- python3
- pytorch>=1.2.0
- nltk
- Download GloVe 300d vectors, unzip it to get the file
, and then convert it to a pickle file for faster loading:
python -m utils.pickle_glove --input <path/of/glove.840B.300d.txt> --output <path/of/glove/pt>
This step can be skipped if you have obtained the glove pickle file in other models. 2. Preprocess the training data
python -m KVMemNN.preprocess --input_dir ./dataset --output_dir <dir/of/processed/files>
- Train
python -m KVMemNN.train --input_dir <dir/of/processed/files> --save_dir <dir/of/checkpoint> --glove_pt <path/of/glove/pt>
- Predict answers of the test set. It will produce a file named
in the--save_dir
, storing the predictions of test questions in order.
python -m KVMemNN.predict --input_dir <dir/of/processed/files> --save_dir <dir/of/checkpoint>