See the Getting Started Guide to set up a distributed confidential-computing app in a few simple steps. For more comprehensive documentation, start with the docs.
helm repo add edgeless
helm repo update
If you are deploying on a cluster with nodes that support SGX1+FLC (e.g. AKS or minikube + Azure Standard_DC*s)
helm install marblerun edgeless/marblerun --create-namespace --namespace marblerun
helm install marblerun edgeless/marblerun --create-namespace --namespace marblerun --set coordinator.resources=null --set coordinator.simulation=1 --set tolerations=null
The following table lists the configurable parameters of the marblerun chart and their default values.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default |
coordinator.clientServerHost |
string | Hostname of the client-api server | "" |
coordinator.clientServerPort |
int | Port of the client-api server configuration | 4433 |
coordinator.hostname |
string | DNS-Names for the coordinator certificate | "localhost" |
coordinator.image |
string | Name of the coordinator container image | "coordinator" |
coordinator.meshServerHost |
string | Hostname of the mesh-api server | "" |
coordinator.meshServerPort |
int | Port of the mesh-api server configuration | 2001 |
coordinator.pvcName |
string | Name of a Persistent Volume Claim to use for the Coordinator's state. Leave empty to create a new one using the configured StorageClass | |
coordinator.probes |
object | Configuration for Kubernetes readiness, liveness, and startup probes. See the Kubernetes docs for more information on probes. | {"probes":{"readiness":{"failureThreshold":7,"periodSeconds":60,"timeoutSeconds":15},"liveness":{"failureThreshold":3,"periodSeconds":60,"timeoutSeconds":15},"startup":{"failureThreshold":3,"periodSeconds":2,"timeoutSeconds":15}}} |
coordinator.replicas |
int | Number of replicas for each control plane pod | 1 |
coordinator.repository |
string | Name of the container registry to pull the coordinator image from | "" |
coordinator.sealDir |
string | Path to the directory used for sealing data. Needs to be consistent with the persisten storage setup | "/coordinator/data/" |
coordinator.simulation |
bool | SGX simulation settings, set to true if your not running on an SGX capable cluster |
false |
coordinator.storageClass |
string | Kubernetes StorageClass to use for creating the Coordinator PVC. Leave empty to use the default StorageClass | |
coordinator.version |
string | Version of the coordinator container image to pull | "v1.4.0" |
global.coordinatorComponentLabel |
string | Control plane label. Do not edit | "" |
global.coordinatorNamespaceLabel |
string | Control plane label. Do not edit | "" |
global.podAnnotations |
object | Additional annotations to add to all pods | {} |
global.podLabels |
object | Additional labels to add to all pods | {} |
marbleInjector.CABundle |
string | MutatingWebhook CA bundle. Automatically configured by the MarbleRun CLI. Ignore when using standalone helm chart | "" |
marbleInjector.image |
string | Name of the marbleInjector container image | "coordinator" |
marbleInjector.start |
bool | Start the marbleInjector webhook | false |
marbleInjector.replicas |
int | Replicas of the marbleInjector webhook | 1 |
marbleInjector.repository |
string | Name of the container registry to pull the marbleInjector image from | "" |
marbleInjector.version |
string | Version of the marbleInjector container image to pull | "v1.4.0" |
marbleInjector.useCertManager |
bool | Set to use cert-manager for certificate provisioning. Required when using standalone helm chart for installation | false |
marbleInjector.objectSelector |
object | ObjectSelector to trigger marble-injector mutation, See the K8S documentation for more information | {matchExpressions:[{key:"marblerun/marbletype",operator:"Exists"}]} |
marbleInjector.namespaceSelector |
object | NamespaceSelector to trigger marble-injector mutation, See the K8S documentation for more information | {} |
nodeSelector |
object | NodeSelector section, See the K8S documentation for more information | {"": "linux"} |
tolerations |
object | Tolerations section, See the K8S documentation for more information | {key:"",operator:"Exists",effect:"NoSchedule"} |
dcap.qpl |
string | SGX quote provider library (QPL) to use. Needs to be "intel" if the libsgx-dcap-default-qpl is to be used, otherwise az-dcap-client is used by default | "azure" |
dcap.pccsUrl |
string | URL of the PCCS. Only applicable if dcap.qpl=intel |
"https://localhost:8081/sgx/certification/v3/" |
dcap.useSecureCert |
string | Whether or not the TLS certificate of the PCCS should be verified | "TRUE" |
cd <marblerun-repo>
helm package charts
mv marblerun-x.x.x.tgz <helm-repo>/stable
cd <helm-repo>
helm repo index stable --url