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Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
Command-line program to download videos from and other video sites
🧑🏫 60+ Implementations/tutorials of deep learning papers with side-by-side notes 📝; including transformers (original, xl, switch, feedback, vit, ...), optimizers (adam, adabelief, sophia, ...), ga…
Data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials,…
😘 让你“爱”上 GitHub,解决访问时图裂、加载慢的问题。(无需安装)
Implementation of Vision Transformer, a simple way to achieve SOTA in vision classification with only a single transformer encoder, in Pytorch
《Designing Data-Intensive Application》DDIA中文翻译
Educational framework exploring ergonomic, lightweight multi-agent orchestration. Managed by OpenAI Solution team.
This is an official implementation for "Swin Transformer: Hierarchical Vision Transformer using Shifted Windows".
TuShare is a utility for crawling historical data of China stocks
Python 开源项目之「自学编程之路」,保姆级教程:AI实验室、宝藏视频、数据结构、学习指南、机器学习实战、深度学习实战、网络爬虫、大厂面经、程序人生、资源分享。
🐫 CAMEL: Finding the Scaling Law of Agents. The first and the best multi-agent framework.
A treasure chest for visual classification and recognition powered by PaddlePaddle
Benchmarks of approximate nearest neighbor libraries in Python
Practice on cifar100(ResNet, DenseNet, VGG, GoogleNet, InceptionV3, InceptionV4, Inception-ResNetv2, Xception, Resnet In Resnet, ResNext,ShuffleNet, ShuffleNetv2, MobileNet, MobileNetv2, SqueezeNet…
CVNets: A library for training computer vision networks
PyTorch implementation of image classification models for CIFAR-10/CIFAR-100/MNIST/FashionMNIST/Kuzushiji-MNIST/ImageNet
📝 一个一键导出 / 备份「有道云笔记」所有笔记的 Python 脚本。 A Python script to export/backup all the notes of the "Youdao Note".
Proper implementation of ResNet-s for CIFAR10/100 in pytorch that matches description of the original paper.
🤖 PaddleViT: State-of-the-art Visual Transformer and MLP Models for PaddlePaddle 2.0+
The implementation of various lightweight networks by using PyTorch. such as:MobileNetV2,MobileNeXt,GhostNet,ParNet,MobileViT、AdderNet,ShuffleNetV1-V2,LCNet,ConvNeXt,etc. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐