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This is a standalone server which implements the Rosetta API

When complete this will allow cryptocurrency exchanges with this binary to read and write ICPT transactions using a standard interface.

The Rosetta API uses slightly different terminology to us: * Accounts are canisters on our system * Shards are subnets * Mempools are the ingress queue

Building and running Docker image

You can build the Docker image with a GitHub ic repo checkout:

cd rs/rosetta-api
docker build . \
    --file docker/ic-rosetta-api.Dockerfile \
    --tag dfinity/rosetta-api

Once the image is built, start Rosetta API server with

docker run \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --user $(id -u) \
    --publish 8080:8080 \
    --rm \

Connecting to local dfx replica with ic-rosetta-api

You need nghttp2. If you have nix, it’s avaiable as nixpkgs.nghttp2.

After installing it, assuming dfx replica is listening at 8080 port, run this command in another terminal session:

$ nghttpx --backend ",8080" --frontend ",2053;no-tls"

This will reforward the connections to 2053 port, supporting plain-text http2. You can then pass --ic-url to ic-rosetta-api.