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What are Swift's Keypaths?

They help with KVO and more!


Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging
This article has been developed using Xcode 11.4.1, and Swift 5.2.2



keypath: Read-only access to a property writablekeypath: read-write access to a value-type property referencewritablekeypath: read-write access to a reference-type property


Combine uses ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Bool> in the assign function

func assign<Root>(to keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Root, Bool>, on object: Root) -> AnyCancellable

which is the one that allows us to connect to UIKit elements, for example

validationSub = loginViewModel?.userValidation
    .receive(on: RunLoop.main)
    .assign(to: \.isEnabled, on: loginView.loginButton)

That seems fine, but what are keypaths? How are they used, and what do they mean?

Could you make an article explaining this for me?

I don't mind if I do!

What is a keypath?

A keypath provides read-only access to a property, whilst a writable keypath provides (well...) writable access to a property.

A keypath example

Perhaps the best way to describe this access is through an example, where we can set up a rather basic struct object.

struct Person {
    var firstname: String
    var secondname: String
    var age: Int
let dave = Person(firstname: "Dave", secondname: "Trencher" , age: 21)

we can then access the properties through WritableKeyPath<Person, String> or WritableKeyPath<Person, Int> (where firstname and secondname are represented by a String and age is represeted by a Int).

The following keypath therefore returns a String, and that can be printed out

let firstname: String = dave[keyPath: \Person.firstname]
print (firstname) // Dave

Now even the property type can be stored

var writableKeyPathFirstName: WritableKeyPath<Person, String> = \Person.firstname
print (dave[keyPath: writableKeyPathFirstName]) // Dave

which means that you can potentially use the same property in multiple places, and storing it as a property itself means that it would only need to be stored in one place.

Nested properties

The following is an example of nested keypaths

struct Socks {
    var sockname: String

struct DrawContents {
    var name: String
    var socks: Socks

let topdrawer = DrawContents(name: "top", socks: Socks(sockname: "Birthday Socks"))
print (topdrawer)
print (topdrawer[keyPath: \]) // top
print (topdrawer[keyPath: \DrawContents.socks.sockname]) // Birthday Socks

KeyPath composition

Swift allows you to dynamically combine keypaths at runtime (of course the types need to be compatible).

let topdrawerkpath = \DrawContents.socks
let sockspath = \Socks.sockname
let composedPath: WritableKeyPath<DrawContents, String> = topdrawerkpath.appending(path: sockspath)

KeyPaths as type-erased variants

You may wish to have a keypath that does not require the Value parameter

let drawerName: PartialKeyPath<DrawContents> = \.name
let drawerSocks: PartialKeyPath<DrawContents> = \.socks

So both drawerName and drawerSocks can be stored with the same type: PartialKeyPath<DrawContents>. The Value parameter has been type-erased.

KeyPaths of reference types

This shouldn't be a too big surprise, but if you use a keypath on a reference type (for example a class )

let horse = Animal(name: "Keith")
var refKeyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Animal, String> = \
let animalname: String = horse[keyPath: \] // Keith

Are keypaths new?

Keypaths have been around for some time, they're present in Objective-C! However, they were not type safe (keyPath() is actually a String).



Key path cannot refer to static member 'lifeform'

If we change Person to have a static var.

struct Person {
    static var lifeform = "Carbon"
    var firstname: String
    var secondname: String
    var age: Int

dave[keyPath: \Person.lifeform] // Key path cannot refer to static member 'lifeform'

As, well, keypaths cannot refer to static members! What a shame!


So, keypaths are actually useful in iOS development, being relevant for Combine and SwiftUI. You want to buckle up and become familiar with this, or not? I'd say that the former is more important - and you can read up on this HERE.

I hope that this article has helped you out in become more familar in this relatively new feature of Swift.

If you've any questions, comments or suggestions please hit me up on Twitter