CLI(Command-line interface)
- You can run commands after entering the command-line interface. What is CLI(Chinese)
- Usually, everyone uses the command line interface on Linux servers. Of course, Linux also has desktops that can also run GUI
- Of course, macOS and Windows also have command-line interfaces, but you may not use them frequently
GUI(Graphical user interface)
- Usually, the applications opened by double-clicking/clicking on macOS/Windows/iOS/Android are all GUIs
Usually, if you use Brook, you will need a combination of Server and Client, Of courseBrook CLI also has many other independent functions
Brook CLI file
- The Brook CLI file is an independent command file, it can be said that there is no concept of installation, just download this file to your computer, run it after granting it executable permissions in the command line interface
- Brook CLI file has both server function and client function, Brook CLI file also has many other independent functions
- If you are under Linux and you are not very familiar with Linux, It is strongly recommended to use the ubuntu system and root user to run commands. The command to switch to the root user is
$ sudo su
Brook GUI file
- Brook GUI file is a graphical client, only has client function
- macOS GUI client, **first run it needs to be allowd in [System Preferences]-[Security and Privacy]*8
- Windows GUI client, after installation, desktop shortcuts are not automatically created, which can be found in C:\Program Files (x86) or C:\Program Files
Brook files description, all can be downloaded in Releases page
File Name | CLI/GUI | Applicable system |
brook_linux_amd64 | CLI | Linux 64 bit |
brook_linux_386 | CLI | Linux 32 bit |
brook_linux_arm64 | CLI | Linux arm64 |
brook_linux_arm7 | CLI | Linux arm7 |
brook_linux_arm6 | CLI | Linux arm6 |
brook_linux_arm5 | CLI | Linux arm5 |
brook_linux_mips | CLI | Linux mips |
brook_linux_mipsle | CLI | Linux mipsle |
brook_linux_mips_softfloat | CLI | Linux mips softfloat |
brook_linux_mipsle_softfloat | CLI | Linux mipsle softfloat |
brook_linux_mips64 | CLI | Linux mips64 |
brook_linux_mips64le | CLI | Linux mips64le |
brook_linux_mips64_softfloat | CLI | Linux mips64 softfloat |
brook_linux_mips64le_softfloat | CLI | Linux mips64le softfloat |
brook_linux_ppc64 | CLI | Linux ppc64 |
brook_linux_ppc64le | CLI | Linux ppc64le |
brook_freebsd_386 | CLI | FreeBSD 32 bit |
brook_freebsd_amd64 | CLI | FreeBSD 64 bit |
brook_netbsd_386 | CLI | NetBSD 32 bit |
brook_netbsd_amd64 | CLI | NetBSD 64 bit |
brook_openbsd_386 | CLI | OpenBSD 32 bit |
brook_openbsd_amd64 | CLI | OpenBSD 64 bit |
brook_windows_amd64.exe | CLI | Windows 64 bit |
brook_windows_386.exe | CLI | Windows 32 bit |
brook_darwin_amd64.exe | CLI | macOS 64 bit |
Brook.dmg | GUI | macOS 64 bit |
Brook.msi | GUI | Windows 64 bit |
Brook.apk | GUI | Android |