Leaflet D3 Provides a collection of D3.js based visualization plugins for Leaflet. Now supports D3 v4
Install the package and its peer dependencies via npm:
npm install d3
npm install d3-hexbin
npm install leaflet
npm install @asymmetrik/sentio
Create dynamic hexbin-based heatmaps on Leaflet maps. This plugin is based on the work of Steven Hall. The primary difference is that this plugin leverages the data-binding power of d3 to allow you to dynamically update the data and visualize the transitions.
Live Demo: JSFiddle
To use, simply declare a hexbin layer and add it to your map. You can then add data to the layer.
// Options for the hexbin layer
var options = {
radius : 10, // Size of the hexagons/bins
opacity: 0.5, // Opacity of the hexagonal layer
duration: 200, // millisecond duration of d3 transitions (see note below)
lng: function(d){ return d[0]; }, // longitude accessor
lat: function(d){ return d[1]; }, // latitude accessor
value: function(d){ return d.length; }, // value accessor - derives the bin value
valueFloor: 0, // override the color scale domain low value
valueCeil: undefined, // override the color scale domain high value
colorRange: ['#f7fbff', '#08306b'], // default color range for the heat map (see note below)
onmouseover: function(d, node, layer) {},
onmouseout: function(d, node, layer) {},
onclick: function(d, node, layer) {}
// Create the hexbin layer and add it to the map
var hexLayer = L.hexbinLayer(options).addTo(map);
// Optionally, access the d3 color scale directly
// Can also set scale via hexLayer.colorScale(d3.scale.linear()...)
hexLayer.colorScale().range(['white', 'blue']);
// Set the data (can be set multiple times)
hexLayer.data([[lng1, lat1], [lng2, lat2], ... [lngN, latN]]);
Special note regarding transition durations: If your data is transforming faster than the transition duration, you may encounter unexpected behavior. You should reduce the transition duration or eliminate it entirely if you are going to be using this plugin in a realtime manner.
Special note regarding color scales: To use a polylinear color scale, simply provide more than two colors in the range. The domain cardinality will be adjusted automatically. A minimum of two values is required in the color range, but a single-color range is possible by using ['blue', 'blue']
for example.
Create realtime animated drops/pings/blips on a map. This plugin can be used to indicate a transient event, such as a real-time occurrance of an event at a specific geographical location.
Live Demo: JSFiddle
To use, simply declare a ping layer and add it to your map. You can then add data by calling the ping() method.
// Options for the ping layer
// lat & lng - custom accessor functions for accessing the latitude and longitude of the data object
// duration - how long the blip animation will last
// efficient.enabled - toggles 'efficient mode'
// efficient.fps - establishes the target framerate (rate of DOM updates for each individual object) when running in efficient mode
var options = {
lng: function(d){ return d[0]; },
lat: function(d){ return d[1]; },
duration: 800,
fps: 32
// Create the ping layer
var pingLayer = L.pingLayer(options).addTo(map);
// Optionally, access the radius scale and opacity scale
pingLayer.radiusScale().range([2, 18]);
pingLayer.opacityScale().range([1, 0]);
// Submit data so that it shows up as a ping with an optional per-ping css class
pingLayer.ping([longFn(), latFn()], 'myCustomCssClass');
See examples for now.
PRs accepted. If you are part of Asymmetrik, please make contributions on feature branches off of the develop
branch. If you are outside of Asymmetrik, please fork our repo to make contributions.
See LICENSE in repository for details.
The hexbin portion of this plugin was based on the work of Steven Hall. Check out his other awesome work at Delimited
D3.js was created by the legendary Mike Bostock.
Leaflet is maintained by lots of cool people.