Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.
难得一见 Jetpack MVVM 最佳实践!在 "以简驭繁" 代码中,对 "视图控制器" 乃至 "标准化开发模式" 形成正确、深入理解!
A powerful Android Dynamic Component Framework.
GT (Great Tit) is a portable debugging tool for bug hunting and performance tuning on smartphones anytime and anywhere just as listening music with Walkman. GT can act as the Integrated Debug Envir…
📖 Uncle小说,PC版,一个全网小说下载器及阅读器,目录解析与书源结合,支持有声小说与文本小说,可下载mobi、epub、txt格式文本小说。
🎨 High quality pure Weex demo / 网易严选 App 感受 Weex 开发
It is used to capture network packet via Android VPN.
Spring Cloud & Spring Cloud Alibaba 基础框架,内置了 Cat 监控,互联网公司落地 Spring Cloud 架构必备。
豆瓣电影爬虫——a crawler which is able to crawl movie detail and short comments, save them to database mysql, also include Sentiment analysis based on comments
huijimuhe / Luban
Forked from Curzibn/LubanLuban(鲁班)——可能是最接近微信朋友圈的图片压缩算法