A basic eip4337 "bundler"
- expose a node with a minimal RPC calls:
- eth_sendUserOperation to send a user operation
- eth_supportedEntryPoints to report the bundler's supported entry points
- eth_chainId
- run
yarn && yarn preprocess
- start hardhat-node with
yarn hardhat-node
(or localgeth
In another Window:
- deploy contracts with
yarn hardhat-deploy --network localhost
- run
yarn run bundler
so it will listen on port 3000
To run a simple test, do yarn run runop --deployFactory --network localhost
The runop script:
- deploys a wallet deployer (if not already there)
- creates a random signer (owner for wallet)
- determines the wallet address, and funds it
- sends a transaction (which also creates the wallet)
- sends another transaction, on this existing wallet
- (uses account[0] or mnemonic file for funding, and creating deployer if needed)
NOTE: if running on a testnet, you need to supply the bundler (and runop) the network and mnemonic file, e.g.
yarn run bundler --network localhost --mnemonic file.txt
SDK to create and send UserOperations see SDK Readme
internal utility methods/test contracts, used by other packages.