- 正文为小四号字,标题比正文大一号以上字号。标题居中;
- 标题的大小写:冠词、介词小写(介词如果是5个字母以上也可以大写)如果冠词和介词是标题第一个词,则要大写;
- 若使用缩行,则每段第一个单词前空出4个字母。若使用顶格,每个段落间空一行;
- 正文使用Times New Roman 或Calibri 字体;
- 行间距为1.5倍;
- 书名号、影片名、中文度量衡需使用斜体;
- 标点符号后需空一格再打下一个单词;标点紧跟前一单词,否则系统会判为拼写错误。 The joy of laughter at a funny story is universal,probably as old as language itself .
- 破折号与连字符的区分 a bird can fly freely in the sky, I have got to follow the same dorm-cafeteria-classrooms-cafeteria-dorm again routine
- 始终在英文状态下打字,不要切换到汉语状态(比如 apostrophe’s)
- 整个篇幅页面两端对齐
3、It is adj for sb to do sth. It is a must for us to do.
4、如果 you will succeed, if/given that/provided that you work hard.逗号别忘,更推荐使用后两个。
5、it is n that 强调句
6、too to 太而不能
7、make/ find it difficult to do
3、Which 修饰整个句子要加逗号
4、Such as 作为插入语,前后有逗号
You can not imagine how
保持稳定 level out.remain stable.remain still/steady.maintain the same level.
充满了 be filled with. be saturated with.
从 到 range from.
降低至 dip to.fall to.slump to.descend to.
努力 struggle for.aspire after.strive.spare no efforts to.
受到关注 become under scrutiny.
在当代社会 in modern society.in comtemporary society.
在某些方面 in terms of.
增长至 grow to.rise to.increase to.go up to.ascend to.