The actual project documentation in PDF format must be commited in this folder before the deadline. Separate PDF document needs to be provided also if your project uses Doxygen for inline documentation.
The document should contain the following parts:
- Overview: what the software does, what it doesn't do? (this can be taken/updated from the project plan)
- Software structure: overall architecture, class relationships (diagram very strongly recommended), interfaces to external libraries
- Instructions for building and using the software
- How to compile the program ('make' should be sufficient), as taken from git repository. If external libraries are needed, describe the requirements here
- How to use the software: a basic user guide
- Testing: how the different modules in software were tested, description of the methods and outcomes
- Work log: This might be a simplified/restructured version of the weekly meeting notes file.
- Detailed description of division of work and everyone's responsibilities
- For each week, description of what was done and roughly how many hours were used, for each project member.