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Firebase v7+ mock. Great for unit testing and Storybooks. Built-in support for TypeScript included.

However, please note that not all features are implemented. Take a look at the implemented features table to find out what is available and what is not.

How to use

Wherever you would use Firebase's app or its features, you pass a Mockbase app or feature instance:

const firebase = require("firebase");
function signInWithFacebook(firebaseAuth: firebase.auth.Auth) {
  firebaseAuth.signInWithPopup(new firebase.auth.FacebookAuthProvider());

function addTodo(text: string, todoCollection: firebase.firestore.CollectionReference) {
  return todoCollection.add({ text });

const MockApp = require("mockbase");
const app = new MockApp("app name");
addTodo("Clean home up", app.firestore().collection("todo"));

Implemented features

Feature group Status
Auth ⚠️ Partly implemented
Database ❌ Not implemented
Firestore ✅ Implemented*
Messaging ❌ Not implemented
Storage ❌ Not implemented

* There's no difference between server and cache, thus there won't be pending writes.