add some numbers at the end to make it unique or use other username)
  • BotFather will present HTTP API token, copy it and put in the config.cfg configuration file under [Telegram bot]->token
  • You can set other bot options with BotFather (i.e. description, image, if bot can be in group, etc.) but set up the possible commands by /mybots command, choose the ePiframeBot, then click Edit Bot->Edit Commands and paste:
     start - Show help
     help - Show help
     ping - Ping frame
     echo - Say # text
     status - Show frame status
     reboot - Reboot frame
     when - Show next update time
     next - Trigger frame update
     current - Show current photo
     original - Show current original photo
     longer - Display current photo # times longer	
    Now the commands will be visible in the Telegram App as a list.
  • Enable [Telegram bot]->use_telebot=1 flag in the config.cfg configuration file
  • Restart ePiframe service and from now on sending commands to ePiframe bot (search in Telegram App for username set in BotFather) will control the frame

NOTE - To troubleshoot Telegram bot token key issues and connectivity check the tools/ tool.

❗ IMPORTANT ❗ - You can limit number of users/groups that can control the ePiframe bot (all bots are public and accessible by others!) by setting [Telegram bot]->chat_id list in the config.cfg - that will allow only the defined chat ids to control bot. To get chat id use the tool above.

Web User Interface

ePiframe can optionally be controlled by a web user interface under defined network port. Implementation uses Flask and is a persistent thread running when ePiframe is online. You need to set up some values in the config.cfg file.

To configure:

  • Enable [Web interface]->use_web=1 flag in the config.cfg configuration file
  • Set IP address in [Web interface]->web_host option in the config.cfg configuration file. Set for hosting on all possible public IP addresses.
  • Set port in [Web interface]->web_port option in the config.cfg configuration file. Set port value between 1-65535 that You want to have WebUI hosted under. Sometimes it is needed to have this port open in the Firewall.
  • Restart ePiframe service and from now on under given IP address and port (http://[ip]:[port]/), You'll be able to control the frame.

NOTE - To troubleshoot WebUI IP, port issues and connectivity check the tools/ tool.

NOTE - Keep in mind that any port number below 5000 needs root privilleges to be possible to assign.

WebUI Users

It is possible to secure Web User Interface of ePiframe with usernames and passwords. You need to create a user (multiple possible) with ./ --users command.

NOTE - Keep in mind that even one account added to the ePiframe users will block the Web Interface until successfull authentication. Deleting all users will unblock it for everyone.


It is possible to control ePiframe from a simple API and even secure it with authentication keys. It is not needed to have the key but in case You need to secure API calls create a user (multiple possible) with ./ --users command. Every user has an API key generated automatically which You then get in the same command tool.

NOTE - Keep in mind that even one account added to the ePiframe users will block the Web Interface until successfull authentication or API key authentication. Deleting all users will unblock it for everyone.

NOTE - The users database created in previous ePiframe versions doesn't need to be updated, recreated or modified as it will be updated automatically to the newest version and with no data lost. Old users will have their keys generated automatically.

ePiframe API


ePiframe supports custom plugins that can be created by anyone and can enhance ALL ePiframe functions (or even more). Check ePiframe_plugin for more information, documentation, examples, tutorial and available plugins list.

Plugins execution order

Some plugins, especially the ones that do visual changes to the photo, can overlap each other, e.g. a frame can be drawn on the information displayed on the photo. To avoid that it is possible to manually change the plugins execution order in the plugins folder order.cfg file, that will be populated after the first ePiframe run with new plugins. You can manually change the lines to adapt the order for the configuration or do that in Plugins-Execution Order menu in ePiframe WebUI.


Update Automatically

Since ePiframe v0.9.6 beta #10

Use script:

cd [Your ePiframe path]
wget -O
chmod +x
./ --update

NOTE - Since ePiframe v0.9.6 beta #8 ePiframe has a config.cfg configuration file backward compatibility. That means that any existing configuration file can be used in the newer version of ePiframe and non-existing configuration properties will be set to default values.

Update Manually

Click to expand
  • Save Your config.cfg configuration file in other location.
  • Save Your credentials.json file in other location. It may be under different name specified in the [Credentials]->cred_file entry in the config.cfg configuration file.
  • Save Your token.pickle file in other location. It may be under different name specified in the [Credentials]->pickle_file entry in the config.cfg configuration file.
  • Save Your misc/users.db file in other location.

Uninstall, install ePiframe again and copy back all files from previous steps.

NOTE - Since ePiframe v0.9.6 beta #8 ePiframe has a config.cfg configuration file backward compatibility. That means that any existing configuration file can be used in the newer version of ePiframe and non-existing configuration properties will be set to default values.



Use script:

cd [Your ePiframe path]
./ --uninstall

Move to next steps


Click to expand
sudo systemctl stop ePiframe.service
sudo systemctl disable ePiframe.service

Move to next steps

Next steps

  • Whole ePiframe code is in the directory where it was installed so delete it if not needed
  • All dependecies installed for ePiframe are here


  • Configure ePiframe with config.cfg file inside installation path. Just one file and with lots of descriptions. The service restart is needed only for all service related features (i.e. WebUI, Telegram Bot, etc.) and it's indicated in the config file, the other settings are loaded per run/refresh
  • ALWAYS check configuration with ./ --check-config

NOTE - Interval multiplication option which can prolong the photo display time, uses hot word (i.e. hotword #, where # is interval multiplicator value) in the photo description field. You can change this attribute only for your own photos or for all only when you're an owner of the album. It's description in the photo information panel not photo comment. Comments are inacessible from Google Photos level (unfortunately) as are stored in different database 😟

NOTE - Interval multiplication is also possible for photos from local source. The comment (i.e. hotword #, where # is interval multiplicator value) can be added with ImageMagick tool by convert <photo_name> -set comment <comment> <photo_name> and checked with convert <photo_name> -format "%c" info:


Initially ePiframe was meant to be used with Waveshare e-Paper SPI displays, but now it supports Pimoroni inky e-paper any HDMI (there are also e-Paper HDMI displays) or Composite screens. FBI framebuffer imageviewer is used for that, and it works with Desktop or CLI (console) OS versions.


  • Enable SPI (display_type) in configuration and set screen width and height
  • Set e-Paper type to Waveshare (epaper_type) and color schema (epaper_color), e.g. BW, 7 colors, BW+Yellow, etc.
  • Set Waveshare display package name (display) from Waveshare codes that was previously tested (and worked), e.g. epd7in5_V2, epd5in65f, epd5in83bc, etc.
  • Test ePiframe from SSH with sudo ./
  • If all good then ePiframe service will work now with the display


  • Enable SPI (display_type) in configuration and set screen width and height
  • Set e-Paper type to Pimoroni (epaper_type) and color schema (epaper_color), e.g. BW, 7 colors, BW+Yellow, etc.
  • Set Pimoroni display package name (display) from Pimoroni codes that was previously tested (and worked), e.g. phat, what, inky_uc8159, inky_ssd1683, etc.
  • Test ePiframe from SSH with sudo ./
  • If all good then ePiframe service will work now with the display


  • Enable HDMI (display_type) in configuration and set screen width and height
  • Set up if photo should be converted to grayscale and/or limit the color pallete with colors number setting
  • Check manually if the image appears with sudo fbi -vt <virtual terminal> -a <photo name> (Escape leaves imageviewer), where virtual terminal is the number >= 0 (1 by default) that represents the terminal to be used. Usually the default setting should work but on some OS other values should be checked.
  • Set up TTY option in configuration to the working virtual terminal number
  • Test ePiframe from SSH with sudo ./
  • If all good then ePiframe service will work now with the display

Command line

Main ePiframe script is written in Python and can work from CLI, the ePiframe service daemon just runs it without any arguments. But here are additional available commands helpful for tests and debugging:

Syntax: [option]

  • --check-config - checks configuration file syntax
  • --test - tests whole chain: credentials, pickle file and downloads photo but without sending it to the display. Used to test configuration, photo filtering, etc
  • --test-display [file] - displays the photo file on attached display with current ePiframe configuration. If no file is provided the photo_convert_filename from the configuration is used. Only converted photos should be put on display! Use --test-convert for that
  • --test-convert [file] - converts the photo file to configured photo_convert_filename with current ePiframe configuration. If no file is provided the photo_download_name from the configuration is used
  • --no-skip - like --test but is not skipping to another photo, not marking photo as showed, etc.
  • --users - manage users for the WebUI: add, change passwords, delete, etc.
  • --help - show help

NOTE - To not interfere with working ePiframe thread it's better to stop the service before using commands.


When ePiframe is not refreshing, it's a tragedy indeed. Check your wiring with display, check power supply, check internet connection and try to reboot the device. If that doesn't help:

  • Check logs for service and ePiframe script that are stored in configured log_files location
  • Check configuration
  • Do a test with ./ --test without sending photo to display and get detailed log on what is happening
  • Make sure that configured photo filtering is not narrowing too much, i.e. only one or no photos at all are filtered (test that in the step above)
  • Check ePiframe service status: sudo systemctl status ePiframe.service and restart if not running
  • Sometimes changing a color preset can fix black screen problem as some photos react strange to image processing

If problem still occurs, please create an issue here.

NOTE - I've experienced some display issues like shadowing or distorted images when used bad or too weak power supplies so make sure you provide stable 5V/3A.

Service control

ePiframe comes with a system service that is fully autonomic, automatic and cls-recovering. It can be left completely unsupervised, but it is possible to control it if needed, the same way as every service in Linux:

sudo systemctl stop ePiframe.service
sudo systemctl start ePiframe.service
sudo systemctl restart ePiframe.service

It is possible to start (for test purposes) only WebUI or TelegramBot thread from the service:

cd <Your ePiframe path>
#stop first if running
sudo systemctl stop ePiframe.service
./ start web
#or TelegramBot
./ start telegram

❗ IMPORTANT ❗ - These services must be enabled in the configuration file!

NOTE - Service deamon is surpressing all output and errors by default. To disable that function use --debug flag at the end.

NOTE - Service will not show any errors if the configuration is wrong or the thread cannot be started. Check debugging section.

NOTE - Keep in mind that any port number below 5000 needs root privilleges to be possible to assign (use sudo ./ ...)