LUA scripts can be used as filters in skipper. The current implementation supports Lua 5.1.
The lua scripts can be added to a route description with the lua()
the first parameter for the filter is the script. This can be either a file
name (ending with .lua
) or inline code, e.g. as
- file
- if a file path is not absolute, the path is relative to skipper's working directory. - inline
lua("function request(c, p); print(c.request.url); end")
Any other additional parameters for the filter will be passed as a second table parameter to the called functions.
Any parameter starting with "lua-" should not be used to pass values for the script - those will be used for configuring the filter.
A filter script needs at least one global function: request
or response
If present, they are called with a skipper filter context and the params passed
in the route as table like
-- route looks like
-- any: * -> lua("./test.lua", "myparam=foo", "other=bar", "justkey") -> <shunt>
function request(ctx, params)
print(params[1]) -- myparam=foo
print(params[2]) -- other=bar
print(params[3]) -- justkey
print(params[4]) -- nil
print(params.myparam) -- foo
print(params.other) -- bar
print(params.justkey) -- (empty string)
print(params.x) -- nil
Parameter table allows index access as well as key-value access
Lua print
builtin function writes skipper info log messages.
function pauses execution for at least number
milliseconds. A negative or zero duration causes sleep
to return immediately.
Besides the standard modules - except
for debug
- the following additional modules have been preloaded and can be used with e.g.
local http = require("http")
, see also the examples below
gluahttp - TODO: configurable with something different than&http.Client{}
lua base64
For differences between the standard modules and the gopher-lua implementation check the gopher-lua documentation.
Any other module can be loaded in non-byte code form from the lua path (by default
for require("mod")
this is ./mod.lua
, /usr/local/share/lua/5.1/mod.lua
You may selectively enable standard and additional Lua modules using -lua-modules
Note that preloaded additional modules require package
For standard modules you may enable only a subset of module symbols:
Use none
to disable all modules:
See also
There is no guarantee that the request()
and response()
functions of a
lua script run in the same lua state during one request. Setting a variable
in the request and accessing it in the response will most likely fail and lead
to hard debuggable errors. Use the ctx.state_bag
to propagate values from
to response
- and any other filter in the chain.
The request()
function is run for an incoming request and response()
for backend response.
Request headers can be accessed via ctx.request.header
table like
ua = ctx.request.header["user-agent"]
and iterated like
for k, v in ctx.request.header() do
print(k, "=", v);
Header names are normalized by the net/http
go module
like usual. Setting a
header is done by assigning to the header table. Setting a header to nil
an empty string deletes the header - setting to nil
is preferred.
ctx.request.header["user-agent"] = "skipper.lua/0.0.1"
ctx.request.header["Authorization"] = nil -- delete authorization header
table returns empty string for missing keys
Response headers ctx.response.header
work the same way - this is of course only valid in the response()
- (read only) returns the backend url specified in the route or an empty value in case it's a shunt or loopbackhost
- (read only) the 'Host' header that was in the incoming request to the proxyoutgoing_host
- (read/write) the host that will be set for the outgoing proxy request as the 'Host' header.remote_addr
- (read only) the remote host, usually IP:portcontent_length
- (read only) content lengthproto
- (read only) something like "HTTP/1.1"method
- (read only) request method, e.g. "GET" or "POST"url
- (read/write) request URL as stringurl_path
- (read/write) request URL path as stringurl_query
- (read/write) request URL query parameter table, similar to header table but returnsnil
for missing keysurl_raw_query
- (read/write) encoded request URL query values, without '?' as stringcookie
- (read only) request cookie table, similar to header table but returnsnil
for missing keys
- (read/write) response status code as number, e.g. 200
Requests can be served with ctx.serve(table)
, you must return after this
call. Possible keys for the table:
(number) - required (but currently not enforced)header
See also redirect and internal server error examples below
Path parameters (if any) can be read via ctx.path_param
Path("/api/:id") -> lua("function request(ctx, params); print(; end") -> <shunt>
table returnsnil
for missing keys
The state bag can be used to pass values from one filter to another in the same chain. It is shared by all filters in one request.
function request(ctx, params)
-- the value of "mykey" will be available to all filters in the chain now:
ctx.state_bag["mykey"] = "foo"
function response(ctx, params)
table returnsnil
for missing keys
The examples serve as examples. If there is a go based plugin available, use that instead. For overhead estimate see benchmark.
local base64 = require("base64")
function request(ctx, params)
token = string.gsub(ctx.request.header["Authorization"], "^%s*[Bb]earer%s+", "", 1)
user = ctx.request.header["x-username"]
if user == "" then
user = params.username
ctx.request.header["Authorization"] = "Basic " .. base64.encode(user .. ":" .. token)
-- print(ctx.request.header["Authorization"])
local http = require("http")
function request(ctx, params)
token = string.gsub(ctx.request.header["Authorization"], "^%s*[Bb]earer%s+", "", 1)
if token == "" then
ctx.serve({status_code=401, body="Missing Token"})
res, err = http.get(""..token)
if err ~= nil then
print("Failed to get tokeninfo: " .. err)
ctx.serve({status_code=401, body="Failed to validate token: "..err})
if res.status_code ~= 200 then
ctx.serve({status_code=401, body="Invalid token"})
function request(ctx, params)
ctx.request.url = string.gsub(ctx.request.url, "%?.*$", "")
-- print("URL="..ctx.request.url)
function request(ctx, params)
function request(ctx, params)
-- let 10% of all requests fail with 500
if math.random() < 0.1 then
body="Internal Server Error.\n",
function request(ctx, params)
ctx.request.header[params[1]] = params[2]
if params[1]:lower() == "host" then
ctx.request.outgoing_host = params[2]
See skptesting/
Route for "skipper" is * -> redirectTo(302, "http://localhost:9980") -> <shunt>
route for "lua" is * -> lua("function request(c,p); c.serve({status_code=302, header={location='http://localhost:9980'}});end") -> <shunt>
Benchmark results
[benchmarking skipper-redirectTo]
Running 12s test @
2 threads and 128 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 4.19ms 5.38ms 69.50ms 85.10%
Req/Sec 26.16k 2.63k 33.22k 64.58%
Latency Distribution
50% 1.85ms
75% 6.38ms
90% 11.66ms
99% 23.34ms
626122 requests in 12.04s, 91.36MB read
Requests/sec: 51996.22
Transfer/sec: 7.59MB
[benchmarking skipper-redirectTo done]
[benchmarking redirect-lua]
Running 12s test @
2 threads and 128 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 6.81ms 9.69ms 122.19ms 85.95%
Req/Sec 21.17k 2.83k 30.63k 73.75%
Latency Distribution
50% 2.21ms
75% 10.22ms
90% 19.88ms
99% 42.54ms
507434 requests in 12.06s, 68.72MB read
Requests/sec: 42064.69
Transfer/sec: 5.70MB
[benchmarking redirect-lua done]
show lua performance is ~80% of native.
The benchmark was run with the default pool size of script.InitialPoolSize = 3; script.MaxPoolSize = 10
With script.InitialPoolSize = 128; script.MaxPoolSize = 128
(tweaked for this benchmark) you get >95% of native performance in lua:
[benchmarking skipper-redirectTo]
Running 12s test @
2 threads and 128 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 4.15ms 5.24ms 62.27ms 84.88%
Req/Sec 25.81k 2.64k 32.74k 70.00%
Latency Distribution
50% 1.88ms
75% 6.49ms
90% 11.43ms
99% 22.49ms
617499 requests in 12.03s, 90.10MB read
Requests/sec: 51336.87
Transfer/sec: 7.49MB
[benchmarking skipper-redirectTo done]
[benchmarking redirect-lua]
Running 12s test @
2 threads and 128 connections
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 3.79ms 4.98ms 91.19ms 87.15%
Req/Sec 25.14k 4.71k 51.45k 72.38%
Latency Distribution
50% 1.61ms
75% 5.17ms
90% 10.05ms
99% 21.83ms
602630 requests in 12.10s, 81.61MB read
Requests/sec: 49811.24
Transfer/sec: 6.75MB
[benchmarking redirect-lua done]
Similar results are achieved when testing stripQuery()
vs the lua version from above.