A music player app where fans can keep up to date with their favorite artists.
This is a companion Flutter app to go along with the Take your Flutter app from boring to beautiful codelab. This codelab guides you step-by-step through modifying MyArtist's design to look beautiful across platforms and devices.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
To run the final app:
cd final
flutter run
Optional: Replace final
with any of the step_XX directories to see the
app state at intermediate steps.
Images sourced from Adobe Stock and Unsplash.
- record.jpeg: Adobe Stock
- artist1-album1.jpg: Keagan Henman
- artist1-album2.jpg: Keagan Henman
- artist1-album3.jpg: Keagan Henman
- artist2-album2.jpg: Alice Alinari
- artist3-album1.jpg: Alice Alinari
- artist4-album1.jpg: Jr Korpa
- artist4-album2.jpg: Alexandru Acea
- artist4-album3.jpg: Stormseeker
- artist5-album1.jpg: pawel szvmanski
- artist5-album2.jpg: pawel szvmanski
- artist6-album1.jpg: Drew Dizzy Graham
- artist6-album2.jpg: Saffu
- artist6-album3.jpg: Vicko Mozara
- joe.jpg: Natalie Runnerstrom
- woman.jpeg: Daniel Monteiro
- concert.jpeg: Adobe Stock
- concert_heart.jpg: Anthony DELANOIX
- recording_studio.jpg: Yohann LIBOT
- austin.jpg: Carlos Alfonso
- calm.jpg: Jared Rice
- coffee.jpg: Nathan Dumlao
- favorite.jpg: Karsten Winegeart
- jazz.jpg: dimitri.photography
- piano.jpg: Jordan Whitfield
- reading.jpg: Alexandra Fuller
- studying.jpg: Humble Lamb
- workout.jpg: Karsten Winegeart