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Bharathi Ramana Joshi, 2019121006
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Chapter 1

  • Rationality: each player acts to maximize their own utility
  • Intelligence: each player has the capability to compute their best action
  • Game Theory: the science of strategic interaction
  • Applications of game theory in the modern world:
    1. Matching markets
    2. Sponsored search auctions
    3. Crowdsourcing mechanisms
    4. Social Network Analysis

Chapter 2

  • Strategic form game: $\langle N, (S_i){i\in N}, (u_i){i\in N}\rangle$, where
    1. $N = {1,2,\dots,n}$: set of players
    2. $S_i$ is strategy set of player $i$
    3. $u_i : S_1\times S_2\times\dots S_n\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ : utility function
  • Common knowledge: all players know a fact, (all players know that)^n all players know a fact
  • Mutual knowledge: just all players know a fact, latter need not hold
  • Perfect information: every player knows the history of moves of all players
  • Complete information: no player has private information at the beginning of the game.

Chapter 3

  • Information set: set of states that are indistinguishable to an agent
  • Extensive form game: $\langle N, (A_i){i\in N}, \mathbb{H}, P, (\mathbb{I}){i\in N}, (u_i)_{i\in N}\rangle$ where
    1. $N = {1,2,\dots,n}$: set of players
    2. $A_i$: action set of player $i$
    3. $\mathbb{H}$: is the set of all terminal histories, where a terminal history is a path of actions from the root to a terminal node such that it is not a proper subhistory of any other terminal history. $S_ \mathbb{H}$ denotes the set of all proper subhistories (including the empty history $\epsilon$) of all terminal histories
    4. $P:S_{\mathbb{H}}\rightarrow N$ is the \textbf{player function} associating each proper subhistory to a certain player
    5. $\mathbb{I}_i$ is the set of all information sets of player $i$. It forms a partition of vertices of player $i$
    6. $u_i:\mathbb{H}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ gives the utility of player $i$ corresponding to each terminal history
  • Perfect information: all information sets are singleton, players always know where they are in the tree, know how they reached there (i.e. subhistory is known)
  • Strategy: $s_i : \mathbb{I}_i\rightarrow A_i$ such that $\forall J\in\mathbb{I}, s_i(J)\subseteq C(J)$ where $C(J)$ is the set of actions available to to player $i$ in the information set $J$ (i.e. $J\subseteq A_i$)

Chapter 4

  • Best response strategy: Given a strategic form game $\Gamma = \langle N, (S_i), (u_i)\rangle$, and a strategy profile $s_{-i}\in S_{-i}$, we say $s_i\in S_i$ is a best response strategy of player $i$ with respect to $s_{-i}$ if $u_i(s_i, s_{-i})\geq u_i(s_i', s_{-i}), \forall s_i'\in S_i$
  • Zero-sum game: sum of utilities in all outcomes is zero.
  • Common payoff games: payoffs are the same for both the players in all outcomes

Chapter 5

  • Strongly dominated strategy: $s_i'$ strongly dominates $s_i$ (or $s_i$ is strongly dominated by $s_i'$) if utility of $s_i'$ is strictly greater than utility of $s_i$, irrespective of the strategies of other players: \begin{align*} u_i(s_i', s_{-i}) > u_i(s_i, s_{-i}), \forall s_{-i}\in S_{-i} \end{align*}
  • Strongly dominant strategy: $s_i^$ is a strongly dominant strategy if it strongly dominates every other strategy available to player $i$. \begin{align} u_i(s_i^, s_{-i}) > u_i(s_i, s_{-i}), \forall s_{-i}\in S_{-i} & \forall s_{i}\in S_{i} \end{align}
  • Strongly dominant strategy equilibrium: a strategy profile where the strategy of every player is a strongly dominant strategy
  • Weakly dominated strategy: $s_i'$ weakly dominates $s_i$ (or $s_i$ is weakly dominated by $s_i'$) if: \begin{align*} u_i(s_i', s_{-i}) \geq u_i(s_i, s_{-i}), \forall s_{-i}\in S_{-i} &\ \exists s_{-i}\in S_{-i}\textrm{ such that } u_i(s_i', s_{-i}) > u_i(s_i, s_{-i}) \end{align*} i.e. strict inequality holds for at least one $s_{-i}$
  • Weakly dominant strategy: $s_i^*$ is weakly dominant strategy if it weakly dominates every other strategy available to player $i$.
  • Weakly dominant equilibrium: a strategy profile where the strategy of every player is a weakly dominant strategy.

Chapter 6

  • Given a strategic form game $\Gamma = \langle N, (S_i), (u_i)\rangle$, the strategy profile $s^* = (s_1^,\dots,s_n^)$ is called a Pure Strategy Nash Equilibrium of $\Gamma$ if \begin{align*} u_i(s_i^, s_{-i}^) \geq u_i(s_i, s_{-i}^), \forall s_i\in S_i \end{align} Or, equivalently, \begin{align*} u_i(s_i^, s_{-i}^) = max_i u_i(s_i, s_{-i}^), \forall s_i\in S_i \end{align} In other words, each player's PSNE strategy is a best response to the Nash equilibrium strategies of all the other players.
  • Best response correspondence: mapping $b_i : S_{-i}\rightarrow 2^{S_i}$ defined as: \begin{align*} b_i(S_{-i}) = {s_i\in S_i : u_i(s_i, s_{-i})\geq u_i(s_i', s_{-i}), \forall s_i'\in S_i} \end{align*} Using this, the strategy profile $(s_1^,\dots,s_n^)$
  • Any dominant strategy equilibrium is also a PSNE, other way need not hold.
  • Interpretations of PSNE:
    1. Prescription, insurance against unilateral deviation
    2. Scientific prediction of game outcome
    3. Self-enforcing agreement
    4. Evolution and steady state
  • Maxmin value: what is the minimum guaranteed payoff of player $i$, irrespective of what other players play? \begin{align*} \textrm{\underbar{$v_i$}} = \max_{s_i\in S_i} \min_{s_{-i}\in S_{-i}} u_i(s_i, s_{-i}) \end{align*}
  • Minmax value: what is the minimum payoff other players can force on player $i$, when they choose strategies that hurt player $i$ the most? \begin{align*} \bar{v_i} = \min_{s_{-i}\in S_{-i}} \max_{s_i\in S_i} u_i(s_i, s_{-i}) \end{align*}
  • PSNE payoff $\geq$ minmax $\geq$ maxmin

Chapter 7

  • Mixed strategy: probability distribution over strategies
  • Joint probability of pure strategy is then defined as \begin{align*} \sigma(s_1,\dots,s_n) = \Pi_{i\in N}\sigma_i(s_i) \end{align*}
  • The utilities are defined as \begin{align*} U_i(\sigma_1,\dots,\sigma_n) = \sum_{(s_1,\dots,s_n)\in S}\sigma(s_1,\dots,s_n)u_i(s_1,\dots,s_n) \end{align*}
  • Mixed Strategy Nash Equilibrium: a profile $(\sigma_1^,\dots,\sigma_n^)$ such that \begin{align*} u_i(\sigma_i^, \sigma_{-i}^)\geq u_i(\sigma_i, \sigma_{-i}^), \forall \sigma_i\in \Delta (S_i) \end{align}
  • The payoff for any player under a mixed strategy can be computed as a convex combination of the payoffs obtained when the player plays pure strategies with the rest of the players playing $\sigma_{-i}$: \begin{align*} u_i(\sigma_i, \sigma_{-i}) = \sum_{s_i\in S_i} \sigma_i(s_i)u_i(s_i, \sigma_{-i}) \end{align*} where \begin{align*} u_i(s_i, \sigma_{-i}) = \sum_{s_{-i}\in S_{-i}} (\prod_{j\neq i}\sigma_{-ij}(s_{-ij})) u_i(s_i, s_{-i}) \end{align*}
  • The highest payoff player $i$ can achieve using a mixed strategy is equal to the highest strategy he can achieve using a pure strategy: \begin{align*} \max_{\sigma_i\in\Delta(S_i)} u_i(\sigma_i, \sigma_{-i}) = \max_{s_i\in S_i} u_i(s_i) \end{align*} Furthermore, this is achieved iff probabilities of strategies not in $argmax_{s_i\in S_i}u_i(s_i, \sigma_{-i})$ is zero
  • Support of a mixed strategy: set of strategies with nonzero probabilities. Denoted by $\delta(\sigma_i)$
  • Support of a mixed strategy profile: cross product over players of set of strategies with nonzero probabilities
  • A mixed strategy profile $(\sigma_1^,\dots,\sigma_n^)$ is a Nash equilibrium iff $\forall i\in N$
    1. $u_i(s_i, \delta_{-i}^)$ is the same $\forall s_i\in\delta(\sigma_i^)$ and
    2. $u_i(s_i, \delta_{-i}^)\geq u_i(s_i', \delta_{-i}^)$, $\forall s_i'\not\in\delta(\sigma_i^*)$ The above conditions are necessary and sufficient.

Above theorem can be used to compute MSNE for the following game as follows:

MSNE Computation example utilities{height=10%}

MSNE Computation example


  1. In MSNE, every player gets same payoff by playing any nonzero probability pure strategy
  2. To verify MSNE, it is enough to consider the effects of only pure strategy deviations
  • For $s_i\in S_i$, $e(s_i)$ denotes the degenerate mixed strategy assigning 1 to $s_i$ and 0 to all other strategies. Then, $(s_1^,\dots,s_n^)$ is a PSNE iff $(e(s_1^),\dots,e(s_n^))$ is a MSNE.

Chapter 8

  • Ordinal utilities: actual values don't matter, just relative order does
  • A lottery is a probability distribution over outcomes. If $X = {x_1,\dots,x_n}$ is a set of outcomes, a lottery is: \begin{align*} [x_1:p_1,\dots,x_n:p_n] \end{align*} If there is uncertainty over outcomes, preferences can be over lotteries, instead of specific outcomes.
  • Axioms of von Neumann-Morgenstern utility theory: these model the kinds of preferences players can have
    1. Completeness : $\forall x_1, x_2, x_1 > x_2,\ or x_2 > x_1,\ or x_1\sim x_2$
    2. Transitivity
    3. Substitutability/independence: if $x_1\sim x_2$, then they can be substituted for each other.
    4. Decomposability/simplification of lotteries: $P_{\sigma_1}(x_i) = P_{\sigma_2}(x_i) \forall x_i\implies \sigma_1\sim \sigma_2$
    5. Monotonicity: $x_1 > x_2\ &\ 1\geq p > q \geq 0\implies [p : x_1, 1 - p : x_2] > [q : x_1, 1 - q : x_2]$
    6. Continuity: $x_1 > x_2\ &\ x_2 > x_3\implies\exists p\in [0, 1]$ such that $x_2\sim [p : x_1, 1 - p : x_3]$
  • von Neumann-Morgenstern theorem: given a set of outcomes $X = {x_1,\dots,x_n}$ satisfying the von Neumann-Morgenstern axioms, there exists a utility function $u : X\rightarrow [0, 1]$ such that
    1. $u(x_1)\geq u(x_2)$ iff $x_1\geq x_2$
    2. $u([p_1:x_1;\dots;p_n:x_n]) = \sum_{j = 1}^m p_j u(x_j)$
  • Because of the axioms, we can binary search between maximum preferred and minimum preferred outcomes to compute utilities of all outcomes.

Chapter 9

  • Saddle point: maximum in its column, minimum in its row.
  • Value of matrix game in pure strategy $= v = \bar{v} = \underbar{v}$, if it exists.
  • Saddle point, if it exists, is a PSNE.
  • If $a_{ij}$ and $a_{hk}$ are both saddle points, then $a_{ik}$ and $a_{hj}$ are also saddle points.
  • All saddle points lead the same payoffs to all players
  • Row player tries to maxmin, column player tries to minmax
  • Row player's LP ($LP_1$): \begin{align*} &\textrm{maximize } z \textrm{ subject to }\ &z - \sum_{i = 1}^{m} a_{ij}x_i\leq 0, j = 1,\dots,n\ &\sum_{i = 1}^{m}x_i = 1 \end{align*} Column player's LP ($LP_2$): \begin{align*} &\textrm{minimize } w \textrm{ subject to }\ &w - \sum_{j = 1}^{n} a_{ij}y_j\geq 0, i = 1,\dots,m\ &\sum_{j = 1}^{n}y_j = 1 \end{align*}
  • Minimax theorem: for $m\times n$ matrix game, there is a mixed strategy of row player $x* = (x_1*,\dots,x_n*)$ and a mixed strategy of column player $y* = (y_1*,\dots,y_n*)$ such that \begin{align*} \end{align*}

Chapter 10

  • Kakutani's Fixed Point Theorem: If $X\subset\mathbb{R}^n$ is a non-empty, compact, and convex subset of $\mathbb{R}^n$ and $f:X\rightarrow X$ is a correspondence such that

    1. $f$ is upper hemicontinuous
    2. $f(x)\subset X, \forall x\in X$ is non-empty and convex

    Then $f$ has a fixed point in $X$

  • Nash equilibrium as fixed point of pure best response correspondence $b : S_1\times\dots\times S_n\rightarrow S_1\times\dots\times S_n$ and of mixed best response correspondence $b : \Delta(S_1)\times\dots\times \Delta(S_n)\rightarrow \Delta(S_1)\times\dots\times \Delta(S_n)$

  • Sufficient conditions for the existence of PSNE

  • Nash theorem : every finite game has a a MSNE

Chapter 13

  • Strategic form game with incomplete information: $\langle N, (\Theta_i), (S_i), (p_i), (u_i)\rangle$ where
    1. $(\Theta_i)$ : is the type of player $i$, which captures the private information this player has
    2. $(p_i)$ : is a mapping $\Theta_i\rightarrow \Delta(\Theta_{-i})$, capturing what player $i$ guesses other players' types are given $i's$ own type is $\theta_i$ as a probability distribution
  • Consistency of beliefs: differences in beliefs can be explained by differences in information: \begin{align*} p_i(\theta_{-i} | \theta_i) = \frac{\mathbb{P}(\theta_i, \theta_{-i})}{\sum_{t_{-i}\in\Theta_{-i}} \mathbb{P}(\theta_i, t_{-i})} \end{align*} In other words, there is a prior probability distribution which can be conditionalized using Bayes' theorem upon player $i$'s type
  • Strategy vs action in Bayesian game: strategy is a mapping $\Theta_i\rightarrow S_i$
  • Selten game of the Bayesian game $\langle N, (\Theta_i), (S_i), (p_i), (u_i)\rangle$ is the equivalent strategic form game $\langle N^S, (S_{\theta_i}){\theta_i\in\Theta_i & i\in N}, (U{\theta_i})_{\theta_i\in\Theta_i & i\in N}) \rangle$ Each player in the original Bayesian game is replaced with a type agent corresponding to each type in the typeset of the player

Chapter 14

  • Mechanism Design Environment
    1. $n$ rational & intelligent agents ${1,\dots,n}$
    2. $X$ set of outcomes
    3. $\theta_i$ Type/private value of agent $i$
    4. $\Theta_i$ set of types/private values of agent $i$. Type profile is $(\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n)$
    5. $\mathbb{P}\in\Delta(\Theta)$ common prior
    6. $u_i : X\times\Theta_i\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ utility function
    7. $X, N, \Theta_i, \mathbb{P}$ are assumed to be common knowledge
  • Social Choice Function: $f:\Theta_1\times\dots\times\Theta_n\rightarrow X$, for given $N, \Theta_1,\dots,\Theta_n,X$
  • Preference elicitation problem : problem of social planner getting agents' types
  • Preference aggregation problem : computing outcome from reported types
  • Direct mechanism: If $f$ is a social choice function, a direct (revelation) mechanism corresponding to $f$ consists of the tuple $(\Theta_1,\dots,\Theta_n,f(.))$
  • Indirect mechanism : tuple $(S_1,\dots,S_n,g(.))$ where $S_i$ is the action set for agent $i$ and $g:S_1\times\dots\times S_n\rightarrow X$ maps action profiles to outcomes
  • Bayesian game induced by a mechanism: the mechanism $\langle N, (\Theta_i), \mathbb{P}, X, u_i : X\times\theta_i\rightarrow \mathbb{R}\rangle$ induces the bayeisan game $\langle N, (\Theta_i), (S_i), (p_i), (U_i)\rangle$ where \begin{align*} U_i(\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n,s_1,\dots,s_n) = u_i(g(s_1,\dots,s_n), \theta_i) \end{align*}
  • Strategies in induced bayeisan game : what will player $i$ play was their type $\theta_i$? Denoted by $s_i(\theta_i)$ where $s_i:\Theta_i\rightarrow S_i$
  • Implementation of SCF: a mechanism $\mathbb{M} = ((S_i)_{i\in N}, g(.))$ where $g:S_i\times\dots\times S_n\rightarrow X$ implements the social choice function $f(.)$ if there is a pure strategy equilibrium $s^(.) = (s^_1(.),\dots,s^_n(.))$ of the Bayesian game induced by $\mathbb{M}$ such that $g(s^_1(\theta_1),\dots,s^*_n(\theta_n)) = f(\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n), \forall (\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n)\in (\Theta_1,\dots,\Theta_n)$

Chapter 15

  • Implementability of SCFs
  • Implementation in Dominant Strategy (DSI) : a mechanism $\mathbb{M} = ((S_i)_{i\in N}, g(.))$ where $g:S_i\times\dots\times S_n\rightarrow X$ implements the social choice function $f(.)$ in Dominant Strategy if there is a weakly dominant strategy equilibrium $s^(.) = (s^_1(.),\dots,s^_n(.))$ in the Bayesian game induced by $\mathbb{M}$ such that $g(s^_1(\theta_1),\dots,s^*_n(\theta_n)) = f(\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n), \forall (\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n)\in (\Theta_1,\dots,\Theta_n)$
  • Implementation in Bayesian Nash Equilibrium (BNI) : a mechanism $\mathbb{M} = ((S_i)_{i\in N}, g(.))$ where $g:S_i\times\dots\times S_n\rightarrow X$ implements the social choice function $f(.)$ in Bayesian Nash equilibrium if there is a pure strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium $s^(.) = (s^_1(.),\dots,s^_n(.))$ in the Bayesian game induced by $\mathbb{M}$ such that $g(s^_1(\theta_1),\dots,s^*_n(\theta_n)) = f(\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n), \forall (\theta_1,\dots,\theta_n)\in (\Theta_1,\dots,\Theta_n)$

Chapter 16

  • Dominant Strategy Incentive Compatibility (DSIC): A SCF $f: \Theta_1\times\dots\times\Theta_n\rightarrow X$ is said to be Dominant Strategy Incentive Compatible if the direct revelation mechanism $\mathbb{D} = ((\Theta_i)_{i\in N}, f)$ has a weakly dominant strategy equilibrium $s^* = (s^_1(.),\dots,s^_n(.))$ in which $s^*_i(\theta_i) = \theta_i, \forall i\in N$
  • Bayesian Incentive Compatibility (BIC): A SCF $f: \Theta_1\times\dots\times\Theta_n\rightarrow X$ is said to be Bayesian Incentive Compatible if the direct revelation mechanism $\mathbb{D} = ((\Theta_i)_{i\in N}, f)$ has a Bayesian Nash equilibrium $s^* = (s^_1(.),\dots,s^_n(.))$ in which $s^*_i(\theta_i) = \theta_i, \forall i\in N$
  • Revelation principle: illustrates the relationship between an indirect implementation and the direct implementation of a social choice function.
  • Ex-Post Efficiency: no individual can be better off without making at least one individual worse off. Mathematically, a social choice function $f : \Theta\rightarrow X$ is EPE if for every type profile $\theta\in\Theta$, the outcome $f(\theta)$ is Pareto optimal. An outcome $f(\theta)$ is Pareto optimal if there is outcome $x\in X$ such that \begin{align*} &u_i(x, \theta_i)\geq u_i(f(\theta), \theta_i), \forall i\in N, \ &\ &u_i(x, \theta_i) > u_i(f(\theta), \theta_i), \textrm{ for some } i\in N, \ \end{align*}
  • Dictator is an individual for whom all outcomes of the SCF turn out to be most favored outcomes.
  • A preference relation on a set of choices is \textbf{rational} if it is reflexive, transitive and complete.
  • Properties of rational preference relations:
    1. Any preference relation induced by a utility function $u_i(.,\theta_i)$ is rational.
    2. For any finite set, every rational preference relation on it has infinitely many utility functions inducing it.
  • Strict-Total Preference Relation: Rational preference relation that is also antisymmetric
  • Gibbard-Satterthwaite Impossibility Theorem: A SCF $f:\Theta\rightarrow X$ such that
    1. $X$ is finite and $|X|\geq 3$
    2. $\mathbb{R}_i = \mathbb{P}$, $\forall i\in N$
    3. $f$ is onto, i.e. all outcomes are possible then $f$ is DSIC iff it is dictatorial


  • Why does Nash equilibrium guarantee at least maxmin value?