#Gene Risk Score automatical turn and twists automatically from vcf file and specs ##You'll need the following:
- A csv-file (american with ',' as seperator) (referred as
) with the SNPs from the litterature you want in your GRS. NB: Has to be in the same format and order as example.list-
Crucial info is:
Effect allele and non-effect allele
SNP name (rs-number)
N in study
- crucial when several studies report same SNP or SNPs in high LD
- used as N, but also when using a p-value cut-off for what to include in your GRS
Chr and position
- used to extract genotypes from VCF-file
- NB: rs names is used to find genotype data, and thus should be checked
Effect (only for a weighted GRS)
- measured in standard deviations (SD) from a rank-normalized transformation. Check your paper
Effect Allele Frequency (EAF)
- Non-crucial, but nice to have for later comparison:
- Locus or nearest gene
- Note for notes
- A spec-file (referred as
) where you specify which GRS or combinations of GRS you want.
- Again format is important - see example (only - and + is allowed, no spaces, one GRS pr. line)
- If you don't specify a spec-file no combinations of GRS is calculated, instead you will just get one GRS for each trait in your csv-file.
- A id-file (reffered as
) with the IDs of the individuals in your study. One individual pr. line.
- NB: Has to be exactly the same IDs as in your VCF header. Check beforehand
A already formatted VCF-file to the script (see example) or path to the imputed genotypes (in vcf-format and with names as
for chr1) and use script1_create_geno_from_vcf.sh
A good relation with me, Vincent, if the case of trouble-shooting.
You migth want to update your path to have the same programs as me, so edit your
file by:
nano ~/.bashrc
- add
export PATH=$PATH:/home/fng514/bin:/home/cxt155/bin:/home/cxt155/samtools-bcftools-htslib-1.0_x64-linux
##Running the program
- Start by running the setup:
./0_setup.sh path-to-impute-folder-with-vcfs
NB I strongly recommend to use my other script: SNPextractor (https://github.com/vincentrose88/SNPextractor) to extract variants with the -g flag for direct usage with GRS**
- (Optinal) Create the formatted vcf-file for R by (using the names of the SNPs to search through vcfs):
./1_create_geno_from_vcf.sh SNPlist.csv
When finished (quits after submitting two scripts to the grid-engine (check with qstat -f)) two files are created in the folder:
along some gridengine outputs -
Alternatively, use the SNPextractor to extract SNPs more effectivly (from positions instead of names) and use the -g flag to get GRS ready output (
) and use the 1.6_ready_SNPextrator_output.sh script (remember to mv the all.SNPs.vcf into your geno/ folder) to make everything ready for the GRS
- Then run the main script with the arguments as follows. If you have created your own geno file, header and/or ld-file, then these can be specified with --geno, --head and --ldfile, repectively.
./2_create_GRS.R --snp SNPlist.csv --ids IDs.list --spec GRS.spec --out example --pcut 1e-7 --ldcut 0.5 --SNPout SNPs.flipped
Besides the two first arguments (--snp and --ids) everything else is optinal:
Name of file containting specifications for how to combine GRSs. See exampleGRS.spec
(default='GRS.output'). Name of outputfile. -
(default=5e-8 (GWAS significant)). Threshold for inclusion of SNPs in GRS. -
(default 0.8). Threshold for pruning SNPs with a R2 above cutoff. -
(default NA, ie. not used). Name of file where the genotypes for all SNPs will be saved AFTER being flipped to match the litterature. REF is the non-effect allele, coded as 0, and ALT is the Effect allele, coded as 2. Used for other analysis.
- Output files will be the GRS, weighted and unweighted for each trait as well as all combinations specified in the .spec file along with
listing the SNPs not succesfully extracted
By Vincent Appel