All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format from v2.0.0 onwards is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Support removed for Python versions 2.7, 3.4 & 3.5 [#1103, #1106]
- If you were previously setting custom locations for FFmpeg or ImageMagick in
and MoviePy still cannot autodetect the binaries, you will need to switch to the new method using enviroment variables. [#1109]
- BitmapClip allows creating of custom frames using strings of letters
- Clips can now be tested for equality with other clips using
. This checks whether every frame of the two clips are identical - Support for path-like objects as an option wherever filenames are passed in as arguments [#1137]
- Autodetect ImageMagick executable on Windows [#1109]
- Optionally configure paths to FFmpeg and ImageMagick binaries with environment variables or a
file [#1109] - Optional
parameter inSubtitlesClip
[#1043] - Added new
function inffmpeg_tools
- Optional
parameter inVideoClip.write_videofile()
to specify where the temporary audiofile should be created [#1144] VideoClip.set_layer()
to specify the layer of the clip for use when creating aCompositeVideoClip
additionally returns"video_bitrate"
values [#930]- Access to the source video's bitrate in a
have had their order swapped. The correct order is noww, h
but it is preferable to explicitly use keyword arguments
- Support removed for Python versions 2.7, 3.4 & 3.5
- Setting paths to ImageMagick and FFMpeg binaries in
is no longer possible [#1109] - Removed
functions [#1109] - All previously deprecated methods and parameters [#1115]:
-> useAudioClip.write_audiofile()
-> useVideoClip.write_videofile()
-> useVideoClip.write_images_sequence()
-> useconcatenate_videoclips()
parameter inAudioClip.write_audiofile()
-> Instead ofverbose=False
, uselogger=None
-> no replacementcol
parameter inColorClip()
-> usecolor
- When using
, errors would not be properly reported [#890] TextClip.list("color")
now returns a list of bytes, not strings [#1119]"colorname", "color")
does not crash with a TypeError [#1119]vfx.even_size
previously created clips with odd sizes [#1124]IndexError
[#1124]- Using
with aColorClip
no longer crashes [#1139] AudioFileClip
would not generate audio identical to the original file [#1108]- Fixed
when usingfilename
instead oftxt
parameter inTextClip
[#1201] - Several issues resulting from incorrect time values due to floating point errors [#1195], for example:
- Blank frames at the end of clips [#210]
- Sometimes getting
IndexError: list index out of range
when usingconcatenate_videoclips
- Applying
with a non-constantnewsize
to a clip with a mask would remove the mask [#1200] - Using
would crash withValueError: The truth value of an array with more than one element is ambiguous
v1.0.3 (2020-05-07)
Bonus release to fix critical error when working with audio: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'stdout'
v1.0.2 (2020-03-26)
Note that this is likely to be the last release before v2.0, which will drop support for Python versions 2.7, 3.4 & 3.5 and will introduce other backwards-incompatible changes.
Notable bug fixes:
- Fixed bug that meant that some VideoFileClips were created without audio #968
- Fixed bug so now the
effect works #795
Fixed bugs:
- Fixed potential crash trying to call the logger string as a function #1082 (tburrows13)
- Get ffmpeg to use all audio streams #1008 (vmaliaev)
- Reorder FFMPEG_VideoWriter command arguments #968 (ThePhonon)
- Test that the temporary audio file exists #958 (ybenitezf)
- Fix slide out #795 (knezi)
- Correct the error message to new filename. #1057 (jwg4)
Merged pull requests:
- Remove timer in stdout flushing test #1091 (tburrows13)
- Update github issue and PR templates #1087 (tburrows13)
- Clean up imports #1084 (tburrows13)
- refactor Pythonic sake #1077 (mgaitan)
- Upgrade pip by calling via python (in appveyor). #1067 (jwg4)
- Improve afx.audio_normalize documentation #1046 (dspinellis)
- Add Travis support for Python 3.7 and 3.8 #1018 (tburrows13)
- Hide pygame support prompt #1017 (tburrows13)
Closed issues:
- ImageSequenceClip write_videofile #1098
- Formatting code with Black #1097
- Make effects be callable classes #1096
- URGENT - Documentation is inaccessible #1086
- Drop support for python < 3.6 #1081
- TextClip filenotfounderror winerror2 #1080
- unable to create video from images #1074
- Crash on loading the video, windows 10 #1071
- Audio Issue while concatenate_videoclips'ing ImageClip and VideoFileClip (contains audio already) #1064
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'stdout' #1054
- Overlay a video on top of an image with Moviepy #1053
- get_frame fails if not an early frame #1052
- from google.colab import drive drive.mount('/content/drive') import cv2 import numpy as np from skimage import morphology from IPython import display import PIL image = cv2.imread('/content/drive/My Drive/CAR3/11.JPG',cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) from google.colab.patches import cv2_imshow #image = cv2.resize(image,(384,192)) cv2_imshow(image) #1051
- Segmentation fault (core dumped) #1048
- zip over two iter_frames functions doesn't render proper result #1047
- CompositeVideoClip([xxx]).rotate(90) ValueError: axes don't match array #1042
- to_soundarray Index error #1034
- write_videofile does not add audio #1032
- does not set audio #1030
- loop for concatenate_videoclips #1027
- How to resize ImageClip? #1004
- Pygame pollutes stdio with spammy message #985
- Issue with ffmpeg version #934
- No release notes for 1.0.0? #917
- Imageio's new use of imageio-ffmpeg #908
ModuleNotFound: No module named 'imageio\_ffmpeg'
, or imageio v2.5.0 is breaking ffmpeg detection in config #906- CompositeVideoClip has no audio #876
- Handling of the ffmpeg dependency #859
- 'ffmpeg-linux64-v3.3.1' was not found on your computer; downloading it now. #839
- Typo in variable name in instead of ts) #692
- version TypeError: must be str, not bytes #650
- AWS Lambda - Moviepy Error - #638
- Adding conda-forge package #616
- Several YouTube examples in Gallery page are unable to load. #600
- ffmpeg not installed on Mac #595
- FFMPEG not downloaded #493
- Fix documentation #482
- Moviepy is producing garbled videos #356
- Help with contributing to the documentation? #327
- audio custom filter documentation? #267
- Mistake in doc, clips.html part. #136
v1.0.1 (2019-10-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- More resilient Windows CI regarding fetching ImageMagick binaries #941 (Overdrivr)
- [docker] drop the not needed download and symlink of ffmpeg #916 (das7pad)
Closed issues:
- website video examples broken videos #1019
- Audio glitches when using concatenate_videoclips. #1005
- txt_clip = TextClip(filename='') --bug:TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType #984
- txt_clip = TextClip(filename='') --bug:TypeError: stat: path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType #983
- txt_clip = TextClip(filename='')path should be string, bytes, os.PathLike or integer, not NoneType #982
- write_videofile writes blank black when writing grayscale #973
- i dont understand this question #967
- Thank you guys! #957
- Saving an opencv stream #953
- Issue with reader not being defined #950
- On Windows, ImageMagick needs to be installed with Utility mode for the convert.exe file to exist #937
- extract subtitles #932
- ffmpeg_parse_infos silently hangs on Windows when MP4 file contains enough metadata #926
- crop missing from #914
- Segmentation Error on VPS #912
- Error when installing with imageio #911
- Backwards compatibility #889
- frozen seconds in beginning of subclip using ffmpeg_extract_subclip() #847
- [Errno 3] No such process : on Windows Sub Linux (ubuntu 16.x) #765
- Progress bar newline error in Jupyter #740
- Refer to magick on #689
- Configure Appveyor support #628
- tqdm progress bar write_videofile send to iterator #568
- ffmpeg_extract_subclip returns black frames #508
- Windows: specifying path to ImageMagick in #378
- AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'start' #191
- ImageMagick write gif success but no file found #113
Merged pull requests:
- Create v1.0.1 #1023 (tburrows13)
- Update maintainer list in the README #1022 (tburrows13)
- fixed small error in 'Clip' documentation #1002 (thomasmatt88)
- Specify Coverage version explicitly. #987 (Julian-O)
- Updating Docs for ImageMagick Installing Guide #980 (ABODFTW)
- Several ImageMagick related bug fixes #972 (KiLLAAA)
- Auto-detect image magick latest 6.9.X-Y version #936 (Overdrivr)
- Windows-based testing #931 (Overdrivr)
- Fix formatting in logger #929 (tnoff)
- Fix for #926 #927 (Overdrivr)
- Invalid video URL in docs/getting_started/compositing #921 (gepcel)
- Do not install tests in site-packages #880 (cgohlke)
- FIX changed order of specifications -ss befor -i for ffmpeg_extract_subclip() #848 (grszkthfr)
v1.0.0 (2019-02-17)
Closed issues:
- Can't overlay gizeh animation onto video with transparency/mask #898
- [] Garbled audio when exporting mp3 from mp4? #891
- Error with VideoFileClip(filePath) #868
- I am trying to run this code #867
- Out of memory exception #862
- simple problem on the first step: importing moviepy.editor #852
- MoviePy insert multiple images in a video #840
- Videogrep can't works with Moviepy in Windows #834
- File "<stdin>", line 1 error #832
- ImageMagick error - Ubuntu 16.04 #831
- Combining thousands of small clips into one file #827
- TypeError: 'ImageClip' object is not iterable #824
- OSError: [WinError 6] The handle is invalid... concatenating clips #823
- How to add audio tracks. not to replace it. #822
- Missing 'ffmpeg-win32-v3.2.4.exe' #821
- No sound with an audio clip add to an video in quicktime #820
- Pip fails when trying to install #812
- PermissionError after trying to delete a file after it's purpose is done #810
- video clip from URI #780
- Fails on FreeBSD #756
- inconsistent behaviour of clip.get_frame() #751
- Error with write_videofile #727
- Trying to use moviepy on lambda, but has problem with ffmpeg #642
- Unexpected Behavior With negative t_start in Subclip #341
- Could not find a format to read the specified file in mode 'i' #219
- WindowsError[5] and AttributeError Exception #170
- Can't make VideoFileClip 'utf8' #169
- Rendered output missing first frame #155
- Incorrect output when concatenate_videoclips two quicktime videos #144
- a bytes object is recognised as a string #120
Merged pull requests:
- New version of imageio with imageio_ffmpeg for python 3.4+ #907 (Zulko)
- fix typo that introduces audio regression #894 (chrox)
- modified max duration error for better understanding #875 (kapilkd13)
- Fixed typo in docstring for VideoClip class #871 (Armcollector)
- Fix a small typing error #845 (yuvallanger)
v0.2.3.5 (2018-05-31)
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- 100% of GIF does not convert to MP4, gets cut short. #802
- How to add audio track to MP4? #794
- ffmpeg 4.0 NVIDIA NVDEC-accelerated Support ? #790
- Help!!!! errors during installation on Mac #788
- Blink fx uses deprecated(?) method
#786 - Built-in file downloader downloads files repeatedly? #779
- Error in compositing video and SubtitlesClip by CompositeVideoClip #778
- SubtitlesClip #777
- Video Background #774
Merged pull requests:
- fixing the git remote syntax in documentions #887 (ishandutta2007)
- Progress bar optional for GIF creation #799 (mdfirman)
- Added contributing guide and issue template #792 (tburrows13)
v0.2.3.4 (2018-04-22)
Closed issues:
- fail to install #771
- install moviepy #758
- How to prepend hexadecimal data to a binary file? #757
- It’s time for a new release #742
- wrong video duration value when concatenating videos with method = compose #574
Merged pull requests:
- Added
parameter topreview\(\)
#773 (tburrows13) - add pcm_s24le codec #769 (lsde)
v0.2.3.3 (2018-04-17)
Implemented enhancements:
- Use feature detection instead of version detection #721 (cclauss)
- Fixed Optional Progress Bar in cuts/detect_scenes #587 (scherroman)
- Fix travis build and enable pip caching #561 (mbeacom)
- Avoid mutable default arguments #553 (mbeacom)
- add ImageSequenceClip image size exception #550 (earney)
Fixed bugs:
- Added ffmpeg download when importing moviepy.editor #731 (tburrows13)
- Fixed bugs, neater code, changed docstrings in audiofiles #722 (tburrows13)
- Resolve undefined name execfile in Python 3 #718 (cclauss)
- Fix credits, added tests #716 (tburrows13)
- res —> size to align with line 62 #710 (cclauss)
- Add gap=0 to align with lines 40, 97, and 98 #709 (cclauss)
- import numpy as np for lines 151 and 178 #708 (cclauss)
- Convert to valid Python #707 (cclauss)
- Added missing '%' operator for string formatting. #686 (taylorjdawson)
- Addressing #655 #656 (gyglim)
- initialize proc to None #637 (gyglim)
- sometimes tempfile.tempdir is None, so use tempfile.gettempdir() function instead #633 (earney)
- Issue629 #630 (Julian-O)
- Fixed bug in Clip.set_duration() #613 (kencochrane)
- Fixed typo in the slide_out transition #612 (kencochrane)
- Exceptions do not have a .message attribute. #603 (Julian-O)
- Issue #574, fix duration of masks when using concatenate(.., method="compose") #585 (earney)
- Fix out of bounds error #570 (shawwn)
- fixed ffmpeg error reporting on Python 3 #565 (narfdotpl)
- Add int() wrapper to scroll to prevent floats #528 (tburrows13)
- Fix issue #464, repeated/skipped frames in ImageSequenceClip #494 (neitzal)
- fixes #248 issue with VideoFileClip() not reading all frames #251 (aldilaff)
Closed issues:
- Overly Restrictive Requirements #767
- Using a gif as an ImageClip? #764
- How can I include a moving 'arrow' in a clip? #762
- How to call ? #760
- ImportError: Imageio Pillow requires Pillow, not PIL! #748
- Fail to call VideoFileClip() because of WinError 6 #746
- concatenate_videoclips with fadein fadeout #743
- Ignore - sorry! #739
- Image becomes blurr with high fps #735
- Https protocol not found with ffmpeg #732
- Storing Processed Video clip takes a long time #726
- image corruption when concatenating images of different sizes #725
- How to install MoviePy on OS High Sierra #706
- Issue when running the first example of text overlay in ubuntu 16.04 with python3 #703
- Extracting frames #702
- Error - The handle is invalid - Windows Only #697
- ImageMagick not detected by moviepy while using SubtitlesClip #693
- Textclip is not working at all #691
- Remove Python 3.3 testing ? #688
- In idle, 25 % CPU #676
- Audio error #675
- Insert a ImageClip in a CompositeVideoClip. How to add nil audio #669
- Issue with nesting context managers #655
- Output video is garbled, single frames output are fine #651
- 'missing handle' error #644
- issue with proc being None #636
- Looping parameter is missing from write_gif_with_image_io() #629
- would it be optionally possible to use pgmagick package ? (instead of ImageMagick binary) #625
- concatenate_videoclips() can't handle TextClips #622
- Writing movie one frame at a time #619
- Fatal Python error: PyImport_GetModuleDict: no module dictionary! #618
- line 54, in requires_duration return #601
- test_duration() fails in test_TextClip() #598
- Geting framesize from moviepy #571
- Write_videofile results in 1930x1080 even when I force clip.resize(width=1920,height=1080) before write_videofile #547
- Is there one potential bug in FFMPEG_READER? #546
- vfx.scroll giving TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method #527
- AttributeError: AudioFileClip instance has no attribute 'afx' #513
- ImageSequenceClip repeats frames depending on fps #464
- manual_tracking format issue #373
- resize video when time changed trigger a error #334
- WindowsError: [Error 5] Access is denied #294
- TypeError in Adding Soundtrack #279
- IndexError when converting audio to_soundarray() #246
- Defaults fail for ImageSequenceClip() #218
- Unable to use unicode strings with Python 2 #76
- audio normalization #32
- Unclosed processes. #19
Merged pull requests:
- pep8 and a change to docstring #754 (tburrows13)
- Make TextClip work on Travis CI #747 (tburrows13)
- Added tests, new duration arg in to_ImageClip() #724 (tburrows13)
- let there be (more) colour #723 (bashu)
- Resolve undefined name unicode in Python 3 #717 (cclauss)
- PEP 8 #715 (tburrows13)
- Added info about tag wiki #714 (tburrows13)
- Remove testing support for Python 3.3, closes #688 #713 (tburrows13)
- More PEP8 compliance #712 (tburrows13)
- More PEP8 compliance #711 (tburrows13)
- flake8 test to find syntax errors, undefined names #705 (cclauss)
- fix typo #687 (msrks)
- Update Readme.rst #671 (rlphillips)
- Update Dockerfile to add requests module #664 (edouard-mangel)
- fixed typo in library include #652 (Goddard)
- Use max fps for CompositeVideoClip #610 (scherroman)
- Add audio normalization function #609 (dspinellis)
- #600: Several YouTube examples in Gallery page won't load. #606 (Julian-O)
- Two small corrections to documentation. #605 (Julian-O)
- PEP 8 compatible #582 (gpantelis)
- add additional ImageSequenceClip test #551 (earney)
- General tests cleanup #549 (mbeacom)
- Update docs #548 (tburrows13)
- add tests for most fx functions #545 (earney)
v0.2.3.2 (2017-04-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- Requirements adjustments #530
- Modify handling #531 (mbeacom)
- Resolve documentation build errors #526 (mbeacom)
Closed issues:
- Youtube videos fail to load in documentation #536
- unicodeDecoderError by running the during moviepy pip install #532
- Documentation build failures #525
- Index is out of bounds - AudioFileClip #521
- Should we push another version? #481
- Add matplotlib example to the user guide? #421
- Fails to list fx after freezing an app with moviepy #274
- Documentation doesn't match ffmpeg presets #232
Merged pull requests:
- add opencv dependency since headblur effect depends on it. #540 (earney)
- create tests for blackwhite, colorx, fadein, fadeout #539 (earney)
- add crop tests #538 (earney)
- Fix youtube video rendering in documentation #537 (mbeacom)
- Update docs #535 (tburrows13)
- add test for Issue 334, PR 336 #534 (earney)
- issue-212: add rotation info from metadata #529 (taddyhuo)
- Added another project using MoviePy #509 (justswim)
- added doc for working with matplotlib #465 (flothesof)
- fix issue #334 #336 (bluedazzle)
- Add progress_bar option to write_images_sequence #300 (achalddave)
- write_videofile preset choices doc #282 (gcandal)
v0.2.3.1 (2017-04-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Windows users: help !] Finding ImageMagick automatically on windows #80
- Save to Amazon S3 #6
- Fix for cleaning up os calls through Popen #501 (gyglim)
- pick highest fps when concatenating #416 (BrianLee608)
Closed issues:
- concatenate_videoclips([clip1,clip2]) results in a clip where the second clip is skewed and has severe lines #520
- FFMPEG crashes if the script is a .pyw #517
- VideoFileClip instance has no attribute 'reader' #512
- Adding emoji with moviepy #507
- How to remove original audio from the video file ? #504
- Duration Format With Moviepy #502
- AttributeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object has no attribute 'tobytes' #499
- Possible to create out of bounds subclip #470
- New install... VideoFileClip("x.mp4").subclip(0,13) gives "reader not defined error" #461
- Bytes-like object is required, not 'str' in version #455
- Can't import gifs into moviepy #452
- AudioFileClip #448
- Error with Pillow #445
- Moviepy AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'shape' #439
- This is what exception.... #437
- when I from moviepy.editor import *, There cause exception,That's why....... #436
- No available fonts in moviepy #426
- Project maintenance, mgmt, workflow etc. #422
- Cannot run in a django project on apache #420
- error 'unicode' object has no attribute 'shape' #417
- VideoClip has no attribute fps error when trying to concatenate #407
- The Travis tester seems to be failing #406
- Slow motion video massively sped up #404
- moviepy not able to find installed ffmpeg bug? #396
- Cannot open audio: AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'start' #393
- DirectoryClip??? Where is it? #385
- TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer #376
- Minor Documentation typo in VideoFileClip #375
- Documentation Update: VideoTools #372
- TextClip.list('color') failed to return color list #371
- ValueError: Invalid value for quantizer: 'wu' #368
- Parameter color in ColorClip #366
- Different size videos #365
- Bug in write_gif #359
- Add support for dithering GIF output #358
- VideoFileClip instance has no attribute 'coreader' #357
- crossfadeout "Attribute 'duration' not set" #354
- ffmpeg_parse_infos fails while parsing tbr #352
- No audio when adding Mp3 to VideoFileClip MoviePy #350
- ImportError: No module named tracking (OS: 10.11.6 "El Capitan", Python 2.7.12) #348
- AAC support for mp4 #344
- Moviepy not compatible with Python 3.2 #333
- Attribute Error (Raspberry Pi) #332
- ImageSequenceClip: Error when fps not provided but durations provided #326
- CI Testing #325
- Pythonanywhere Moviepy #324
- Documentation for resize parameter is wrong #319
- ImageClip's with default settings can not be concatenated #314
- librelist does not work #309
- Broken Gallery in Documentation #304
- File IOError when trying to extract subclips from mov file on Ubuntu #303
- write_gif failing #296
- Python2 unicode_literals errors #293
- concatenate ImageClip #285
- Resize not working #272
- VideoFileClip instance has no attribute 'reader' #255
- stretch image to size of frame #250
- ffprobe metadata on video file clips #249
- Credits1 is not working - gap missing, isTransparent flag not available #247
- Generating Gif from images #240
- permission denied #233
- receive the video advancement mounting (Ex: in %) #224
- Import of MoviePy and Mayavi causes a segfault #223
- Video overlay (gauges...) #222
- OSError: [WinError 193] %1 n’est pas une application Win32 valide #221
- Warning: skimage.filter is deprecated #214
- TextClip.list('color') fails #200
- External FFmpeg issues #193
- Video and Audio are out of sync after write #192
- Broken image on PyPI #187
- ImageSequenceClip from OpenEXR file sequence generate black Clip video #186
- Loading video from url #185
- Wrong number of frames in .gif file #181
- Converting mp4 to ogv error in bitrate #174
- embed clip in a jupyter notebook #160
- How to create a video from a sequence of images without writing them on memory #159
- LaTeX strings #156
- UnboundLocalError in video/compositing/ #145
- Crop a Video with four different coodinate pairs #142
- global name 'colorGradient' is not defined #141
- rotating image animation producing error #130
- bug introduced in #129
- Getting a TypeError in FramesMatch #126
- moviepy is awesome #125
- Concanate clips with different size #124
- TextClip.list('font') raises TypeError in Python 3 #117
- Attempt to Download freeimage failing #111
- Invalid buffer size, packet size < expected frame_size #109
- imageio has permission problems as WSGI user on Amazon Web Server #106
- transparency bug in concatenate_videoclips() #103
- Possibility to avoid code duplication #99
- Memory Leak In VideoFileClip #96
Merged pull requests:
- create test for Trajectory.save_list/load_list #523 (earney)
- add Dockerfile #522 (earney)
- Add fps_source option for #404 #516 (tburrows13)
- Minor Modifications #515 (gpantelis)
- #485 followup #514 (tburrows13)
- Correcting text #510 (gpantelis)
- Add aspect_ratio @property to VideoClip #503 (scherroman)
- add test for ffmpeg_parse_info #498 (earney)
- add scipy for py2.7 on travis-ci #497 (earney)
- add file_to_subtitles test #496 (earney)
- add a subtitle test #495 (earney)
- add afterimage example #491 (earney)
- add doc example to tests #490 (earney)
- Allow resizing frames in ffmpeg when reading #489 (gyglim)
- Fix class name in AudioClip doc strings #488 (withpower)
- convert POpen to communicate #487 (earney)
- add tests for find_video_period #486 (earney)
- refer to MoviePy as library (was: module) #484 (keikoro)
- include requirements file for docs #483 (keikoro)
- add test for issue 354; duration not set #478 (earney)
- Issue 470, reading past audio file EOF #476 (earney)
- Issue 285, error adding durations (int and None). #472 (earney)
- Issue 359, fix default opt argument to work with imageio and ImageMagick #471 (earney)
- Add tests for TextClip #469 (earney)
- Issue 467; fix Nameerror with copy function. Added issue to tests.. #468 (earney)
- Small improvements to docs pages, docs usage #463 (keikoro)
- Fix mixed content #462 (keikoro)
- fix Issue 368.. ValueError: Invalid value for quantizer: 'wu' #460 (earney)
- add testing to verify the width,height (size) are correct. #459 (earney)
- Adds
option towrite\_audiofile\(\)
to complement #380 #458 (tburrows13) - modify tests to use ColorClip's new color argument (instead of col) #457 (earney)
- add ImageSequenceClip tests #456 (earney)
- Add some tests for VideoFileClip #453 (earney)
- add #451 (earney)
- add test for tools #450 (earney)
- fix issue 448; AudioFileClip 90k tbr error #449 (earney)
- add testing with travis-ci #447 (earney)
- fix YouTube embeds in docs #446 (keikoro)
- Move PR test to file #444 (earney)
- Test issue 407 (video has a valid fps after concatenate function) #443 (earney)
- add test for PR306. #440 (earney)
- fix issue 417.. unicode has no attribute shape (error in python 2) #438 (earney)
- fix Issue #385 , no DirectoryClip class #434 (earney)
- add test file for pull requests. #433 (earney)
- put DEVNULL into #432 (earney)
- test for issue #145 #431 (earney)
- fix PR #413 . (issue #357) #429 (earney)
- fix issue 145. raise Exception when concatenate method != chain or c… #428 (earney)
- Readme improvements #425 (keikoro)
#424 (tburrows13)- Revert "small recipe (mirroring a video)" #414 (Zulko)
- fixes #357. confusing error about coreader, when media file does not exist #413 (earney)
- move PY3 to new file #411 (earney)
- Fix Issue #373 Trajectory.save_list #394 (dermusikman)
- bug presented #390 (TonyChen0724)
- Incorporated optional progress_bar flag for writing video to file #380 (wingillis)
- Audio error handling made failsafe #377 (gyglim)
- Fix issue #354 #355 (groundflyer)
- Fixed resize documentation issue #319 #346 (jmisacube)
- Added AAC codec to mp4 #345 (jeromegrosse)
- Add a test case. #339 (drewm1980)
- ImageSequenceClip: Check for fps and durations rather than fps and du… #331 (jeromegrosse)
- Handle bytes when listing fonts in #306 (Zowie)
- fix deprecation message #302 (mgaitan)
- Fix for #274 #275 (nad2000)
- Update README.rst #254 (tcyrus)
- small recipe (mirroring a video) #243 (zodman)
- Document inherited members in reference documentation #236 (achalddave)
- fixed module hierarchy for Trajectory #215 (bwagner)
- Fixed missing list #211 (LunarLanding)
- Fixed copy-paste typo #197 (temerick)
v0.2.2.13 (2017-02-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add
as aVideoFileClip
attribute #405 (tburrows13)
Closed issues:
- keep github releases in sync with PyPI #398
- accidentally opened, sorry #397
- BrokenPipeError #349
- Bug in for python 3 #335
- - Python3 incompatible #313
Merged pull requests:
- fix issue #313, make concatenate_videoclips python 3 compatible. #410 (earney)
- Update maintainer section in README #409 (mbeacom)
- fix issue #401 #403 (earney)
- ensures int arguments to np.reshape; closes #383 #384 (tyarkoni)
- on_color function docstring has wrong parameter #244 (cblument)
v0.2.2.12 (2017-01-30)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Numpy 1.12.0 Breaks VideoFileClip #392
- read_chunk() breaks in numpy 1.12.0 #383
- Intel MKL FATAL ERROR: Cannot load or #379
- Memory Error #370
- module 'cv2' has no attribute 'resize' #369
- Unable to load a gif created by moviepy. Fault of avconv? #337
- write_videofile Error #330
- Does Moviepy work with a Raspberry Pi? #322
- fadein and fadeout does not fade to any other color than black? #321
- Imageio: 'ffmpeg.osx' was not found on your computer; downloading it now. #320
- is there a way to composite a video with a alpha channel? #317
- ffmpeg never dies #312
- Mask Getting Called Multiple Times #299
- write_videofile gets stuck #284
- zero-size array to reduction operation minimum which has no identity #269
- nvenc encoder nvidia #264
- Avoid writing to disk with ImageSequenceClip #261
- MemoryError #259
- Create multiple subclips using times from CSV file #257
- write_videofile results in "No such file or directory: OSError" on AWS Lambda instance #256
- Pillow 3.0.0 drops support for
in favour oftobytes\(\)
#241 - Add Environment Variable to overwrite FFMPEG_BINARY #237
- Clip::subclip vs ffmpeg_extract_subclip? #235
- Moviepy - win2k8 64 install errors #234
- How to install MoviePy on a remote SSH server without an A/V card? #230
- Failed to read duration of file, Samsung S6 MP4s #226
- MoviePy error: FFMPEG permission error #220
- White artifacts around the image when rotating an ImageClip with a mask or just a png with transparency in angles that are not 0, 90, 180, 270 ( Added Examples to reproduce it ) #216
- Error when using ffmpeg_movie_from_frames "global name 'bitrate' is not defined" #208
- Is it possible to write infinite looping videos? #206
- Problem creating VideoFileClip from URL on server #204
- Animate TextClip text value #199
- ffmpeg not available under Ubuntu 14.04 #189
- Zoom effect trembling #183
- How to match the speed of a gif after converting to a video #173
- [Feature Request] Zoom and Rotate #166
- Speed optimisation using multiple processes #163
- Invalid Syntax Error #161
- AudioFileClip bombs on file read #158
- Hamac example gives subprocess error #152
- unable to overwrite audio #151
- Error in /video/fx/ #146
- Convert gif to video has back background at the end of the video #143
- How to conditionally chain effects? #138
- [Feature Request] Write output using newlines #137
- 。 #135
- How can add my logo to right top of entire mp4 video using moviepy ? #127
- numpy error on trying to concatenate #123
- NameError: global name 'clip' is not defined #114
- typo in line 626, in on_color. elf is good for christmas, bad for function #107
- API request: clip.rotate #105
- Use graphicsmagick where available #90
- Packaging ffmpeg binary with moviepy #85
- Running VideoFileClip multiple times in django gives me error #73
- FFMPEG binary not found. #60
Merged pull requests:
- Fix #164 - Resolve ffmpeg zombie processes #374 (mbeacom)
- Updated resize function to use cv2.INTER_LINEAR when upsizing images … #268 (kuchi)
- Read FFMPEG_BINARY and/or IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY environment variables #238 (dkarchmer)
- Fixing a minor typo. #205 (TheNathanBlack)
- Fixed minor typos in the docs #196 (bertyhell)
- added check for resolution before processing video stream #188 (ryanfox)
- Support for SRT files with any kind of newline #171 (factorial)
- Delete duplicated import os #168 (jsseb)
- set correct lastindex variable in mask_make_frame #165 (Dennovin)
- fix to work with python3 #162 (laurentperrinet)
- poor error message from #157 (ryanfox)
- fixing region parameter on freeze_region #147 (savannahniles)
- Typo #133 (rishabhjain)
- Link to website and state license #132 (techtonik)
- Issue #126 Fix FramesMatch repr and str. #131 (filipochnik)
- auto detection of ImageMagick binary on Windows #118 (carlodri)
- Minor grammatical and spelling changes #115 (grimley517)
- typo fix #108 (stonebig)
- additional safe check in close_proc #100 (Eloar)
- Allows user to pass additional parameters to ffmpeg when writing audio clips #94 (jdelman)
v0.2.2 (2014-12-11)
Closed issues:
- Incorrect size being sent to ffmpeg #102
- Can't unlink file after audio extraction #97
- Hangs if using ImageMagick to write_gif #93
- Segfault for import moviepy.editor, but not for import moviepy #92
- Is there a way to create the gif faster? #88
- syntax error with moviepy #87
- Issue in #83
- not working with some youtube videos #82
- Can't add Chinese text 中文, it will become "??" in the movie file. #79
- don't read *.mp4 file #75
- FileNotFound VideoFileClip exception, followed all the installation instructions #72
- write_videofile jumps #71
- Problems with complex mask #70
- supress console window of popen calls if used with cx_freeze win32gui #68
- set all filehandles to make moviepy work in cx_freeze win32gui #67
- Setting ffmpeg path on the fly from python #66
- uses an undefined constant #64
- set_duration ignored on TextClip #63
- Write_Gif returns errno 2 #62
- "Bad File Descriptor" when creating VideoFileClip #61
- Create a mailing list #59
- Closing VideoFileClip #57
- TextClips can cause an Exception if the text argument starts with a '@' #56
- Cannot convert mov to gif #55
- Problem with writing audio #51
- #50
- VideoFileClip error #49
- VideoFileClip opens file with wrong width #48
- Change speed of clip based on a curve? #46
- 'to_gif' raises IOError/OSError when no 'program' parameter is given #43
- Enhancement: loading animated gifs, passing frame range to subclip() #40
- ImageClip is broken #39
- Error: wrong indices in video buffer. Maybe buffer too small. #38
- It makes pygame crash #37
- Can not load the fonts #36
- Tabs in python code #35
- Windows 8 Error #34
- infinite audio loop #33
- Specifying pix_fmt on FFMPEG call #27
- on_color fails with TypeError when given a col_opacity parameter #25
- 'ValueError: I/O operation on closed file' #23
- Too stupid to rotate :D #22
- FFMPEG Error on current Debian Wheezy x64 #21
- Possible memory leak #18
- Windows - Unable to export simple sequence to gif #16
- Problems with preview + missing explanation of crop + resize not working #15
- AssertionError in #14
- ffmpeg hangs #13
- Python 3.3.3 - invalid syntax error #12
- something went wrong with the audio writing, Exit code 1 #10
error: string:
When trying to import from moviepy #9- Reading video on Ubuntu 13.10 does not work #8
- List decorator and pygame as dependencies on PyPI #4
- "list index out of range" error or Arch Linux x86-64 #3
- IndexError? #2
- Can't write a movie with default codec #1
Merged pull requests:
- Fix a typo in a ValueError message #91 (naglis)
- Changed all "== None" and "!= None" #89 (diegocortassa)
- 'Crop' fix #81 (ccarlo)
- fix lost threads parameter from merge #78 (bobatsar)
- VideoClip.write_videofile() accepts new param: ffmpeg_params that is put directly into ffmpeg command line #77 (aherok)
- make compatible with cx_freeze in gui32 mode #69 (bobatsar)
- Fix typo in error message #53 (mekza)
- Fixed write_logfile/verbose arguments #47 (KyotoFox)
- typo #42 (tasinttttttt)
- Tempfile #31 (dimatura)
- Fixed small typo in docs #30 (dimatura)
- Fixed syntax error in io/ #29 (dimatura)
- added -pix_fmt yuv420p to ffmpeg args if codec is libx264 #28 (chunder)
- added support for aac audio codec #26 (chunder)
- Hopefully fixes issue #13 for everyone. #24 (oxivanisher)
- Reduced ffmpeg logging to prevent hanging #20 (JoshdanG)
- fix typo in close_proc #17 (kenchung)
- PEP8 : ffmpeg_reader #11 (tacaswell)
- Update #7 (minosniu)
- Update crash_course.rst #5 (mgaitan)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator