Authors: Hiroyuki Kasai
Collaborator: Kohei Yoshikawa
Last page update: July 10, 2017
Latest library version: 1.0.3 (see Release notes for more info)
This package provides various tools for classification, e.g., image classification, face recogntion, and related applicaitons.
- Basis
- PCA (Principal component analysis)
- M. Turk and A. Pentland, "Eigenfaces for recognition," J. Cognitive Neurosci," vol.3, no.1, pp.71-86, 1991.
- See also wikipedia.
- ICA (Independent component analysis)
- See wikipedia.
- LDA (Linear discriminant analysis)
- P. N. Belhumeur, J. P. Hespanha, and D. I. Kriegman, "Eigenfaces vs. Fisherfaces: recognition using class specific linear projection," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.19, no.7, pp.711-720, 1997.
- See also wikipedia.
- SVM (Support vector machine)
- See wikipedia
- Use Matlab built-in library (svmfitcsvm and predict).
- PCA (Principal component analysis)
- LRC variant
- LRC (Linear regression classification)
- I. Nassem, M. Bennamoun, "Linear regression for face recognition," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.32, no.11, 2010.
- LDRC (Linear discriminant regression classificatoin)
- S.-M. Huang and J.-F. Yang, "Linear discriminant regression classification for face recognition," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.20, no.1, pp.91-94, 2013.
- LCDRC (Linear collaborative discriminant regression classificatoin)
- X. Qu, S. Kim, R. Cui and H. J. Kim, "Linear collaborative discriminant regression classification for face recognition," J. Visual Communication Image Represetation, vol.31, pp. 312-319, 2015.
- LRC (Linear regression classification)
- CRC (Collaborative representation based classification)
- L. Zhanga, M. Yanga, and X. Feng, "Sparse representation or collaborative representation: which helps face recognition?," Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'11), pp. 471-478, 2011.
- LSR variant
- LSR (Least squares regression)
- DERLR (Discriminative elastic-net regularized linear regression)
- Z. Zhang, Z. Lai, Y. Xu, L. Shao and G. S. Xie, "[Discriminative elastic-net regularized linear regression(," IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol.26, no.3, pp.1466-1481, 2017.
- Low-rank matrix factorization based
- NMF (Non-negative matrix factorization)
- Please refer NMFLibrary.
- Robust PCA classifier
- E. Candes, X. Li, Y. Ma, and J. Wright, "Robust Principal Component Analysis?," Journal of the ACM, vol.58, no.3, 2011.
- Clasifier uses SRC.
- Use SparseGDLibrary.
- NMF (Non-negative matrix factorization)
- RCM based
- RCM+kNN (Region covariance matrix algorithm)
- O. Tuzel, F. Porikli, and P. Meer "Region covariance: a fast descriptor for detection and classification," European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV2006), pp.589-600, 2006.
- GRCM+kNN (Gabor-wavelet-based region covariance matrix algorithm)
- Y. Pang, Y. Yuan, and X. Li, "Gabor-based Region covariance matrices for face recognition," IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology vol.18, no.7, 2008.
- RCM+kNN (Region covariance matrix algorithm)
- SRC variant
- SRC (Sparse representation classifcation)
- J. Wright, A. Yang, A. Ganesh, S. Sastry, and Y. Ma, "Robust face recognition via sparse representation," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.31, no.2, pp.210-227, 2009.
- ESRC (Extended Sparse representation classifcation)
- W. Deng, J. Hu, and J. Guo, "Extended SRC: Undersampled face recognition via intraclass variant dictionary," IEEE Transation on Pattern Analysis Machine Intelligence, vol.34, no.9, pp.1864-1870, 2012.
- SDR-SLR (Sparse- and dense-hybrid representation and supervised low-rank)
- X. Jiang, and J. Lai,
- "Sparse and dense hybrid representation via dictionary decomposition for face recognition,"
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.37, no.5, pp.1067-1079, 2015.
- SRC (Sparse representation classifcation)
- Dictionary learning based
- M. Aharon, M. Elad, and A.M. Bruckstein, "The K-SVD: An algorithm for designing of overcomplete dictionaries for sparse representation", IEEE Trans. On Signal Processing, Vol.54, no.11, pp.4311-4322, November 2006.
- LC-KSVD (Label Consistent K-SVD)
- Z. Jiang, Z. Lin, L. S. Davis, "Learning a discriminative dictionary for sparse coding via label consistent K-SVD," IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2011), 2011.
- Z. Jiang, Z. Lin, L. S. Davis, "Label consistent K-SVD: learning A discriminative dictionary for recognition," IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.35, no.11, pp.2651-2664, 2013.
- Geometry-aware
- R-KSRC (Riemannian kernelized sparse representation classification)
- M. Harandi, R. Hartley, B. Lovell and C. Sanderson, "Sparse coding on symmetric positive definite manifolds using bregman divergences," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS), 2016.
- M. Harandi, C. Sanderson, R. Hartley and B. Lovell, "Sparse coding and dictionary learning for symmetric positive definite matrices: a kernel approach," European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2012.
- R-KSRC (Riemannian kernelized sparse representation classification)
./ - Top directory. ./ - This readme file. ./run_me_first.m - The scipt that you need to run first. ./demo.m - Demonstration script to check and understand this package easily. |algorithm/ - Algorithms for classifcations. |auxiliary/ - Some auxiliary tools for this project. |demo_examples/ - Some demonstration files. |lib/ - 3rd party tools. |dataset/ - Folder where datasets are stored.
Run run_me_first
for path configurations.
%% First run the setup script
Run download
for downloading datasets and external libraries.
%% Run the downloading script
- If your computer is behind a proxy server, please configure your Matlab setting. See this.
Now, just execute demo
for demonstration of this package.
%% Execute the demonstration script
The "demo.m" file contains below.
%% load data
%% perform RCM k-NN classifier with
% GRCM2 with eigenvalue-based distance
grcm_accuracy = rcm_knn_classifier(TrainSet, TestSet,'GRCM', '2', 'EV', 5);
% RCM4 with eigenvalue-based distance
rcm_accuracy = rcm_knn_classifier(TrainSet, TestSet, 'RCM', '4', 'EV', 5);
%% show recognition accuracy
fprintf('# GRCM2 Accuracy = %5.2f\n', grcm_accuracy);
fprintf('# RCM4 Accuracy = %5.2f\n', rcm_accuracy);
Let take a closer look at the code above bit by bit. The procedure has only 3 steps!
Step 1: Load data
First, we load datasets including train set and test set. This case uses a covariance dataset that is originally generated from ORL face dataset.
Step 2: Perform solver
Now, you can perform optimization solvers, i.e., RCM-based kNN classifier, calling rcm_knn_classifier()
function with appropriate paramters.
% GRCM2 with eigenvalue-based distance
grcm_accuracy = rcm_knn_classifier(TrainSet, TestSet, 'GRCM', '2', 'EV', 5);
% RCM4 with eigenvalue-based distance
rcm_accuracy = rcm_knn_classifier(TrainSet, TestSet, 'RCM', '4', 'EV', 5);
The first case performs the Gabor-wavelet-based region covariance matrix (CRCM) algorithm (type 4) with eigen-value based disctance followed by 5-NN classifier. The second cases peforms the standard region covariance matrix (RCM) algorithm (type 2) with the same setting as before. They return the final accuracy.
Step 3: Show recognition accuracy
Finally, the final recognition accuracis are shown.
fprintf('# GRCM2 Accuracy = %5.2f\n', grcm_accuracy);
fprintf('# RCM4 Accuracy = %5.2f\n', rcm_accuracy);
That's it!
- This toobox is free, non-commercial and open source.
- The code provided in this toobox should only be used for academic/research purposes.
- Third party files are included.
- OMPBox is used for OMP (orthogonal matching pursuit) algorithm.
- KSVDBox is used for K-SVD algorithm.
- SPAMS is used for various lasso problems.
- RSR.
- Learning Discriminative Stein Kernel for SPD Matrices and Its Applications.
- JACOBI_EIGENVALUE is a MATLAB library which computes the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real symmetric matrix.
- NMFLibrary is for NMF.
- SparseGDLibrary is for Robust PCA classifier.
- Note that please see the corresponding license for each.
If you have any problems or questions, please contact the author: Hiroyuki Kasai (email: kasai at is dot uec dot ac dot jp)
- Version 1.0.3 (July 11, 2017)
- Add and modify SDR-SLR etc.
- Version 1.0.2 (July 07, 2017)
- Add and modify RSR, SVM etc.
- Version 1.0.1 (July 06, 2017)
- Add and modify many items.
- Version 1.0.0 (July 01, 2017)
- Initial version.