This repository contains the source for a variety of EPUB 3.0 sample documents. The collection is intended to showcase features of the EPUB 3 standard, and to provide testing materials for Reading System developers.
Table of Contents
- Samples List
- Feature Matrix
- Package
- Content Documents
- Navigation Document
- Global Language Support
- Styling and Layout
- Media Overlays
- Linking
- Extensions
- Indexes
- Want to contribute?
- Reporting Issues
- Contributing new samples
- Contributing variations / improvements to existing samples
The EPUB 3 samples are also available for individual download from Google Drive.
Unless otherwise specified, all samples listed here are licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0
Publication | Description | Updated | Download | Source |
Accessible EPUB 3 | Strategies for creating EPUB 3 content that can be read by people with different preferred reading modalities. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Children's Literature | This sample section from Children's Literature includes span-element headings in the navigation document toc and also includes the table of contents in the spine with styling and hidden page list. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Creative Commons Shared Culture | The video, audio and text from Creative Commons A
Shared Culture in EPUB form; each spine item containing a variation of
<video> /<audio> embedding. See the Navigation Document (toc.xhtml) for details. Licensing: CC-BY-NC-SA |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
EPUB 3.0 Specification | The EPUB 3.0 specifications in EPUB 3.0 format. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Georgia | This sample entry from the Encyclopedia Britannica includes a PLS lexicon file and
embedded SSML pronunciations showing how the two technologies can be used together to
improve TTS rendering. This sample also includes a page-list nav. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Georgia with EPUB Canonical Fragment Identifiers | Like the base version, but uses EPUB Canonical Fragment
Identifiers (CFI) in the Navigation Document page-list. This sample demonstrates how CFI can be used to identify positions in a target document without having to modify the target document structure. Note that the identified page boundary positions in this document are otherwise identical to those in the base version. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Haruko | Japanese manga. Each page is represented by an HTML document having a single image and nothing else. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Haruko with JPEGs in spine | Japanese manga. Each page is represented by a single image, which has a fallback HTML. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Hefty Water | This sample contains one instance of the epub:switch element, along with inline instructions for how to determine whether a Reading System supports epub:switch. There is also a little bit of ruby markup available, used to render captions under/over chemical formula segments. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Internal Links | Test document for internal linking. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Israel Sailing | BIDI, page-progression-direction, rtl, and Hebrew text. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Kusamakura | A Japanese Novel Kusamakura
草枕 by Natsume Sōseki 夏目漱石.
This EPUB publication has features as below:
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Linear Algebra | A First Course in Linear Algebra, available in its canonical version at This sample contains
substantive amounts of MathML.
Licensing: GNU FDL 1.2 |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Mahabharata | The Mahabharata in Devanāgarī (देवनागरी). Note that this sample does not include embedded fonts, and can thus be used to test Reading System native support for Devanāgarī font/glyph rendering. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Moby Dick | Herman Melville's Moby-Dick with, as opposed to wasteland, one spine item per chapter. Includes embedded fonts (OpenType). Uses the epub:type attribute. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Moby Dick with Media Overlays | Like the base version, but includes Media Overlays for the first two chapters. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Page Blanche | An extract of a fixed layout document,
using XHTML spine items that embed bitmaps. This sample has both the
rendition:orientation and the rendition:spread
properties set to 'auto'. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Page Blanche with JPEGs in spine | Much like the base version, but instead of JPEG embedded in XHTML spine items, this variant uses JPEG spine items. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Regime Anti-Cancer Arabic | Arabic content. Note that this sample does not include embedded fonts, and can thus be used to test Reading System native support for arabic font/glyph rendering. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Requirements for Japanese Text Layout | EPUB version of Requirements for Japanese Text Layout (W3C Note) in Japanese | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Requirements for Japanese Text Layout (English) | EPUB version of Requirements for Japanese Text Layout (W3C Note) in English | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Sous le vent | An extract of a fixed layout document,
using SVG embedded in XHTML spine items. This sample has the
rendition:orientation property set to 'portrait', and the
rendition:spread property set to 'none'. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Sous le Vent with SVG in spine | Much like the base version, but instead of SVG embedded in XHTML spine items, this variant uses SVG spine items. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
SVG-in-spine | An extract of a fixed layout document,
using SVG spine items. This sample uses spine itemref page-spread-*
properties in a way that impacts default spread population behavior for the first two
pages. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
The Swans | This sample contains CSS Media Queries with adaptions for device screen size and
orientation. By virtue of the included Package Document metadata, this sample can also be used to test how Reading Systems handles multiple DC elements of the same kind, and whether it recognizes MARC relator codes (the sample includes multiple dc:creator elements, annotated with MARC illustrator and author roles). |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
The Voyage of Life | A mixed reflowable and fixed layout document. This sample can be used to test Reading System support for item-level changes to fixed layout meta properties. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
The Voyage of Life with textual overlays | Much like the base version, but instead of
interspersed reflowable/fixed pages, this variant contains an experimental "textual
overlay" for each painting (click or tap on the painting surface to toggle the
visibility of the text). While the implementation of the toggling in this sample is not very slick, the main purpose is to show how rich text can be supplied with otherwise image-centric content without negative impact on the visual experience. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
The Waste Land | A basic recast of T.S. Eliot's The Waste Land in a single XHTML document,
using < section> elements and the epub:type attribute to mark a live linked note apparatus and other structural
components. Contains day and night alternate style sheets. For EPUB 2.0 Reading System compatibility purposes, a 2.01 NCX and the EPUB 2 cover meta element is included. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
The Waste Land with OTF fonts | Like the base version, but uses serif OTF embedded fonts. The fallback is a sans-serif system font. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
The Waste Land with encrypted OTF fonts | Like the base version, but uses serif OTF embedded fonts encrypted using the OCF 3.0 font obfuscation algorithm. The fallback is a sans-serif system font. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
The Waste Land with WOFF fonts | Like the base version, but uses serif WOFF embedded fonts. The fallback is a sans-serif system font. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
The Waste Land with WOFF encrypted fonts | Like the base version, but uses serif WOFF embedded fonts encrypted using the OCF 3.0 font obfuscation algorithm. The fallback is a sans-serif system font. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Trees | This sample contains the HTML5 canvas element used to draw decorational trees on page
load. If your reading system does not support canvas, the text "Your Reading System
does not support canvas" will be shown instead. Following the title (first) page, this sample also contains two spine items that are styled using CSS multi-column layout. If your reading system supports multi-column layout, then the pages will be rendered in two columns. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Vertical Writing | Vertical writing, page-progression-direction rtl, and alternate stylesheets for vertical/horizontal writing. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Widget Figure Gallery | A bindings-based "object rotator" widget. This particular sample uses the
widget to represent an image gallery with caption fields. (The data model is based on
the HTML5 figure element, and is thus intended to be used with any type of
content that can be represented using <figure> .) Implementations that do not support bindings will fallback to display all figures simultaneously. |
2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Widget Quiz | A bindings-based "quiz" widget. This particular sample uses the widget to represent a multiple-choice quiz with a self-checking feature. The widget allows for three types of quizzes: all questions at once, one question at a time, and one question at a time with immediate feedback ("flashcard" mode). Implementations that do not support bindings will fallback to display all questions and possible answers as a static list. | 2015-02-16 | EPUB 3.0 | Browse |
Packaged versions of the samples are also available for direct download from Google Drive[].
Feature | Details | Samples |
Cover Image | Using bitmap format | The Waste Land, EPUB 3.0 Specification, Kusamakura |
Using SVG format | SVG-in-spine | |
Bindings | Widget Figure Gallery, Widget Quiz | |
DCMES | Multiple dc:creator elements |
The Swans, Regime Anti-cancer Arabic |
alternate-script property | Regime Anti-cancer Arabic, Kusamakura | |
display-seq property | Regime Anti-cancer Arabic | |
role property | MARC aut and ill roles |
The Swans, Kusamakura |
page-progression-direction attribute | rtl (right to left) | Regime Anti-cancer Arabic, Kusamakura,Haruko,Haruko (with JPEGs in spine), Vertical Writing |
Feature | Details | Samples |
epub:type attribute | The Waste Land, Kusamakura | |
epub:switch element | Hefty Water | |
epub:trigger element | Shared Culture | |
html5 video element | Using h.264 codec | Shared Culture |
Using WebM codec | Shared Culture | |
html5 audio element | Using mp3 codec | Shared Culture |
html5 ruby element | Kusamakura, Hefty Water | |
html5 canvas element | Trees | |
MathML | Linear Algebra | |
html5 non-ascii-identifiers | Internal Links |
Feature | Details | Samples |
embedded in XHTML | Sous le Vent | |
spine-level | SVG-in-spine, Sous le Vent (with SVG in spine) |
Feature | Details | Samples |
Container-constrained | Widget Figure Gallery, Widget Quiz | |
Spine-level | Shared Culture, The Voyage of Life (with text overlays) | |
Using aria attributes | Shared Culture, The Voyage of Life (with text overlays) | |
epubReadingSystem queries | Shared Culture, The Voyage of Life (with text overlays) |
Feature | Details | Samples |
In-spine | Shared Culture, Kusamakura, Haruko, Haruko (with JPEGs in spine), Japanese Language Requirements, Japanese Language Requirements (English), Children's Literature | |
Out-of-spine | The Waste Land | |
page-list | Georgia, Children's Literature | |
landmarks | The Waste Land | |
NCX fallback | The Waste Land, childrens-media-query, Kusamakura, Japanese Language Requirements, Japanese Language Requirements (English) | |
@hidden | epub30-spec, Mahabharata, Children's Literature | |
span headings | Children's Literature |
Feature | Details | Samples |
Devanāgarī (देवनागरी) | Mahabharata | |
arabic (العربية) | writing from right to left | Regime Anti-cancer Arabic |
Japanese(日本語) | Vertical writing, right-to-left page progression direction | Kusamakura, Vertical Writing |
Feature | Details | Samples |
HTML5 ruby | Kusamakura | |
HTML5 dir/bdo | Regime Anti-cancer Arabic |
Feature | Details | Samples |
CSS3 Text | Kusamakura | |
CSS3 Writing Modes | Kusamakura | |
CSS3 Ruby Positioning | Hefty Water |
Feature | Details | Samples |
Day/Night | The Waste Land | |
Vertical/Horizontal | Kusamakura, Vertical Writing |
Feature | Details | Samples |
Embedded Fonts | Using WOFF | The Waste Land (WOFF fonts) |
Using OTF | The Waste Land (OTF fonts), Kusamakura | |
Font Obfuscation | Using WOFF | The Waste Land (obf. WOFF fonts) |
Using OTF | The Waste Land (obf. OTF fonts) |
Feature | Details | Samples |
screen size and orientation | The Swans |
Feature | Details | Samples |
basic multicol styling | Trees |
Feature | Details | Samples |
Namespaced attribute selectors | The Swans, Shared Culture |
Feature | Details | Samples |
Moby Dick (with media overlays), Kusamakura |
Feature | Details | Samples |
SSML attributes | Georgia | |
PLS dictionaries | Georgia | |
CSS3 Speech | Accessible EPUB 3 |
Feature | Details | Samples |
CFI | Intra-publication CFIs | Georgia (with EPUBCFIs) |
Feature | Details | Samples |
XHTML-based | Page Blanche, Haruko | |
SVG-based | SVG embedded in XHTML spine items | Sous le Vent |
SVG directly in spine | SVG-in-spine, Sous le Vent (with SVG in spine) | |
JPEG-based | JPEG directly in spine | Page Blanche (with JPEGs in spine), Haruko (with JPEGs in spine) |
Mixed reflowable/fixed | The Voyage of Life, The Voyage of Life (with text overlays) |
Feature | Details | Samples |
Feature | Details | Samples |
Feature | Details | Samples |
If you want to contribute to this project, here are your options:
We want to make sure all samples provided here are conformant, pristine, and employ best practices consistently. If you spot an issue while reviewing and/or testing the content, report it to the issue tracker.
If you want to contribute sample(s), please contact the project owners. After an initial discussion, they will either give you write access to the repository, or arrange some other means of getting the content into the repository. Note that all submitted content is by default subject to CC-BY-SA 3.0 licensing. As a contributor, you are able to specify attribution metadata only in the sample's package file. Note also that the project owners may suggest or even require modifications to your submissions to be done in order to meet the desired quality level.
If you want to contribute to an existing sample by adding to or varying some aspect of it, use the issue tracker and submit your patch as an attachment. Note that your submission must adhere to the same open source license as the containing sample.