nlp_paper_study Public
Forked from km1994/nlp_paper_study该仓库主要记录 NLP 算法工程师相关的顶会论文研读笔记
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Forked from lizhangjie316/Awesome-3D-Point-Cloud-Semantic-Segement3D点云语义分割汇总,所有顶会论文以及一些arxiv上的最新论文
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Forked from electronicarts/CnC_Remastered_Collection -
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Forked from guyueyingmu/avbookAV电影管理系统, avmoo , javbus , javlibrary 爬虫,线上AV影片图书馆,AV磁力链接数据库,Japanese Adult Video Library,Adult Video Magnet Links - Japanese Adult Video Database
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Udacity Machine Learning Nanodegree - Supervised Learning, Ensembling
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Classifying cat and dog images using Kaggle dataset
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udacity machine learning nanodegree Project 3: Customer Segments
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Detects credit card purchases fraud using machine learning algorithms
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By analyzing the CDNow customer purchase detail, we get the repurchase rate, retention rate and other indicators, and make suggestions for improving the marketing.
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Exploratory data analysis, aims to find which factors related to the red cards
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Explor and investigate the AQUASTAT dataset by EDA method
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Forked from MangoLiu/scikit-learnscikit-learn: machine learning in Python