The serve commands allow you to run k8sgpt in a grpc server mode.
This would be enabled typically through k8sgpt serve
and is how the in-cluster k8sgpt deployment functions when managed by the k8sgpt-operator
The grpc interface that is served is hosted on buf and the repository for this is here
A fantastic tool for local debugging and development is grpcurl
It allows you to form curl like requests that are http2
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"namespace": "k8sgpt", "explain" : "true"}' localhost:8080 schema.v1.ServiceAnalyzeService/Analyze
grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 schema.v1.ServiceConfigService/ListIntegrations
"integrations": [
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"integrations":{"trivy":{"enabled":"true","namespace":"default","skipInstall":"false"}}}' localhost:8080 schema.v1.ServiceConfigService/AddConfig