#Get Started with the Internet of Things
"A world where physical objects are seamlessly integrated into the information network, and where the physical objects can become active participants in business processes. Services are available to interact with these 'smart objects' over the Internet, query and change their state and any information associated with them, taking into account security and privacy issues." -- from Internet of Things: An Integral Part of the Future Internet by Stephen Haller, SAP Research###[INFOGRAPHIC!](http://d3uifzcxlzuvqz.cloudfront.net/images/stories/content/infographic/IoT-Infographic/postscapes-harbor-iot-infographics.jpg) by [Postscapes](http://postscapes.com/) and Harbour Research
###More Examples ###...and Sharks
Fisheries advise: tagged bronze whaler shark detected by Warnbro Sound receiver at 07:58:00 PM on 12-Nov-2015
— Surf Life Saving WA (@SLSWA) November 12, 2015
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###The Societal Impact of the Internet of Things A report of a workshop on the Internet of Things organized by BCS – The Chartered Institute for IT, on Thursday 14 February 2013. (British Computer Society, 2013)
"...unlike the Internet, which is a concrete technical infrastructure whose design and architecture are well documented, the IoT is still primarily a vision and only part reality—individual IoT technologies and systems exist, but there is currently no coherent global IoT."
"At present it is more accurate to talk about a growing number of ‘Intranets of Things’ or ‘Internets of Things’ (plural), rather than a single IoT. Nor is it necessarily correct to assume that all these pockets of development will soon or easily come together to form a global IoT—these systems often have little in common besides the vague notion of ‘connecting things’."
"...messy and visible assemblage of technological artefacts, human actors, and organizational elements. Descriptions of future scenarios should take account of breakdowns, assemblages of old and new technologies, and the different viewpoints of the involved actors, and should be rooted in specific contexts of use. ...the data produced by a sensing device associated with a specific individual is very different to the environmental data produced by a buoy floating in the ocean, and must be handled differently."
"Worryingly, city governments generally lack the expertise to drive the design of public IoT infrastructures, relying instead on the expertise of technology vendors and development companies for much of the design, operation, and maintenance (BCS, 2013)." "It is also very clear that there is a fundamental mismatch between the open, participatory character of the Internet and the closed, proprietary way in which many city IoT projects are approached."
"...the IoT introduces new challenges, carrying with it an inherent assumption that information will be shared across things, applications and possibly sectors."
"...more dramatic impacts on privacy and data protection than other Information and Communication Technologies"
"...risk that study of the IoT will prioritize the technical artefacts (things) and neglect the social aspects of its technical systems and information infrastructures."
###Education Opportunities
- Coursera Specialization: An Introduction to Programming the Internet of Things (IOT) Specialization
- List of free online courses
###Microsoft's the Lab of Things
- Bluemix is a modular app development platform
- IoT Foundation is an IoT cloud service
- Together they allow you to develop IoT applications and systems
- Free 30 day trial
- Demo!
- Lightweight app that let's you connect apps and take control of networked devices.