For this project we will be building a kahoot app. This project will use firebase to fetch questions and react to diplay questions and answers.
Goal: Set up your project and view the live running app.
[x] Go to the repository at
[] Fork this repository to your github account and clone to a new workspace
[] Add, commit, and push your changes
[] to set up your app, in your terminal type npm install
[] to run your app, in your terminal type npm start
this runs the app in the development mode. Then open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
[] Use your planning sheet to create a your component layout.
Goal: Set up your your components [] In your App.jsx file import the Question Component [] Inside the render function call your Question component [] Using the Question.jsx as a template create three more components called AnswerButton.jsx, QuestionStem.jsx and ResetButton.jsx [] In your Question.jsx file import your QuestionStem, AnswerButton and ResetButton. In the spaces provided call each of the components. (You should have 4 AnswerButtons) [] The QuestionStem should render a div with the text of any question of your choosing [] The AnswerButton should should render a div with the text of any question of your choosing [] The ResetButton should should render a div with the text "Reset" [] Style these in any way you choose.
[] Find your constructor in App.jsx it should look like this.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
[] For now we are going to fill the state with mock question Data. (Later we will be fetching random questions from firebase)
this.state = {
currentQuestion : {
question: "Why is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything",
choices: [
correct_choice: "1"
[] Now that we have this we can pass down the questions to other components using props. In your App.js let add a prop to the Question component and pass it the currentQuestion from state.
< Question
[] Now we can access this information in the Question component using props. Then we can pass down currentQuestion's question to the QuestionStem component. Open Question.jsx and add the following.
< QuestionStem
[] Finally in the QuestionStem component lets display that question.
<div className="questionStem">
[] Now lets do the same process to pass down your choices to each AnswerButton and diplay the answer choices.
[] Use your remaining time to style your project
[] Make your site live on gh-pages
[] npm install gh-pages --save-dev
[] open your package.json file and add both of these
"homepage": ""
"scripts": { //... "predeploy": "npm run build", "deploy": "gh-pages -d build" }
[] npm run deploy