PERT is a solution for pinyin-to-character conversion task which is core to the Chinese input method. It adopts transformer-based network, especially the NEZHA language model, whose outperforms the n-gram and RNN models significantly. Besides, it can incorporate the n-gram and the external lexicon to adapt out of domain.
# Create python environment (optional)
conda create -n pert python=3.6.5
source activate pert
# Install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
We use to train the PERT model. Here is an example:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' nohup python \
--vocab "./Corpus/CharListFrmC4P.txt" \
--pyLex "./Corpus/pinyinList.txt" \
--chardata "./Corpus/train_texts_CharSeg_1k.txt" \
--pinyindata "./Corpus/train_texts_pinyin_1k.txt" \
--num_loading_workers 2 \
--prefetch_factor 1 \
--bert_config "./Configs/bert_config_tiny_nezha_py.json" \
--train_batch_size 2048 \
--seq_length 16 \
--num_epochs 10 \
--continue_train_index 0 \
--save "./Models/pert_tiny_py_lr5e4_2kBs_10e/" \
--save_per_n_epoches 1 \
> "./Logs/Training_pert_tiny_py_lr5e4_2kBs_10e_log.txt" 2>&1 &
We use to evaluate the PERT model. Here is an example:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES='0' nohup python \
--charLex "./Corpus/CharListFrmC4P.txt" \
--pyLex "./Corpus/pinyinList.txt" \
--pinyin2PhrasePath "./Corpus/ModernChineseLexicon4PinyinMapping.txt" \
--bigramModelPath "./Models/Bigram/Bigram_CharListFrmC4P.json" \
--modelPath "./Models/pert_tiny_py_lr5e4_2kBs_10e/" \
--charFile "./Corpus/train_texts_CharSeg_1k.txt" \
--pinyinFile "./Corpus/train_texts_pinyin_1k.txt" \
--conversionRsltFile "./Logs/Eval_rslt_pert_tiny_py_lr5e4_2kBs_10e_log.txt" \
> "./Logs/Eval_pert_tiny_py_lr5e4_2kBs_10e_log.txt" 2>&1 &
│── (To train PERT)
│── (To do the Pinyin-to-character conversion task by PERT)
│── (To provide the dataset)
│── (Shell script to train PERT)
│── (Shell script to evaluate PERT)
├── NEZHA (The NEZHA language model)
├── Configs (The configurations to train PERT at various scals)
├── Corpus (The necessary lexicon and the example corpus)
│ ├── CharListFrmC4P.txt (The list of Chinese characters)
│ ├── pinyinList.txt (The list of pinyin tokens)
│ │
│ ├── ModernChineseLexicon4PinyinMapping.txt (The word items and the corresponding pinyin tokens in Modern Chinese Lexicon)
│ │
│ ├── train_texts_CharSeg_1k.txt (The example corpus of Chinese character)
│ │
│ └── train_texts_pinyin_1k.txt (The example corpus of pinyin)
└── Models
├── Bigram (The Bigram model trained on some news corpus)
└── pert_tiny_py_lr5e4_2kBs_10e (The PERT model trained on some news corpus under the conditions of learning rate: 5e4, batch size: 2048, and epoch number: 10)
Please cite our paper if you use our models in your works:
author = {Jinghui Xiao and
Qun Liu and
Xin Jiang and
Yuanfeng Xiong and
Haiteng Wu and
Zhe Zhang},
title = {{PERT:} {A} New Solution to Pinyin to Character Conversion Task},
journal = {CoRR},
volume = {abs/2205.11737},
year = {2022},
url = {},
doi = {10.48550/arXiv.2205.11737},
eprinttype = {arXiv},
eprint = {2205.11737},
timestamp = {Mon, 30 May 2022 15:47:29 +0200},
biburl = {},
bibsource = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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