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Axelor 是开源 Java 业务应用程序开发框架,此仓库为其汉化版。不想自己编译的可以使用我编译好并放到 Gitee 的 JAR,参见下方网址。
huangzhaorongit / ever-gauzy
Forked from ever-co/ever-gauzyEver® Gauzy™ - Open-Source Business Management Platform (ERP/CRM/HRM)
🔖 Daily-updated reading list for designing High Scalability 🍒, High Availability 🔥, High Stability 🗻 back-end systems - Pull requests are greatly welcome 👬 I hope you will find this project helpful…
A collection of tools and files for learning new technologies
avagin / linux
Forked from svenkatr/linuxContinuous testing of the Linux Kernel in Travis CI
ansiblebook / ansiblebook
Forked from lorin/ansiblebookCode samples from the book "Ansible: Up and Running"
Resources for DAG Blockchain
Multipurpose dashboard admin for IoT softwares, remote control, user interface.
arthur-e / Programming-Collective-Intelligence
Forked from ferronrsmith/programming-collective-intelligence-codeExamples from Programming Collective Intelligence