iOS Marvel client app enable users to browse Marvel characters. Developed using VIPER and TDD.
Using this application, users will be able to browse through the Marvel library of characters. The data is available by connecting to the Marvel API .
App use cases
List of Characters:
- In this view, you should present a list of characters loaded from the Marvel API character index. Notice that the when reaching the end of the list, if there are additional results to show, you should load and present the next page.
Filter Results:
- When tapping on the magnifier icon, you should be able to search for characters by name. To do this, use the same endpoint used to list characters and use the name param to filter results.
Character Details:
- When selecting a character, you should present a detail view of that character. Most of this information is already available on the result of the first API call, except for the images to be presented on the comics/series/stories/events sections. Those images can be fetched from the resourceURI and should be lazy loaded. That same behaviour is expected when expanding those images.
Just clone the repo or download it in zip-file, Open the project in Xcode then test it on your iOS device or iOS simulator.
In case you want to change the project setup like Marvel API keys:
- Get your own keys from
- Inside Marvel/Marvel/AppConstants, change
with your owen keys.
+-- AppDependencies
| +-- AppDependencies.swift
+-- Common
| +-- RootWireframe.swift
+-- AppDelegate
| +-- AppDelegate.swift
+-- Storyboards
| +-- Main.storyboard
| +-- LaunchScreen.storyboard
+-- Extensions
| +-- UIColor+Palette.swift
| +-- UIImage+Decompression.swift
| +-- UIImageEffects.swift
| +-- String+UppercaseFirst.swift
+-- Models
| +-- Catalog.swift
| +-- Character Events
| +-- Character Stories
| +-- Charachter Series
| +-- CharachterComics
| +-- Charachter
+-- Assets
| +-- Assets.xcassets
+-- Utility
| +-- AppConstants
| +-- AppConstants
| +-- AppConstants.swift
+-- Marvel Base
| +-- Networking
| +-- Factory
| +-- MarvelFactory.swift
| +-- MarvelFactory+Comics.swift
| +-- MarvelFactory+Series.swift
| +-- MarvelFactory+Story.swift
| +-- MarvelFactory+Events.swift
| +-- Client
| +-- Networking.swift
| +-- MarvelGateway.swift
+-- Modules
| +-- List Characters
| +-- Application Logic
| +-- ListInteractor.swift
| +-- ListInteractorIO.swift
| +-- Module Interface
| +-- ListModuleInterface.swift
| +-- User Interface
| +-- Presenter
| +-- ListPresenter.swift
| +-- View
| +-- ListCharactersViewController.swift
| +-- SlidingMenuCell.swift
| +-- SlidingMenuLayout.swift
| +-- ListViewInterface.swift
| +-- Wireframe
| +-- ListWireframe.swift
| +-- Filter Characters
| +-- Application Logic
| +-- FilterInteractor.swift
| +-- FilterInteractorIO.swift
| +-- Module Interface
| +-- FilterModuleInterface.swift
| +-- User Interface
| +-- Presenter
| +-- FilterPresenter.swift
| +-- View
| +-- FilterCharactersTableViewController.swift
| +-- FilterTableViewCell.swift
| +-- FilterViewInterface.swift
| +-- Wireframe
| +-- FilterWireframe.swift
| +-- Characters Details
| +-- Application Logic
| +-- DetailsInteractor.swift
| +-- DetailsInteractorIO.swift
| +-- Module Interface
| +-- DetailsModuleInterface.swift
| +-- User Interface
| +-- Presenter
| +-- DetailsPresenter.swift
| +-- View
| +-- Parallex Transition
| +-- ParallaxTableViewController.swift
| +-- MarvelHeroesDetailsTableViewController.swift
| +-- CategoryRow.swift
| +-- CharacterSectionCollectionViewCell.swift
| +-- CharacterDetailsTopCellTableViewCell
| +-- RelatedLinksTableViewCell.swift
| +-- FooterReusableView.swift
| +-- CounterView.swift
| +-- DetailsViewInterface.swift
| +-- Wireframe
| +-- DetailsWireframe.swift
.swift tests
+-- MarvelAuthenticationTests.swift
+-- Interactor
| +-- ListInteractorTests.swift
| +-- FilterInteractorTests.swift
| +-- DetailsInteractorTests.swift
+-- Presenter
| +-- ListPresenterTests.swift
| +-- FilterPresenterTests.swift
| +-- DetailsPresenterTests.swift
+-- ViewController
| +-- ListViewTests.swift
AppDependencies : Contains the code that responsible for VIPER module configuration.
Common : Contains common behavior between VIPER modules like RootWireframe, all modules wireframes use this RootWireframe.
Extensions : Contains different Extensions like Color and image extension.
Models : Contains App Model layer.
Assets : Contains all resources like images used in the App.
Utility : Contains app utility classes like AppConstants that is a shared constant class between all classes.
Marvel Base : Is the core engine of the project. It contain the Networking logic (Networking.swift), MarvelGateway.swift
that is implemented to acheive the Dependency Inversion Principle between networking logic and the rest of the App. And MarvelFactory.swift
that implement/adopt to MarvelGateway.swift
and finally the app dealing with it to get data from te network.
Modules : Contains all VIPER Architecture design patterns modules. Every module has it's owen layer/components like Interactor, Presenter, View, Entity, Routing a.k.a (Wireframe).
MarvelTests : Contains all unit testing files like testing VIPER modules and MarvelAuthenticationTests.