This repository contains the code and input needed to reproduce our work.
- feature_extraction, and learning_model are the source code directories that contain the code behind the work
- is the file needed to reproduce our work.
- feature_selection/ is the directory that contains feature selection code. It accounts for both regression and classification, can run various FS methods, can take any training/testing dataset, can scale data if specified
In order to test the feature extraction approach in our work, you need to first download the 'stanford-corenlp-full-2018-02-27' Stanford dependency parser which should consist of the following:
- stanford-corenlp-3.9.1.jar
- stanford-corenlp-3.9.1-models.jar
It can be downloaded using the following link:
You will also need to download the StanfordNERTagger 'stanford-ner-2018-02-27' which consists of the following:
- classifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz
- stanford-ner.jar
It can be downloaded using the following link:
Download the above two requirements and save them in this directory. Inside, uncomment test_feature_extraction() from the main function in order to test feature extraction. Feature extraction csv files will be outputted into the output directory
By running the function, you run the best found machine learning model on the FA-KES train and test datasets
You can change the paths in the test_features_model()
function in the file in order to test it on other datasets. The other datasets are found in the other_datasets directory (Buzzfeed train and test features extraction are there)
comment the test_features_model()
in the main function call in the file if you do not want to test the feature-based machine learning model.
- You need to download the Glove file glove.6B.300d.txt and place it in the same directory as the file
- It can be downloaded from this link:
- uncomment the
in the main function call in the file if you want to test the text-based deep learning model. - You can change the paths in the
function in the file in order to test it on other datasets. The other datasets are found in the other_datasets directory (Buzzfeed train and test features extraction are there)
- We have applied meta learning to the FAKES dataset. More specifically, we experimented with MAML & ARML
- We have compared performance to shallow models
- All Experiments can be found here
We have also run advanced machine learning evaluations to assess the quality of the predictions of each of the best meta learners and best performing shallow model: