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Bacalhau terraform


gcloud projects

Install gcloud and login:

gcloud auth application-default login

Projects you will need access to:

terraform workspaces

The ops/terraform directory contains the terraform configuration and all of the logic lives in

cd ops/terraform
gcloud auth application-default login
terraform init
terraform workspace list

Terraform state is managed using workspaces - there is a GCS bucket called bacalhau-global-storage the lives in the bacalhau-cicd project that keeps the tfstate for each workspace.

Combined with a <workspace-name>.tfvars variables file that controls which google project we deploy to - we can manage multiple bacalhau clusters into the same gcloud project.

bacalhau workspaces

A bacalhau workspace is a combination of:

  • <workspace-name>.tfvars - the variables controlling the versions, cluster size, gcloud project, gcloud region
  • <workspace-name>-secrets.tfvars - the sensitive API keys that are required (not checked in to source control)
  • a terraform workspace named <workspace-name> which points at the state file managed in the GCS bucket

The bash scripts/ <workspace-name> will connect to the correct gcloud project and zone named in <workspace-name>.tfvars and run terraform workspace select <workspace-name> so you can begin to work with that cluster.

IMPORTANT: always run bash scripts/ before running terraform commands for a given project.

bash scripts/ production
terraform plan -var-file production.tfvars -var-file production-secrets.tfvars

Deploying Bacalhau mainnet

The normal operation is to edit production.tfvars, make sure the bacalhau_version variable points to the version you'd like to deploy. Optionally, ensure you have appropriate values in production-secrets.tfvars (see secrets.tfvars.example for a guide) and then:

# make sure gcloud is connected to the correct project and compute zone for our workspace
bash scripts/ production
# apply the latest variables
terraform plan -var-file production.tfvars -var-file production-secrets.tfvars
terraform apply -var-file production.tfvars -var-file production-secrets.tfvars

⚠️ Due to some limitations in how GCP provision gpus (inquiry @simonwo for more details 😄) the disk of one of the gpu machines has to be restored from a hand-picked snapshot. This is a temporary solution.

Stand up a new long lived cluster

To start a new long lived cluster - we need to first standup the first node and get it's libp2p id and then re-apply the cluster

# make sure you are logged into the google user that has access to our gcloud projects
gcloud auth application-default login
# the name of the cluster (and workspace)
export WORKSPACE=apples
cp staging.tfvars $WORKSPACE.tfvars
# edit variables
#   * gcp_project = bacalhau-development
#   * region = XXX
#   * zone = XXX
vi $WORKSPACE.tfvars
# create a new workspace state file for this cluster
terraform workspace new $WORKSPACE
# make sure gcloud is connected to the correct project and compute zone for our workspace
bash scripts/ $WORKSPACE
# get the first node up and running
terraform apply \
  -var-file $WORKSPACE.tfvars \
  -var-file $WORKSPACE-secrets.tfvars \
  -var="bacalhau_connect_node0=" \
# wait a bit of time so the bacalhau server is up and running
sleep 10
gcloud compute ssh bacalhau-vm-$WORKSPACE-0 -- sudo systemctl status bacalhau
# now we need to get the libp2p id of the first node
gcloud compute ssh bacalhau-vm-$WORKSPACE-0 -- journalctl -u bacalhau | grep "peer id is" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}'
# copy this id and paste it into the variables file
# edit variables
#   * bacalhau_connect_node0 = <id copied from SSH command above>
vi $WORKSPACE.tfvars
# now we re-apply the terraform command
terraform apply \
  -var-file $WORKSPACE.tfvars \
  -var-file $WORKSPACE-secrets.tfvars

Deleting long lived cluster

There is prevent_destroy = true on long lived clusters.

This is controlled by the protect_resources = true variable.

The only way to delete a long lived cluster (because you've thought hard about it and have decided it is actually what you want to do) is to edit the file and set prevent_destroy = false on the ip address and the disk before doing:

terraform destroy -var-file $WORKSPACE.tfvars

IMPORTANT: remember to reset prevent_destroy = true in (please don't commit it with prevent_destroy = false)

Once you have deleted a cluster - don't forget to:

terraform workspace delete $WORKSPACE
rm -f $WORKSPACE.tfvars

Stand up a new short lived cluster

This is for scale tests or short lived tests on a live network.

We set bacalhau_unsafe_cluster=true so nodes automatically connect to each other (it uploads a fixed, unsafe private key from this repo so we know the libp2p id of node0)

We set protect_resources=false so we can easily delete the cluster when we are done.

export WORKSPACE=oranges
cp shortlived_example.tfvars $WORKSPACE.tfvars
# edit variables
#   * gcp_project = bacalhau-development
#   * region = XXX
#   * zone = XXX
vi $WORKSPACE.tfvars
# create a new workspace state file for this cluster
terraform workspace new $WORKSPACE
# make sure gcloud is connected to the correct project and compute zone for our workspace
bash scripts/ $WORKSPACE
# get the first node up and running
terraform apply \
  -var-file $WORKSPACE.tfvars
sleep 10
gcloud compute ssh bacalhau-vm-$WORKSPACE-0 -- sudo systemctl status bacalhau

Deleting short lived cluster

export WORKSPACE=oranges
bash scripts/ $WORKSPACE
terraform destroy \
  -var-file $WORKSPACE.tfvars
terraform workspace select development
terraform workspace delete $WORKSPACE
rm $WORKSPACE.tfvars

Debugging startup issues

To see the logs from a nodes startup script:

export WORKSPACE=apples
bash scripts/ $WORKSPACE
gcloud compute ssh bacalhau-vm-$WORKSPACE-0 -- sudo journalctl -u google-startup-scripts.service

Backwards compatible naming

In some resources, the name property of a resource is calculated like this:

name  = terraform.workspace == "production" ?
  "bacalhau-ipv4-address-${count.index}" :

This is a backwards compatible mode to preserve the production disks and ip addresses by avoiding renaming them.

Protected resources

The disks and ip addresses are in one of two modes:

  • protected
  • unprotected

To control which type is used - you set the protect_resources variable to true when creating a cluster.

Auto subnets

With long lived clusters - we use the auto_subnets = true setting which means there will be a bunch of subnetworks auto created for the deployment network.

For short lived clusters - we set this to false and create a single manual sub network.

This is so we don't use up all of our network quota making subnets that we don't actually use.

Uploading CIDs

Sometimes it's useful to upload content directly to nodes in a terraform managed cluster.

There is a script to help do that:

bash scripts/ production ~/path/to/local/content

Troubleshoot production

To inspect the aggregated logs in Grafana Cloud access this dashboard (requires credentials!).

Alternatively, you need to ssh into the hosts in the bacalhau-production project. Inspect the logs with journalctl -u bacalhau -f.