- 09:10 Call to order
- 09:15 Project Leader Report (15 min, Mike McQuaid)
- 09:40 Project Leadership Committee Report (15 min, Sean Molenaar)
- 10:00 Technical Steering Committee Report (15 min, Michka Popoff)
10:00 PL Voting Results (5 min, Issy Long)
- Mike McQuaid was re-elected.
10:05 PLC Voting Results (5 min, Sean Molenaar because Issy felt weird announcing their own election)
- Issy Long and Jon Chang were re-elected and Colin Dean was newly elected.
- Commiserations to George Adams who was not elected.
10:10 Governance Changes Voting Results (5 min, Issy Long)
- The governance changes (Homebrew#14482) passed.
- ARM on Linux (Michka Popoff)
- Install from API (Rylan Polster)
- Homebrew on Linux (Patrick Linanne and Bo Anderson)
- CI infrastructure (Rui Chen)
- Security initiatives (Patrick Linanne)
- Formula licenses (Rui Chen)
- GitHub authentication security improvements (Colin Dean)
- Improvements to autobumping formulae and casks (Rui Chen)
- Formalizing the reimbursement process (Colin Dean)
- Homebrew Mastodon account (Mike McQuaid)
- InfluxDB analytics (Mike McQuaid)
- Security posture improvements, potentially making a security-focused volunteer group (Mike McQuaid)
- Final remarks, thanks for coming (Issy Long)
- 17:00 Meeting finished.