Sometimes we need to edit just a few pixels of a raster layer in ArcMap, not all. For example, removing several misclassified pixels from a classification result is a very common situation. In ArcMap, tools we usually use to edit raster layer includes Reclassify and Raster Calculator. However, both of them aim at editing the raster layer as a whole and it takes a lot of additional work if only a few pixels are of interest. Editing a raster layer in ArcMap should be as simple and quick as what we deal with a feature layer. This addin makes this possible.
ArcMap Raster Edit Suite (ARES), previously called ArcMap Raster Editor, is an addin for ArcMap 10.x, providing a set of tools in order to improve the convenience of minor raster editing. Its main features include:
- Modify pixels just by click-and-edit
- Identify pixels to get its row and column index
- Go to pixel with given row and column index
This addin is only compatible with ArcMap 10.x.
A detailed user guide could be found at: ArcMap Raster Editor
In case of possible bugs, it is recommanded to use the .tiff formart as your primary raster file format while using this addin.
The package are stable releas and may not include up-to-date modification. To have lastest version, please download the ARES.dll and ARES.esriAddIn at /ARES/bin/Debug. The lastest version may not be fully tested.
Special thanks to these people who contribut to this project:
- Haoliang Yu
- Xuan Wang
- Jian Qing
- Hancheng Nie
Simply double-click the RasterEditor.esriAddIn in the package and ArcGIS AddIn installation wizzard will guide you. for more detail, check the wiki page Install and Uninstall.