0.0.4 (2023-08-31)
- academic-calendar: Change layout type. (c487221)
- academic-portfolio: Improved interaction with subject field and group (2790b47)
- academic-portfolio: Move tree type from subjects page to tree page. (f5f9655)
- academic-portfolio: Refactor subject lists. (f07c287)
- academic-portfolio: Remove knowledges tree level when groupVisibility is disabled and have group level. (f832a67)
- assignables/ongoing: Do not send students to non-evaluable activities results (15f5428)
- assignables: Add hideMaxTime prop to assignation form (b400262)
- assignables: Redirect to activity execution when non-evaluable (71a3b1e)
- cCreator: Add assignmentDrawer with Instructions (0f65429)
- cCreator: Add instructions to execution (02cbe54)
- cCreator: Agnostic content creator (0475b77)
- Change menu (17a6990)
- content-creator: Add finalization button for activity (e625041)
- content-creator: Show activity Header in activity (e625041)
- dashboard: Add center select. (f5f1ab2)
- Event on disable userAgents. (e98ad85)
- Fix content creator error. (0fb9f29)
- kanban: Added center select when loggin ass multiples user agents. (5fc409b)
- learning-paths: Always add/delete menu. (5dfaed9)
- leebrary: Finish zip multipart. (c2f2461)
- leebrary: Finished shared with me. (0cc96fe)
- Library: Now returns S3 presigned URLs from dataFromReturnFile (379c9c1)
- Library: S3 presigned Url Redirect in img endpont (e09d866)
- library: Sort all library items by updated_at (21b474a)
- lPaths/modules: Remove duration from assignation (a5f4665)
- Modify login/select profile for login admin with multiple centers. (91c583e)
- Redirect to leebrary. (abb2bed)
- Remove chat button from correction pages. (f950f36)
- Removed the task/test/etz menus from the general menu so that the library menus take precedence. (bed2b52)
- scorm: Add preview mode for teachers (b5c3b1b)
- scorm: Add support for SCORM 1.2 (458b81c)
- scorm: Modules support (b400262)
- scorm: New scorm plugin (b400262)
- scorm: Scorm assignation (b400262)
- scorm: Scorm Execution (b400262)
- scorm: Scorm library and creation (b400262)
- scorm: Show progress percentage in title (60e1383)
- users: Added users detail drawer. (c20d666)
- users: Disable dataset tab in profiles. (e3cf77a)
- users: Disable/Enable users. (4abfb39)
- users: Modified user list design to differentiate deactivated users (0f1f593)
- users: New users list (fb0b5fa)
- academic-portfolio: Copy (9a3eb42)
- academic-portfolio: Design changes. (6634902)
- academic-portfolio: Hide subject type credits if program don`t have credits (515b12b)
- academic-portfolio: Link error (c7927fe)
- academic-portfolio: Now teachers and students only see the programs to which they belong (42d2d1e)
- academic-portfolio: Show course index if selected in program options. (3463354)
- academic-portoflio: Remove duplicated property totalHours (3510af2)
- Added menuLibrary token. (fa0ad40)
- Added Scorm plugin to package.json in Examples/Docker (6f7086f)
- admin-dashboard: Show only the programs of the centers in which it is present. (e9c8541)
- admin: Remove unused params (5344585)
- assignables: Add correctionDeadline localizations (27a42c2)
- assignables: Add optional property accessor in filterByRole (4facbbe)
- assignables: Add translations for NYA deadline (fb11673)
- assignables: Condition to check if type is function (ddfe82b)
- assignables: Do not redirect if dhasboardURL is null (7dd1ddf)
- assignables: Ensure an object is used for reduce (4581d75)
- assignables: Ensure onChange is emitted (00ce2b8)
- assignables: Move hook before conditional (bb410c1)
- assignables: Move hook before conditional (b920c06)
- assignables: Move hook before conditional (6835753)
- assignables: Optional chaining in function call (743cac2)
- assignables: Remove tagline requireness (063d2ec)
- assignables: Remove unused argument (8a03f42)
- assignables: Remove unused optional chaining (55dad5e)
- assignables: Remove unused params (cbda5b6)
- assignables: The group abbreviation was never rendered (9358288)
- assignables: Use dashboardUrl correctly cased in ongoing (622576f)
- assignables: UseUpdateTimestamps now updates the callback when instance changes (60e1383)
- assistance-control: Translation error. (4b8cbb7)
- attendance-control: Error removing last chart of attendance message. (110c1ef)
- board-messages: Remove unused object param (bb044ed)
- board-messages: Remove unused object param (c065070)
- board-messages: Remove unused params (a0700fc)
- board-messages: Remove unused params (e972eea)
- board-messages: Remove unused params (6508515)
- bulk-template: Use forEach instead of map (aef582c)
- calendar: Error showing calendars when admin. (141dd7c)
- calendar: Event task dont show in calendar if dont have subject. (40ed766)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (bd05018)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (273850e)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (03b1c72)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (571bde6)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (29fa6d0)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (6f756b6)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (9902096)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (c71c85b)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (2f74c3d)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (3aa923a)
- calendar: Remove unnecessary Promise (5049bb7)
- cCreator: Ensure the document assignation remains non-evaluable (b7b2b31)
- common: Remove unnecessary chanining operator (b73a655)
- comunica: Optional chaining for ChatListDrawer type (69f7fce)
- comunica: Z-index of chat bullet. (fd00846)
- content-creator: Add finish redirection to module (0e9f408)
- content-creator: Add translations to instructions (85f7c28)
- content-creator: Bad redirect on edit and view buttons. (9dc650f)
- content-creator: Open instructions by default (85f7c28)
- content-creator: Remove report from assignation (5fb0474)
- content-creator: Save instructions on module assignation (f388dc8)
- content-creator: Show menu-item in leebrary (8ee3741)
- curriculum: Administrators can now only view/add resumes in their centers (8a91195)
- Custom remember assignation email (a9ee03d)
- dashboard: Some design errors (92b169b)
- Docker: Add yarn.lock to Dockerfile build (16c34a2)
- email: Images (c657579)
- Error (a9f7eb2)
- families: Remove empty object param (972a87c)
- families: Remove the need of handling the callback (9923661)
- feedback: Ensure the feedback is assigned as non-evaluable (48c1eb3)
- feedback: Feedback redirect to leebrary error. (a1543c5)
- feedback: Preview (4f06d4a)
- feedback: Remove empty object param (4c7990f)
- feedback: Remove question number from editQuestion function (69056e3)
- fundae: Error when generate. (0391c90)
- grades: Order error. (7292d0a)
- grades: Remove empty object param (07d674f)
- grades: Remove empty object param (bd6e2b5)
- grades: Translation error. (40d84d9)
- learning-paths: Remove menu item (c78308a)
- learning-paths: Remove unused param (86fee64)
- learning-paths: Use empty object as default param (35617e7)
- learning-paths: Use hook without conditionals (830db49)
- Leebrary refresh error on share (3d249e4)
- leebrary/LibraryExtension: Do not try to build an url if it is undefined (01963ce)
- leebrary: Add support for menu-items order in categories (cfbdf7b)
- leebrary: Bad leebrary subject load. (7007687)
- leebrary: Hide draft tabs for SCORM (60e1383)
- leebrary: List all the menu items instead of only 10 (cbb076c)
- leebrary: Menu order, Error when you are on a page of a category to move to another category that kept the page active instead of going to the number 1. (679c5dd)
- leebrary: Remove filters by program by default. (e1dd2a0)
- leebrary: Removed silly condition (b969785)
- leebrary: Serve folders with stream instead of presigned url (359a9a1)
- leebrary: Share files only with contacts. (9b9a569)
- leebrary: Show all files in pinned page when dont have pinned files. (f0b2874)
- leebrary: Sort menuItems by order prop (cf65bc3)
- leebrary: Use extension instead of file type to detect zips (9753817)
- Leemons context error (2889136)
- leemons-react: Group matching extensions in regex group (0f3a5d6)
- Library: Force readStream returned (670fce3)
- Library: Remove Accept-Ranges in headers to play videos (e7ce12b)
- lPaths/modules: Redirect student to assignation execution if it's non-evaluable (ff7526e)
- lPaths/modules: Remove collapseOnScroll for dashboard (7422343)
- lPaths/modules: Stop event bubbling on card menu-item (e8263f5)
- lPaths/modules: Use always dashboard url (524fcd2)
- mongoose: Change encodeURI function name to encodeMongooseURI (fc75942)
- mqtt-aws-iot: Remove async function from Promise executor (2f239cc)
- mqtt-aws-iot: Remove async Promise executor (a48c2a0)
- multilanguage: Bad isLoading status. (40b8ad7)
- scores: Do not set scoreInput value if not stace is provided yet (973adee)
- scores: Do not throw if class doesn't have a group (cd1d5a8)
- scores: Do not use hooks inside rhf Controllers (5ca7806)
- scores: Remove empty object (2ed1468)
- scores: Remove empty object (349cd6a)
- scores: Remove undefined periods from data in useParsedData (49ae6f2)
- scores: Remove unnecessary optional chaining (ee26104)
- scores: Remove unused param from function (0cdcd63)
- scores: Use evaluationType to determine if grade can be changed (8f0d497)
- scores: Use instance subjects instead of assignables ones (dffb4f9)
- scorm: Allow scorms from different domains using window communication (458b81c)
- scorm: Bad copy. (662bd89)
- scorm: Collapsed header for preview (9dca3f2)
- scorm: Delete removed flag from assignables menu-item (867c9ad)
- scorm: Disable submission button when already finished (2d2a6e6)
- scorm: Do not disable submit button until scorm is finished (3ca3e2b)
- scorm: Do not mark as finished when open modal (a2fae9e)
- scorm: Do not show extra scrollbars (60e1383)
- scorm: Move publish button (458b81c)
- scorm: Upload dist files for iframe (a21de69)
- Sonar bugs. (162ab74)
- super-admin: Error disabled all admin when super admin save in admins page. (ca0f315)
- tasks: Add optional chaining to useEffect deps (d43e3bf)
- tasks: Copy (87aa543)
- tasks: Disable submission button when already finished (2d2a6e6)
- tasks: Display the selected grade by default in correction (c53a019)
- tasks: Do not show curriculums of subjects not assigned to (f4a993e)
- tasks: Stop using hooks outside react control (eaac547)
- tasks: Use instance as id if no instance.id is provided in useUpdateTimestamps (c2af5c2)
- Tokens: Added new tokens.json from bubbles (d69e9c9)
- users: Birthdate in users list to intl date. (82fad6a)
- users: Design errors. (b259045)
- users: Error can`t download import users template. (48f0de6)
- users: Error enable/disable users. (6503b15)
- users: Limit users. (d19e42b)
- users: Select user agent remove selected error. (ce5dcfd)
- users: Translations error. (d2a2975)