Based on original script found at and the idea from [Tesseract-OCR-iOS Makefile] (gali8/Tesseract-OCR-iOS#210)
Compile libTIFF, libPNG and JPEG libraries for use on iOS
Creates fat binary libraries compatible with i386/Simulator,x86_64, arm64, armv7 and armv7s
make #builds all libraries
You may also build only the library you wish by specifiying the following make targets:
make libtiff
make libpng
make libjpg
It's much easier now to update to a any (new or old) versions of library: just change a corresponding version numbers in the beginning of the make file:
PNG_NAME = libpng-1.6.18
JPEG_SRC_NAME = jpegsrc.v9a# filename at the server
JPEG_DIR_NAME = jpeg-9a# folder name after the JPEG_SRC_NAME archive has been unpacked
TIFF_NAME = tiff-4.0.4
Use iOS 9 branch for XCode 7 and bitcode support
Location for the XCode version to use is identified using
xcode-select -p
If you have multiple versions installed, you can switch to a different installation using
xcode-select -s /full_path_to_xcode/