This is a worker service for the TimeLiner application. It collect, ,filter, store, and manages the data into the database and provide the service at core level.
- Executes a script function based on cron scheduling.
- Fetchs the data for specified category from Gnews API.
- Filters the data as per the custom requirements.
- Restructures the json object with custom data added to it.
- Manages the firestore document size and pushes the indexes of the data in the document.
- Pushes the indexed data to the firebase realtime database.
- Creation and updation of new firestore document when no enough space is avaiable.
- Firebase Admin SDK
- HTTP Requests
- Cron Job /Scheduling
- Firestore-Size
You can use this if you want to:
- Fetch and store the data from an API to Firebase Realtime Database / Firestore (Using Admin SDK).
- Modifiy the data and restructuring the json object as per your need.
- Reduse the firestore read/writes/deletes.
- Manage and use firestore efficiently for a long time.
- Execute the scripts/functions at scheduled intervals.
┣ 📂config
┃ ┗ 📜config.js
┣ 📂utils
┃ ┣ 📜keywordsGenerator.js
┃ ┗ 📜queryDateGenerator.js
┣ 📜.env
┣ 📜.gitignore
┣ 📜app.js
┣ 📜package-lock.json
┣ 📜package.json
┣ 📜Procfile
┣ 📜
┗ 📜script.js