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136 lines (101 loc) · 3.9 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (101 loc) · 3.9 KB

Contributor guide

⚠️ Contribution at this point is not recommended, but isn't necessarily unwelcome. Please open an issue with the enhancement label with your proposed changes before beginning any work in earnest.

Virtual environment

It is all but required that you use a Python virtual environment for development. These instructions will assume that you are using pyenv, and have already installed and configured it on your system.

If you are using Dev Containers, you may use the repository's configuration to create a new development container. Its onCreateCommand script will handle all of the steps detailed below.

Create the environment

pyenv install 3.11  # if 3.11 isn't already installed
pyenv virtualenv 3.11 xthulu
pyenv activate xthulu

Install dependencies

In addition to the standard dependencies for the project, a set of developer-focused dependencies are included. Some of them are located in the dev optional dependencies bundle from the project's Python package, but others come from the node.js ecosystem. You should use a node version manager such as nvm in order to select the appropriate runtime version.

pip install -e .[dev,hiredis]
nvm install
nvm use
npm ci

Configure development tools


This project makes use of the pre-commit system. The following applications are used to lint source code and check formatting:

  • ESLint - TypeScript linter/formatter
  • Prettier - Miscellaneous formatter
  • Ruff - Python linter/formatter

You must initialize the system and install the appropriate hooks. Once installed, they will be invoked automatically when you commit.

pre-commit install --install-hooks


For conventional commit messages, this project has adopted the gitmoji standard. The prepare-commit-msg hook for crafting appropriately-categorized commit messages can be installed with the provided script.


docker compose

In order to avoid the need to rebuild the service containers' base image each time you make changes to the source code, you can create an override configuration for the docker compose stack. This configuration will mount the live source code directory into the running containers so that restarting them should be sufficient to pick up any changes.

ℹ️ Userland scripts do not require a restart; a new session will import a fresh copy of the file(s). Changes to static web resources (HTML, CSS, Javascript, images) should be reflected immediately upon reloading the browser.

version: "3"

x-live-source: &live-source
    - ../xthulu:/app/xthulu:ro

  cli: *live-source
  user: *live-source
  ssh: *live-source
  web: *live-source

      # parent volume cannot be read-only or subvolumes will not mount
      - ../xthulu/web/static:/usr/share/nginx/html
      - ../userland/web/static:/usr/share/nginx/html/user:ro

Unit tests


The project's chosen testing framework is the standard library's own unittest.

python -m unittest     # run all tests
python -m unittest -h  # list test runner options

Test coverage

The coverage application is used to calculate test coverage after unit tests have been run.

coverage run --source=xthulu --omit="xthulu/" -m unittest
coverage report