Arcade Game made with Javascript, CSS and HTML. Part of Udacity's frontend nanodegree.
To paly the game, simply open the 'index.html' file in a browser.
The objective of this game is to stay on the rocks for as long as possible without getting hit by a bug.
Using the provided code, we implemented some another files and other functions. The files are described below:
- app.js: entry point of this application on browsers.
- enemy.js: object model of enemy, the position and speed are located here.
- engine.js: renderer logic, update and timer control of the game.
- game-entity.js: high level of all entities that are playable or has any movement/impact on the player.
- player.js: object model of player. The behavior of move is inside here too.
- resources: all resources necessary to use on this app, are handled here.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details