#Gene Risk Score automatical turn and twists automatically from vcf file and specs ##You'll need the following:
- A csv-file (american with ',' as seperator) (referred as
) with the SNPs from the litterature you want in your GRS. NB: Has to be in the same format and order as example.list-
Crucial info is:
Effect allele and non-effect allele
SNP name (rs-number)
N in study
- crucial when several studies report same SNP or SNPs in high LD
- used as N, but also when using a p-value cut-off for what to include in your GRS
Chr and position
- used to extract genotypes from VCF-file
- NB: rs names is used to find genotype data, and thus should be checked
Effect (only for a weighted GRS)
- measured in standard deviations (SD) from a rank-normalized transformation. Check your paper
Effect Allele Frequency (EAF)
- Non-crucial, but nice to have for later comparison:
- Locus or nearest gene
- Note for notes
- A spec-file (referred as
) where you specify which GRS or combinations of GRS you want.
- Again format is important - see example (only - and + is allowed, no spaces, one GRS pr. line)
- If you don't specify a spec-file no combinations of GRS is calculated, instead you will just get one GRS for each trait in your csv-file.
- A id-file (reffered as
) with the IDs of the individuals in your study. One individual pr. line.
- NB: Has to be exactly the same IDs as in your VCF header. Check beforehand
A already formatted VCF-file to the script (see example) or path to the imputed genotypes (in vcf-format and with names as
for chr1) and use script1_create_geno_from_vcf.sh
A good relation with me, Vincent, if the case of trouble-shooting.
You migth want to update your path to have the same programs as me, so edit your
file by:
nano ~/.bashrc
- add
export PATH=$PATH:/home/fng514/bin:/home/cxt155/bin:/home/cxt155/samtools-bcftools-htslib-1.0_x64-linux
##Running the program
- Start by running the setup:
./0_setup.sh path-to-impute-folder-with-vcfs
- (Optinal) Create the formatted vcf-file for R by:
./1_create_geno_from_vcf.sh SNPlist.csv
When finished (quits after submitting two scripts to the grid-engine (check with qstat -f)) two files are created in the folder:
along some gridengine outputs
- Then run the main script with the arguments as follows. If you have created your own geno file, header and/or ld-file, then these can be specified with --geno, --head and --ldfile, repectively.
./2_create_GRS.R --snp SNPlist.csv --ids IDs.list --spec GRS.spec --out example --pcut 1e-7 --ldcut 0.5
Besides the two first arguments (--snp and --ids) everything else is optinal:
Name of file containting specifications for how to combine GRSs. See exampleGRS.spec
(default='GRS.output'). Name of outputfile. -
(default=5e-8 (GWAS significant)). Threshold for inclusion of SNPs in GRS. -
(default 0.8). Threshold for pruning SNPs with a R2 above cutoff.
By Vincent Appel