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We're using PostGraphile in a database-driven fashion in this project; so our database is paramount. This package includes all the database migrations (one to start with, but you'll add more to build your project) and tests (using jest) for database functionality.


We're using Graphile Migrate to manage the migrations in this project; but you may prefer to switch this out for your preferred migration framework such as db-migrate, sqitch, Knex migrations, migra, goose, micrate, flyway or many many many others.

Should you decide to stick with Graphile Migrate, we strongly encourage you to read the Graphile Migrate README before attempting to write your own migrations. Graphile Migrate works in quite a different way to many other migration frameworks, and relies on your discipline and SQL knowledge to work well.

If you're not very comfortable with SQL then we recommend you use an alternative migration framework (for now at least, Graphile Migrate is still young...)

Read more about the migrations in migrations/

Database Roles

Graphile Starter uses three roles:

  • DATABASE_OWNER - this is the role that owns the database (not the database cluster, just the individual database); i.e. it's the role that runs all the migrations and owns the resulting schemas, tables and functions.
  • DATABASE_AUTHENTICATOR - this is the role that PostGraphile connects to the database with; it has absolutely minimal permissions (only enough to run the introspection queries, and the ability to "switch to" DATABASE_VISITOR below). When a GraphQL request comes in, we connect to the database as DATABASE_AUTHENTICATOR and then start a transaction and evaluate the equivalent of SET LOCAL role TO 'DATABASE_VISITOR'. You might choose to add more visitor-like roles (such as an admin role), but the maintainer finds that the single role solution tends to be more straightforward and has been sufficient for all his needs.
  • DATABASE_VISITOR - this is the role that the SQL generated from GraphQL queries runs as, it's what the vast majority of your GRANTs will reference and the row level security policies will apply to. It represents both logged in AND logged out users to your GraphQL API - it's assumed that your Row Level Security policies will differentiate between these states (and any other "application roles" the user may have) to determine what they are permitted to do.

The DATABASE_OWNER role is also used for certain "elevated privilege" operations such as login and user registration. Note that SECURITY DEFINER functions adopt the security level of the role that defined the function (as opposed to SECURITY INVOKER which uses the security of the role that is invoking the function), so you should therefore make sure to create all schema, tables, etc. with the DATABASE_OWNER in all environments (local, dev, production), not with your own user role nor the default superuser role (often named postgres). This ensures that the system behaves as expected when graduating from your local dev environment to hosted database systems in production.


Our database tests are written in Jest, enabling you to call database functions or run SQL and perform your regular assertions against them. We've added a number of helpers to make this easier; read more in the __tests__ README.