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The joint_log_prob callable: connecting model building and inference in TFP.

The goal of probabilistic inference is to find a probability distribution consistent with one or more observed values. TensorFlow Probability (TFP) offers different tools for probabilistic inference, which are all based on a user-defined Python callable: a joint_log_prob function. This callable returns a single Tensor representing the log of the joint probability of a given set of concretized values of some model's random variables. The concretized values must themselves also be Tensors and are specified by the callable's function signature.

All joint_log_prob functions have the following structure:

  1. The function takes a set of inputs representing the values of the random variables in the model. These inputs must be convertible to Tensors. Typically the function would support computing batches of inputs, i.e., a vector of inputs. (For more information on batches see TensorFlow Distributions, section 3.3.)

  2. Internally the joint_log_prob function uses probability distributions to measure the plausibility of the given set of values. By convention, we recommend that the distribution which measures the plausibility of the value foo be named rv_foo. Distributions may or may not be composed from values associated with other random variables; we use the following names to distinguish these two cases:

    a. A prior distribution is an unconditional measure of the likelihood of an input value. It is not parameterized by other input values. Mathematically, a prior probability is written as p(X=x).

    b. A conditional distribution measures the likelihood of an input value but is parameterized by other input values. Mathematically, a conditional probability is written as p(Y=y|X=x).

  3. The function returns the total log probability of the inputs. The total log probability is the sum of the log probabilities as measured by the model's constituent prior and conditional distributions. As a convention, we measure model values using log probabilities rather than "straight" probabilities. Since probabilities have a very large dynamic range, computing log probabilities is often more numerically stable.

Consider the following example.

def joint_log_prob(heads, coin_bias):
    """Joint log probability of coin flips under a non-informative prior.

      heads: `Tensor` of coin flips; a `0` or `1`.
      coin_bias: `Tensor` of possible coin biases.

      joint_log_prob: The joint log probability measure of given coin flips and
        coin bias.
    rv_coin_bias = tfp.distributions.Uniform(low=0., high=1.)  # Prior
    rv_heads = tfp.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=coin_bias)    # Conditional
    return (rv_coin_bias.log_prob(coin_bias) +
            tf.reduce_sum(rv_heads.log_prob(heads), axis=-1))

In this example, the input values are observed outcomes from a coin flipping experiment and the coin bias (a number in [0, 1] representing the chance of heads). The joint_log_prob takes the provided values of heads and coin_bias and computes the overall log probability of these values.

  1. The prior distribution, rv_coin_bias, measures the plausibility of the provided coin_bias.

  2. The conditional distribution, rv_heads, measures the plausibility of heads, assuming coin_bias is the probability of heads.

The resulting sum of the log of these probabilities is the joint log probability.

The joint_log_prob is particularly useful in concert with the tfp.mcmc and modules. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithms are useful for sampling from implicitly normalized probability measures, i.e., they need only an unnormalized log-probability function to draw samples from the corresponding normalized log- probability.

Although we generically refer to this callable as the joint_log_prob, it is not presumed normalized. In other words, the sum of probabilities over all possible combinations of its arguments does not necessarily equal 1. This relaxation is useful, for example, when using MCMC to generate samples from the posterior distribution, i.e., p(x|y) = p(y|x)p(x) / p(y) where p(y) = integral{ p(y|x)p(x) : x in X }. If p(y) is intractable (and it often is), the tfp.mcmc module can generate samples from the normalized posterior log-probability using only the unnormalized posterior log-probability. For example, returning to our coin flipping example, the unnormalized (heads) posterior log-probability is:

unnormalized_posterior_log_prob = lambda coin_bias: joint_log_prob(heads, coin_bias)

Notice that this closure "pins" the joint_log_prob at some value of heads and is only a function of coin_bias. If we had normalized this "pinned" function, we'd obtain the normalized posterior log-probability. To normalize this pinned function we could calculate the sum of all possible joint probabilities over all possible combinations of heads.