This doc is about supported transactions and their representation on the Ledger (that is internal one). If you are interested in the format of client's Request (both write and read ones), then have a look at requests.
- All transactions are stored in a distributed Ledger (replicated on all Nodes)
- The ledger is based on Merkle Tree
- The ledger consists of two things:
- transactions log as a sequence of key-value pairs where key is a sequence number of the transaction and value is the serialized transaction
- merkle tree (where hashes for leaves and nodes are persisted)
- Each transaction has a sequence number (no gaps) - keys in transactions log
- So, this can be considered as a blockchain where each block size equals to 1
- There are multiple ledgers by default:
- pool ledger: transactions related to pool/network configuration (listing all nodes, their keys and addresses)
- config ledger: transactions for pool configuration plus transactions related to Pool Upgrade
- domain ledger: all main domain and application specific transactions (including NYM transactions for DID)
- All transactions are serialized to MsgPack format
- All transactions (both transaction log and merkle tree hash stores) are stored in LevelDB
- One can use
script to get transactions for a specified ledger in a readable (JSON) format - See roles and permissions on the roles and who can create each type of transactions
Below you can find the format and description of all supported transactions.
As Indy is Public Permissioned blockchain, each ledger may have a number of pre-defined transactions defining the Pool and the Network.
- pool genesis transactions defining initial trusted Nodes in the Pool
- domain genesis transactions defining initial trusted Trustees and Stewards
Each transaction has the following metadata values common for all transaction types (see reqToTxn
in plenum).
These values are added to each transaction as first-level keys (that is at the same level as real data).
TODO: consider distinguishing and separating real transaction data and metadata into different levels.
(enum number as string):Supported transaction type:
- NODE = "0"
- NYM = "1"
- ATTRIB = "100"
- SCHEMA = "101"
- CLAIM_DEF = "102"
- POOL_UPGRADE = "109"
- NODE_UPGRADE = "110"
- POOL_CONFIG = "111"
(base58-encoded string):Identifier (DID) of the transaction submitter (client who sent the transaction) as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value. It may differ from
field for some of transaction (for example NYM), wheredest
is a target identifier (for example, a newly created DID identifier).Example:
is a DID of a Trust Anchor creating a new DID, anddest
is a newly created DID. -
(integer):Unique ID number of the request with transaction.
(base58-encoded string; mutually exclusive withsignatures
field):Submitter's signature.
(array of base58-encoded string; mutually exclusive withsignature
field):Submitters' signature in multisig case. This is a map where client's identifiers are the keys and base58-encoded signature strings are the values.
(integer as POSIX timestamp):The time when transaction was written to the Ledger as POSIX timestamp.
Please note that all these metadata fields may be absent for genesis transactions.
Creates a new NYM record for a specific user, trust anchor, steward or trustee. Note that only trustees and stewards can create new trust anchors and trustee can be created only by other trusties (see roles).
The transaction can be used for creation of new DIDs, setting and rotation of verification key, setting and changing of roles.
(base58-encoded string):Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value. It differs from
metadata field, whereidentifier
is the DID of the submitter.Example:
is a DID of a Trust Anchor creating a new DID, anddest
is a newly created DID. -
(enum number as string; optional):Role of a user NYM record being created for. One of the following numbers
- None (common USER)
- "0" (TRUSTEE)
- "2" (STEWARD)
- "101" (TRUST_ANCHOR)
A TRUSTEE can change any Nym's role to None, this stopping it from making any writes (see roles).
(base58-encoded string; optional):Target verification key as base58-encoded string. If not set, then either the target identifier (
) is 32-bit cryptonym CID (this is deprecated), or this is a user under guardianship (doesnt owns the identifier yet). -
(string; optional):NYM's alias.
If there is no NYM transaction with the specified DID (dest
), then it can be considered as creation of a new DID.
If there is a NYM transaction with the specified DID (dest
), then this is update of existing DID.
In this case we can specify only the values we would like to override. All unspecified values remain the same.
So, if key rotation needs to be performed, the owner of the DID needs to send a NYM request with
and verkey
only. role
and alias
will stay the same.
Adds attribute to a NYM record
(base58-encoded string):Target DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value. It differs from
metadata field, whereidentifier
is the DID of the submitter.Example:
is a DID of a Trust Anchor setting an attribute for a DID, anddest
is the DID we set an attribute for. -
(sha256 hash string; mutually exclusive withhash
):Hash of the raw attribute data. Raw data is represented as json, where key is attribute name and value is attribute value. The ledger contains hash of the raw data only; the real raw data is stored in a separate attribute store.
(sha256 hash string; mutually exclusive withraw
):Hash of attribute data (as sent by the client). The ledger contains this hash; nothing is stored in an attribute store.
(sha256 hash string; mutually exclusive withraw
):Hash of encrypted attribute data. The ledger contains hash only; the real encrypted data is stored in a separate attribute store.
Adds Claim's schema.
It's not possible to update existing Schema. So, if the Schema needs to be evolved, a new Schema with a new version or name needs to be created.
(dict):Dictionary with Schema's data:
: array of attribute name stringsname
: Schema's name stringversion
: Schema's version string
"data": {
"attr_names": ["undergrad","last_name","first_name","birth_date","postgrad","expiry_date"],
Adds a claim definition (in particular, public key), that Issuer creates and publishes for a particular Claim Schema.
It's not possible to update data
in existing Claim Def.
So, if a Claim Def needs to be evolved (for example, a key needs to be rotated), then
a new Claim Def needs to be created by a new Issuer DID (identifier
(dict):Dictionary with Claim Definition's data:
: primary claim public keyrevocation
: revocation claim public key
(string):Sequence number of a Schema transaction the claim definition is created for.
(string):Type of the claim definition (that is claim signature).
(Camenisch-Lysyanskaya) is the only supported type now.
"data": {
"primary": {
"revocation": {
Adds a new node to the pool, or updates existing node in the pool
(dict):Data associated with the Node:
(string): Node's aliasblskey
(base58-encoded string; optional): BLS multi-signature key as base58-encoded string (it's needed for BLS signatures and state proofs support)client_ip
(string; optional): Node's client listener IP address, that is the IP clients use to connect to the node when sending read and write requests (ZMQ with TCP)client_port
(string; optional): Node's client listener port, that is the port clients use to connect to the node when sending read and write requests (ZMQ with TCP)node_ip
(string; optional): The IP address other Nodes use to communicate with this Node; no clients are allowed here (ZMQ with TCP)node_port
(string; optional): The port other Nodes use to communicate with this Node; no clients are allowed here (ZMQ with TCP)services
(array of strings; optional): the service of the Node.VALIDATOR
is the only supported one now.
(base58-encoded string):Target Node's DID as base58-encoded string for 16 or 32 bit DID value. It differs from
metadata field, whereidentifier
is the DID of the transaction submitter (Steward's DID).Example:
is a DID of a Steward creating a new Node, anddest
is the DID of this Node. -
(base58-encoded string; optional):Target Node verification key as base58-encoded string. It may absent if
is 32-bit cryptonym CID.
If there is no NODE transaction with the specified Node ID (dest
), then it can be considered as creation of a new NODE.
If there is a NODE transaction with the specified Node ID (dest
), then this is update of existing NODE.
In this case we can specify only the values we would like to override. All unspecified values remain the same.
So, if a Steward wants to rotate BLS key, then it's sufficient to send a NODE transaction with dest
and a new blskey
in data
There is no need to specify all other fields in data
, and they will remain the same.
"data": {
Command to upgrade the Pool (sent by Trustee). It upgrades the specified Nodes (either all nodes in the Pool, or some specific ones).
(string):Human-readable name for the upgrade.
):Starts or cancels the Upgrade.
(string):The version of indy-node package we perform upgrade to. Must be greater than existing one (or equal if
flag is True). -
(dict of node DIDs to timestamps):Schedule of when to perform upgrade on each node. This is a map where Node DIDs are keys, and upgrade time is a value (see example below). If
flag is False, then it's required that time difference between each Upgrade must be not less than 5 minutes (to give each Node enough time and not make the whole Pool go down during Upgrade). -
(sha256 hash string):sha256 hash of the package
(boolean; optional):Whether we should apply transaction (schedule Upgrade) without waiting for consensus of this transaction. If false, then transaction is applied only after it's written to the ledger. Otherwise it's applied regardless of result of consensus, and there are no restrictions on the Upgrade
for each Node. So, we can Upgrade the whole Pool at the same time when it's set to True.
False by default. Avoid setting to True without good reason. -
(boolean; optional):Whether it's allowed to re-install the same version. False by default.
(integer; optional):Limits upgrade time on each Node.
(string; optional):Optional justification string for this particular Upgrade.
Status of each Node's upgrade (sent by each upgraded Node)
(dict):Data related to Node Upgrade:
: one ofin_progress
: the version of indy-node the node was upgraded to
Command to change Pool's configuration
(boolean):Whether any write requests can be processed by the pool (if false, then pool goes to read-only state). True by default.
(boolean; optional):Whether we should apply transaction (for example, move pool to read-only state) without waiting for consensus of this transaction. If false, then transaction is applied only after it's written to the ledger. Otherwise it's applied regardless of result of consensus.
False by default. Avoid setting to True without good reason.