Updating delta-spark TestParallelization Top 50 Slowest Test Suites List
Cherry-pick changes from delta-io#3694
That PR adds a test report listener to delta-spark that will output csv files containing per-JVM, per-group (thread), and per-test runtimes
Run the CI and download the generated csv artifacts
You can use the following pyspark code to get the top 50 slowest test suites
You can copy and paste that into Chat GPT and ask it to format it as a Scala List
from pyspark .sql .functions import col , sum
from pyspark .sql .types import StructType , StructField , StringType , LongType
schema = StructType ([
StructField ("test_suite" , StringType (), True ),
StructField ("test_name" , StringType (), True ),
StructField ("execution_time_ms" , LongType (), True ),
StructField ("result" , StringType (), True )
csv_dir = "..."
spark .read .csv (csv_dir , schema = schema ) \
.filter (col ("execution_time_ms" ) != - 1 ) \
.groupBy ("test_suite" ) \
.agg ((sum ("execution_time_ms" ) / 60000 ).alias ("execution_time_mins" )) \
.orderBy (col ("execution_time_mins" ).desc ()) \
.limit (50 ) \
.select ("test_suite" , "execution_time_mins" ) \
.show (50 , truncate = False )