This is generated by Beego framework after running bee new seagul
. There're controllers of back-end server which are responsible for rendering a HTML file or processing API requests.
This is generated to render a simple page to the browser. We keep it because we use Beego as a web server.
But this is quite simple when we use AngularJS as the front-end framework. The MainController in default.go just needs to render one HTML file in the whole website.
Here's almost all the code of it.
func (this *MainController) Get() {
this.TplName = "index.html"
This is another controller for seagull to process API request about docker.
It will not render a whole HTML file and just return JSON data or pure string.
The code of Dockerapi.go is as simple as the previous one.
/* Wrap docker remote API to get version info */
func (this *DockerapiController) GetVersion() {
address := "/version"
result := RequestUnixSocket(address, "GET")
Then the front-end framework or other processes and get the data from thess APIs.