💓 IRC Client for everyone!
Making open source alternative of IRCCloud is this project's very first goal. Join our IRC channel if you're interested!
- #openirc of Ozinger IRC network
- #openirc-test of Ozinger IRC network
# Building client-side codes
cd client
yarn # Install dependencies
yarn test # Static type checking (flow)
yarn build # Build everything in production mode (flow + webpack)
yarn watch # Run webpack in watch mode
# Running server
cd server
yarn # Install dependencies
yarn test # Static type checking (flow)
yarn start [port] # Start the server. Default port is 4321
# Client side codes
▾ client/
▸ src/ # Client-side assets (js, css, ...)
package.json # Client-side libraries
# Server side codes
▾ server/
▾ public/ # Files that will be statically served
▸ build/ # Build results of client-side assets
▸ src/ # Server-side codes (node.js)
package.json # Server-side libraries