This project uses the gatsby-starter-blog as a base to create a blog site.
Although the starter is used, I've customized the CSS a bit to support forms and a few other styles.
I also added new pages, about and contact, and defined a menu reusing components to navigate across the blog.
The blog can be accessed using the URL
- Gatsby 5.14.0
- Node.js v20.18
For a full overview, please check the gatsby-config.js
- gatsby-plugin-feed
- gatsby-plugin-image
- gatsby-plugin-manifest
- gatsby-plugin-sharp
- gatsby-remark-images
- gatsby-remark-prismjs
- gatsby-remark-responsive-iframe
- gatsby-source-filesystem
- gatsby-transformer-remark
- gatsby-transformer-sharp
To run the project locally, please run the following commands:
nvm install v20.18.0 # if you don't have Node.js v20 installed (Be sure to have nvm installed as well)
npm install -g gatsby-cli
npm install
npm run develop
The main
branch of this repository is linked to Netlify.
This means that any new commit or merge done in the main
branch results in a new automated deployment.
I'm also using Netlify Forms for my Contact page.