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:::{note} Discourse is the place for detailed discussions around code. Here we can ask for help, find answers to other users' questions, and showcase our work.
When asking questions, please include a Minimal, Reproducible Example if at all possible. It will make it much, much easier to help you. :::
Go to the HoloViz Discourse and sign up.
Click this link to introduce yourself to the community.
:::{note} Discord is the place for quick and live discussions. :::
Click this link to sign up.
Then introduce yourself in the introduce-yourself
:::{note} We can report bugs, ask for new features, and contribute improvements at
Before reporting bugs or asking for new features, please make sure they are not already in the Issues tracker. :::
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Panel is an open source, community-driven project. We are nothing without the community.
If you want to start contributing, check out the Contributing Guide. Thanks.