trying to be a robust, user-friendly and hackable music player
Arknights Auto Helper based on ADB and Python | 基于python的明日方舟护肝助手
Japanese Riichi Mahjong AI agent. (Feel free to extend this agent or develop your own agent)
Automatically generates FORtran Documentation from comments within the code.
Main code for Parcels (Probably A Really Computationally Efficient Lagrangian Simulator)
F90 to Python interface generator with derived type support
This is a miniracer “Ray Stinger” based on K210. It can track the laser point and attack with a sting.
Python implementation of the ASFLIP advection method
2D incompressible fluid solver implemented in Taichi.
Fortran domain and autodoc extensions to Sphinx
Python package for model predictive control (MPC) for EPASWMM5 models