Compiler takes source code and preprocesses it into a machine language.
An interpreter interprets source code without turning it into machine language first.
Lexical analysis: read input of characters and convert into a stream of tokens. Token: an object represetning type and value. Example: the token "3" is an integer with value of 3
The assumptions are changing where instead of having digit ->plus->digit we have an arbitrary number of digits followed by a plus followed by an arbitrary number of digits. Let’s write a function that eats tokens keeping track of their values until we hit a non integer. Then return the resulting values parsed as an integer.
def eat_integers(self):
eats integers tokens until a non integer is found.
Returns teh resulting integers
result = ''
while True:
# eat tokens until you hit a non integer. Assume its a plus!
curr_token = self.current_token
result += str(curr_token.value)
except InterpreterParseError as e:
return int(''.join(result))
Rather than have the interpreter process spaces, I am going to remove them prior to processing. We can't allow spaces just anywhere however ('1 0 + 3' for example). For a space character to be legal both of its neighboors must be either a space or different from one another. Here's how I'm doing it:
def strip_text(text):
strips valid empty space from expression
text: expression string
returns: expression with valid spaces removed
split_expr = text.split('+') # split expression on plus, getting list two expressions.
stripped = [ char.strip() for char in split_expr] # strip leading and trailing white space
return '+'.join(stripped) # join expressions together with a plus in the middle
I may have gone overboard on this one :) I wanted to generalize the concept of an operator which takes two numbers and, using a common interface returns the result. Further, I wanted to be able to construct an AST of operator nodes and integer leaf nodes. All of these nodes respond to value
which allows for computing an expression by calling value
on the root and recursivly evaluating each node. Here's what I did.
First I extracted the Token
class, to keep as my base class
class Token(object):
an abstract class representing all tokens
Inheriting classes must:
- define a self.type in their __init__
- implement a `value` property
def __str__(self):
"""String representation of the class instance.
Token(INTEGER, 3)
Token(PLUS '+')
return 'Token({type}, {value})'.format(
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
next I defined an abstract OperatorToken
which represents any binary operator.
class OperatorToken(Token):
def __init__(self) -> None:
__slots__ = 'left_value', 'right_value'
self.left_value = None
self.right_value = None
def __str__(self):
"""String representation of the class instance.
Token(INTEGER, 3)
Token(PLUS '+')
return 'Token({type}, {left}, {right})'.format(
A general binary operator has a left_value and a right_value. The child class will implement what to do with those two values to determine the result.
Next, we've got two operators, addition and subtraction. Really their only differences are 1) they need to know their type
and 2) they both need to implement a property value
which returns either the sum or difference of their two values.
class AddToken(OperatorToken):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.type = 'PLUS'
def value(self):
returns the sum of left_value and right_value
return self.left_value.value + self.right_value.value
class SubtractToken(OperatorToken):
def __init__(self):
self.type = 'MINUS'
def value(self):
return self.left_value.value - self.right_value.value
Next, how to represent numbers. Really there's two different concepts to deal with. The first is an integer token, which is a single digit.
class IntToken(Token):
represents a single numeric character. Example '3'
def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
self.value = value
self.type = INTEGER
Next is the concept of an entire number, which is composed of one or many digits. Let's think of that as an object which wraps a list of IntTokens
class IntWrapper(Token):
a list of IntTokens that represent an integer.
def __init__(self, tokens: List[IntToken] ) -> None:
self.tokens = tokens
self.type = INT_WRAPPER
def value(self) -> int:
number_strings = [int_token.value for int_token in self.tokens]
return int(''.join(number_strings))
And finally, we have the EOF
token. Not much to say there
class EOFToken(Token):
def __init__(self):
self.type = EOF
self.value = None
The update to expr
in Interpreter looks like this
def expr(self):
# set current token to the first token taken from the input
self.current_token = self.get_next_token()
left = self.eat_integers()
# we expect the current token to be a '+' or '-' token
operator = self.current_token, token.MINUS)
# we expect the current token to be a single-digit integer
right = self.eat_integers()
operator.left_value = left
operator.right_value = right
# after the above call the self.current_token is set to
# EOF token
return operator.value
Finally, I need to update my strip_text
method to allow subtraction
def strip_text(self, text):
strips valid empty space from expression
text: expression string
returns: expression with valid spaces removed
operator ='[\+-]', text).group(0) # find the operator, either a + or -
raise self.error('expression does not contain an operator') # this error means neither operator was found. Throw our custom exception
split_expr = text.split(operator)
stripped = [ char.strip() for char in split_expr]
return operator.join(stripped)
This architecture opens the door for constructing a more complex abstract syntax tree, with any number of binary operators.