A client-side nostr network status built with Vue3, nostr-js and dskvr/nostr-relay-inspector. Goal is to produce a client-side app that collects detailed information about nostr relays and the network in general to assist users, developers and relay operators alike.
- Rapidly learn Nostr Protocol Personal Goal
- Tool that can assist in a visual understanding of Nostr for developers
- Tool that can assist in onboarding for Users
- Real-time relay status
- Real-time, client-centric latency tests
- Relay Identities
- JSON for known relays shared via /relays.json
- Detailed Relay Modal view In Progress
- Relay Behavior Analysis In progress
- NIP Checks In progress
- Geo Checks (build-time) In progress
- Optional Companion Backend for historical data, front-end gracefully degrades if inaccessible.
- "Best Relays for a User" and "Best Relays for a Developer" dynamic aggregate, the former based largely on a balance of Latency and NIP support, the latter based largely on NIP support. Unique results for each visitor
- Expose all features in frontend
- General Housekeeping
- Tests
- Different views for different audiences (users
- Shareable VUE components
and NIP validation scripts from fiatjaf/nostr-tools. Originally a fork of fiatjaf/nostr-relay-registry, but completely rewritten and connection functionality was ported to jb55/nostr-js.
yarn install
yarn serve
yarn build
yarn lint
yarn docker:build