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MagPy (or GeomagPy) is a Python package for analysing and displaying geomagnetic data.


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MagPy (or GeomagPy) is a Python package for analysing and displaying geomagnetic data.

Version Info: (please note: this package is still in development state with frequent modifcations) please check the release notes

MagPy (GeomagPy) provides tools for geomagnetic analysis with special focus on typical data processing in observatories. MagPy provides methods for format conversion, plotting routines and mathematical procedures with special geomagnetic analysis routines like basevalue and baseline calculation, database features and WDC/IAGA/IM dissemination/communication routines. Full installation further provides a graphical user interface - xmagpy.

Typical usage often looks like this:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from import read
import magpy.mpplot as mp
stream = read(path_or_url='filename')

Below you will find a quick guide for the MagPy package. The quickest approach can be accomplished when skipping everything except the tutorials.



  • Python 2.7 Recommended:
  • Python packages:
    • SpacePy ()
    • pexpect (for SSH support on non-Windows machines)
    • NetCDF
  • Other Software:
    • MySQL
    • NasaCDF
    • NetCDF4 (support is currently in preparation)
    • Webserver (e.g. Apache2, PHP)


debian/ubuntu: full installation with all supported features

Alternative A)

  1. Get python packages and other extensions (for other distros install similar packages):

     sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy python-matplotlib python-nose python-wxgtk2.8 python-wxtools python-dev build-essential python-networkx python-h5py python-f2py gfortran ncurses-dev libhdf5-serial-dev hdf5-tools libnetcdf-dev python-netcdf python-serial python-twisted owfs python-ow python-setuptools git-core mysql-server python-mysqldb libmysqlclient-dev
     sudo easy_install ffnet
     sudo easy_install pexpect
  2. Get CDF and Omni database support:

    a) CDF (Nasa): (tested with, please check validity of belows make command for any future versions)

     tar -zxvf cdf36_1-dist-all.tar.gz
     cd cdf36*
     make OS=linux ENV=gnu CURSES=yes FORTRAN=no UCOPTIONS=-O2 SHARED=yes all
     sudo make INSTALLDIR=/usr/local/cdf install

    b) SpacePy (Los Alamos): (tested with 0.1.5)

     tar -zxvf spacepy-0.1.5.tar.gz
     cd spacepy*
     sudo python install
  3. Install MagPy

    a) Using pip

     sudo pip install GeomagPy
       * specific version:
     sudo pip install GeomagPy==v0.3.4

    b) Using github

     git clone git://
     cd MagPy*
     sudo python install

Alternative B)

  1. install anaconda - (currently tested on anacondo with python2.7)
  2. install magpy - change to the anaconda2/bin directory (if not set as default) - if you want to use CDF formats like ImagCDF: optional: install NasaCDF ( optional: - ./pip install spacepy - run './pip install geomagpy' within the anaconda path possible issues: MySQL-python problem -> install libmysqlclient-dev on linux


Tested on XP, Win7, Win10

  1. Get a current version of Python(x,y) and install it
    • optionally select packages ffnet and netcdf during install - for cdf support
  2. Optional: Get a current version of MySQL and install it
  3. Download nasaCDF packages and install
  4. get python-spacepy package
  5. download and unpack GeomagPy-x.x.x.tar.gz
  6. open a command window
  7. go to the unpacked directory e.g. cd c:\user\Downloads\GeomagPy\
  8. execute " install"


  1. using MacPorts: coming soon

On all platforms supporting Docker Images

  1. Install Docker -
  2. Get the MagPy Image instructions will follow

====================== A Quick guide to MagPy

written by R. Leonhardt, R. Bailey (June 2014)

a Getting started

Start python.... then import the basic read method form the stream object

from import read

You should get something like that (if the :

MagPy version
Loaded Matplotlib - Version [1, 1, 1]
Loading Numpy and SciPy...
Loading Netcdf4 support ...
Loading SpacePy package cdf support ...
trying CDF lib in /usr/local/cdf
SpacePy: Space Science Tools for Python
SpacePy is released under license.
See __licence__ for details, __citation__ for citation information,
and help() for HTML help.
... success
Loading python's SQL support
... success

b Reading and writing data

You will find files example1.cdf and example2.min in an example directory provided together with mapy. The cdf file is stored along with meta information in the NASA's common data format (cdf). Reading this file requires a working installation of Spacepy cdf and a 'success' information when Loading SpacePy as shown in (a).

If you do not have any geomagnetic data file you can access example data by using the following commands:

from pkg_resources import resource_filename
example1 = resource_filename('magpy', 'examples/example1.cdf')
data = read(example1)
  1. Reading:

data = read('example.min') 


data = read('/path/to/file/example.min') 


data = read('c:\\path\\to\\file\\example.min')

Different paths are related to your operating system. In the following we will assume a Linux system. Any file is uploaded to the memory and each data column (or header information) is assigned to an internal variable (key). To get a quick overview about the assigned keys you can use the following method:

print data._get_key_headers() 

Now we would like to have a IAGA02 and a WDC output

  1. Writing:

Creating an Intermagnet IMF format:


Creating a WDC format:


By default, daily files are created and the date is added to the filename inbetween the optional parameters filenamebegins and filenameends. If filenameends is missing, .txt is used as default.

  1. Other possibilities to read files:

All local files within a directory:

data = read('/path/to/file/*.min')

Getting magnetic data from the WDC:

data = read('ftp://thewellknownaddress/single_year/2011/fur2011.wdc')

Getting kp data from the GFZ Potsdam:

data = read('http://')

Getting ACE data from NASA:

data = read('http://')

(please note: data access and usage is subjected to terms and policy of the indvidual data provider. Please make sure to read them before accessing any of these products.)

No format specifications are required for reading. If MagPy can handle the format, it will be automatically recognized. A list of supported formats can be found here soon (a method is in preparation).

Getting data of a specific time window: Local files:

data = read('/path/to/files/*.min',starttime="2014-01-01", endtime="2014-05-01")

Remote files:

data = read('ftp://address/fur2013.wdc',starttime="2013-1-01", endtime="2013-02-01")
  1. Tutorial

For the ongoing quick example please use the following steps. This will create daily IAGA02 files within the directory. Please make sure that the directory is empty before writing data to it.

  1. Obtain data from WDC (requires an active internet connection)

     data = read('',starttime="2011-01-01", endtime="2011-02-01")
  2. Store it locally in your favorite directory

     data.write('/my/favorite/directory/',filenamebegins='MyExample_', filenameends='.wdc', format_type='WDC')

c Getting help on options and usage

  1. Pythons help function

Information on individual methods and their options can be obtained as follows:

For basic functions:


For specific methods related to e.g. a stream object "data":


(this reqires the existance of a "data" object, which can be done by data = read(...) or data = DataStream() )

  1. Tutorial


d Plotting

You will find some example plots at the Conrad Observatory.

  1. Quick (and not dirty)

import magpy.mpplot as mp
  1. Some options

Select specific keys:

  1. Multiple streams

Provide a list of stream and an array of keys:

  1. Tutorial

Read a second stream

otherdata = read(WDC)

Plot xyz data from both streams


e Basic geomagnetic methods

  1. Filtering

filtereddata = data.nfilter()
  1. Outlier identification (spikes)

Outlier identification is using quartiles.

Getting a spiked record:

datawithspikes = read()

Mark all spikes using defaults options

flaggeddata = datawithspikes.flag_outlier()

Show flagged data data


Remove flagged data

datawithoutspikes = flaggeddata.remove_flagged()

Plot all

  1. Flagging

flaggeddata = data.flag_stream()
  1. Fitting

  1. Interpolation and derivatives

  1. The art of meta information

  1. Further methods at a glance

  1. Tutorial

f Multiple streams

  1. delta values e.g. delta F

variodata = read(vario)
variodata = varidata.correct()
variodata = varidata.calc_f()
scalardata = read(scalar)
diffdata = subtractStreams(variodata, scalardata)
deltaf = diffdata.mean('f')

g Basic data transfer

These procedures require an additional object

from magpy.transfer import *
  1. Ftp upload

  1. Secure communication

h DI measurements, basevalues and baselines

These procedures require an additional object

from magpy.absolutes import *
  1. Data structure of DI measurements

  1. Reading DI data

absresult = absoluteAnalysis('/path/to/DI/','path/to/vario/','path/to/scalar/', alpha=alpha, deltaF=2.1)

What happens here?

Firstly, for each DI data set in path/to/DI the appropriate vario and scalar sequences are loaded.

The resulting absresult is a stream object containing the DI analysis, the collimation angles, scale factors and the base values for the selected variometer, beside some additional meta information provided in the data input form.

  1. Baselines

  1. Tutorial


  1. Use the Conrad Obs Input sheet on the webpage to input your data (contact R.Leonhardt for help/access on that)
  2. Make sure that you have variometer data available e.g. /MyData/Vario/myvariodataset.min
  3. Make sure that you have scalar data available e.g. /MyData/Scalar/myscalardataset.min
  4. Create an additional directory /MyData/DI-Analysis/
  5. Create an additional directory /MyData/DI-Archive/

Getting started (we need the following packages):

from import *
from magpy.absolutes import *
from magpy.transfer import *

Get DI data from the Cobs-Server


Analyzing the DI measurement

diresult = analyzeAbsolute()

Save the result


i Database support

These procedures require an additional object

from magpy.database import *
  1. Setting up a MagPy database (using MySQL)

  1. Adding data to the database

db =
  1. Reading data

data = readDB(datainfo)
  1. Meta data

  1. Tutorial

j Acquisition support

k Graphical user interface


MagPy (or GeomagPy) is a Python package for analysing and displaying geomagnetic data.







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