This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 19, 2023. It is now read-only.
* GPS widget This widget allows you to display position information from your GPS-receiver. It also can display the position on openstreetmap and perform reverse geocoding through ** Available settings - set_browser: Sets the path to the www-browser. If no browser is set the default is /usr/bin/uzbl - set_device: Sets the GPS device ie. /dev/rfcomm0 if you have a bluetooth GPS receiver. Default is /dev/rfcomm0 ** Usage Include the following line into your rc.lua : ```lua local gps = require("obvious.gps") ```lua Then set the device and the browser: ```lua gps.set_device("/dev/rfcomm0") gps.set_browser("/usr/bin/uzbl") ``` And add it to your wibox's widgets list: ```lua gps() ``` Christian Kuka [[email protected]]